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10 Good

Personal Information

  • Name
    Ken Parker


  • Location
    La Porte, United States


  • City
    La Porte


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2005 Venture
  1. I guess I make 27. Proud owner of a 2010 Goldwing, had it 1 month+ 3k miles, still can't quit smilin'
  2. I got the Navigation in 9mTitanium
  3. Thanks, to all I thought of one more question: I was wondering if the Yamaha head set cable will work with Goldwging
  4. Sorry about that a GL1800 with Navigation, XM radio, Comfort package, Tire Pressure Monitor.
  5. Well after 2 years on the Venture I have decided to get a 2010 Nav. I go to Arkansas Friday the 4th. to pick it up. I bought it from Sunrise Honda in Searcy Ar. A 505 mile trip from here in the Houston area. We have been going to the hill country here in Texas each fall and I can hardly wait till this August. Anyway, my question is: what can I expect on the break in i.e. speed restriction. The one I test drove here really handled well. The only concern was the size of the shifter. But I guess I will get used to that.
  6. If you do not use the tape player you may consider removing it and thus using the space for storage (mp3 player, phone, etc.) there is a link on venturers.org for this. The extra space really comes in handy. You can run your aux. cable through the side of the case and plug in the player, phone, gps, or whatever.
  7. The Flag Code suggests that, “when a flag has served its useful purpose, it should be destroyed, preferably by burning.” For individual citizens this should be done discreetly so that the act of destruction is not perceived as a protest or desecration. Many American Legion posts conduct Disposal of Unserviceable Flag Ceremonies on June 14, Flag Day, each year. This ceremony creates a particularly dignified and solemn occasion for the disposal of unserviceable flags
  8. Well on my home from work this morning I lost the head and tail lights, also the speedo lights are out. The brake, turn, and radio still work. I was able able to pull in to a convience store and got my wife to pick me up. I am going to try and get some sleep then back and see what is wrong (I hope). In the mean time any suggestions? It is still dark so I am going to try and get a few hours sleep then make my try at getting the bike back home. Thanks in advance. oh yeah the warning and neutral lights are still working. Ken
  9. THE University of Texas Longhorns HOOK 'EM HORNS
  10. Owen I will be bringing fruit and vegetable trays. Do you know if anyone will have the equipment for carb tuneups.
  11. Owen, Becky and I will be attending, we can bring deserts or side dishes just let me know what is needed. I have been working during the last 4 ofr 5 maintenance days and sure am looking forward to meeting more of the experts and ace mechanics. Looking forward to it, Ken Parker
  12. I had the same issue awhile back. I measured and cut a piece of 3/8 stainless steel tubing and it works great.
  13. Well I dumped the ride Wednesday evening in the rain, what a mess. Moron with no lights on his truck or trailer slams on his brakes in front of me to make a left turn. My options were limited to hitting his low boy trailer or the pavement. Fortunately I was able to slow to about 20 or so when I hit ( I chose the pavement). Broken clavicle and minor road rash. It could have been much worse. God was surely looking out for me. The bike has some pretty serious damage on the left side and the helmet sure did its job. I am in the need for a one stop repair shop around the LaPorte, Baytown Pasadena area. Any recommendations would be appreciated. I will post some pictures this afternoon. Thanks.
  14. I'll take one also.
  15. I replaced the tires last summer Elite 3 and the wear pattern looks good, I also did the "simple" test for the bearing ( put the bike on a stand and let the bars fall side to side) that also seemed okay. With the bike on the stand and rotating the wheel by hand there was a slight grinding noise but I attributed that to brakes could that cause a vibration in the front wheel?
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