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County Mounty

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About County Mounty

  • Birthday June 16

Personal Information

  • Name
    Paul Melanson


  • Location
    Bouctouche, Canada


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  • Home Country


  • Interests
  • Bike Year and Model
    2005 Venture
  1. Hey does anybody know how to contact Buddy Rich for the bluetooth adapter. I tried Kennedy's and got this reply. Sorry, we don't have any interfaces or connections for the Rider 2. Jon On Jun 30, 2009, at 3:09 AM, Paul Melanson aliant mail wrote: Hi I have a 2005 Yamaha Royal Venture & a Tomtom Rider 2nd. Do you have an adapter that will permit me to use my current headset wiring and connect to tomtom via Bluetooth .
  2. VR International in Moncton N.B. Canada during the month of june During the largest maritime Bike show ATLANTICADE. Come North have some fun .
  3. I have a broken CB antenna it's the top part does anybody know where I can get a replacement ? Yamaha wants 225.00 for a complete antenna.

  4. Does anybody know if you can convert or add a bluetooth to a regular JM headset. Seems like a shame to through out a working headset. County Mounty:bobby:
  5. I noticed that if my CB is on and I use the horn, I get loud static in the speakers. Does anybody else have this problem ? What is the cause a bad filter?
  6. On the right hand side sitting on the bike underneath the handlebar you will see a long screw sticking out. That's the adjustment for horizontal.
  7. Does anybody know if his still in business. I've email twice no answer and the phone 360-556-1733 is not connected.
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