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Everything posted by mirider

  1. BUT........"she" has horns :confused07:
  2. We are fully aware of the Pucster's propensities on directions. However, the saner bunch of us tend to rely on modern conveniences like GPS. Perhaps if we take the carferry across that would alleviate the problem for one leg of the journey, assuming he could find his way to Ludington.
  3. Sounds like a GREAT idea. :banana:I'm sure @cowpuc would have room somewhere on Tweeks to carry enough hot dogs for all of us on the trip. :happy65:How bout it you VR michigan varmits......group ride this summer :confused07:
  4. At my age, I don't plan more than a week or so ahead. [emoji848] Hope we can make it.....would like to get back over to Wisconsin sometime next summer.
  5. Aw shucks......had my heart set on a brand new tri-glide.[emoji22] Guess second prize isn't so bad though, them's mighty good hot dogs. [emoji1303]
  6. Puc, put me down for a new Harley tri-glide.......[emoji106]🏻 On second thought, I'm sure I will win on the MG&EM end of the equation.....thx !!! [emoji1]
  7. Right back at ya Larry and best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year to all VR members.
  8. Better half and I took our 12yr old grandson to see it yesterday. Lots of action, storyline similar to original and some surprises......
  9. With the recent firing-up of @Flyinfool 's machine, there was some collateral damage in @cowpuc 's home base as the WWII LST 393 suffered some damage from the storm on 12/28 per the attached report: http://www.wzzm13.com/story/news/2015/12/29/high-wind-lst-ship-muskegon/78041800/. I know fool's been claiming innocence as he is laid low by an injury, but that storm on monday was a doozie !!
  10. THAT sure explains a lot !!!
  11. Think we put about 5000 miles on Big Mac this summer.....at least half of it following @cowpuc around at one of his MG&EM events, looking for a place that actually had hot dogs
  12. A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS to all Venture Rider Members and special holiday greetings and best wishes to those members I have been privileged to personally meet this past year...... @cowpuc @billmac @bluestar99 @Carbon_One @dogman @Marcarl @Drews @habfan, and @stanG. Hope to meet many more in 2016 !
  13. I did a lot of shopping for full coverage insurance when I got my 09 RSV and found Progressive to be the best deal. Don't know if they are available in Canada but you might check them. I pay a little over $500/yr. which includes $150 for the Michigan Mcca surcharge.
  14. Does this mean we get a free dental exam with our hot dogs That is, if we even have hot dogs.
  15. Wow Puc ! Had no idea you and Tip delivered one of your kids at home. Nice story and happy that things turned out well in spite of the circumstances. Having had 6 children ourselves, I am very grateful we made it to the hospital for each but were close on one.
  16. Sorry to read of your loss. Glad to hear no injuries or damage to your house. Thoughts and prayers sent your way.
  17. Hey Ron - don't be encouraging that varmit, he's dangerous enough as it is. Happy holidays right back at ya..... Egads, I just realized I've been hijacking my own thread
  18. Drews - I'm thinking we may have to cross the bridge for some of those pasties next year unless Puc can guarantee the spot he picks actually has hot dogs,,,,
  19. Yep, have just about tried them all. Interesting side note: if you go to their web site (Lehtos.com) you can order them sent to your home. One question....are you a gravy or ketchup kind of guy
  20. @cowpuc - Found a google street view to go with pic in post #30 above. This has got to be the place you're thinking of ???
  21. One thing I know for sure.....Carrie Fisher can no longer wear the Jabba the Hut slave costume [emoji33]
  22. Yeah, it can be confusing but actually, the first movie was always episode IV. [emoji106]🏻
  23. LOVE the Star Wars series of movies, own the whole set on DVD, and watch them often with grandkids. Will wait til the hub-bub dies down to see the new one but understand it's better than the last three (I,II,&III). Funny story: When the first movie came out back in the 70's , a friend I worked with said they had opened a new "dinner theater" in the small town of Hastings, Michigan and the first feature was Star Wars. Asked if we'd like to double with the wives, take in dinner and a movie. Envisioning the "dinner theater" to be an upscale experience, the women bought new dresses and all four of us dolled up for the occasion. Long story short, the "dinner theater" was nothing more than the old movie house with a micro-wave box lunch. At least we were the best dressed patrons at the movie.
  24. Puc - Most of the pasty shops close to St. Ignace are on the N. side of the road but Lehto's is out a few miles on the S. side, is small, and just past a rest stop.....could this be the one you're talking about
  25. Speaking of da UP.......saw this and immediately thought of you @cowpuc
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