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Everything posted by mirider

  1. This one made me laugh.......http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/Video-Easter-Bunny-Costume-Motorcycle-Stopped-Helmet-200798221.html
  2. First bike I owned was a little Suzuki 100 street bike but have owned four Yamaha models over the years:73' Yamaha 125 Enduro, 78' 650 twin, 03' Vstar 650 Silverado, and my current 09' RSV. Also had a Honda 350 Scrambler in there somewhere. Pics of Yammies below.
  3. Well, you went from a 10 to a 4 or 5 on the "gross" meter so it looks like things are progressing well.
  4. Speaking of awards.....I'm still waiting for the "Past Attendee" M&EM award promised by Puc in a post sometime ago. I run to my mailbox everyday in great anticipation, but Alas, nothing has shown up yet.
  5. If you can drive a Harley with that hand, you sure ought to be able to hold a hot dog !!!
  6. @cowpuc - I have to say that video of your hand made me wince. [emoji33].....and I worked in a hospital X-ray dept. when I was young and saw lots of gore. [emoji102] Sue and I are wishing you a speedy recovery. [emoji1303]
  7. Think I saw a recent thread on how to take a dog riding with you. Check this out.......https://www.facebook.com/SilviaSaintOfficial/videos/1009557522436012/
  8. Looks to me like that hand WILL grab a hot dog......or grab a fistful of front brake !! [emoji1303]
  9. Couldn't agree more with your statement. However, when someone does ask advice it is nice that someone with real experience gives a review rather than someone just stating a biased opinion based on their own personal likes or dislikes. That serves no educational purpose to anyone. I will say no more on the subject and be content with the ride choice I have made. As I am a relatively new member here, I can see I have tweaked the establishment so I will be much more cautious in the future with my own comments.
  10. I have never understood why some individuals, when discussing a topic, must use disparaging terms to prove their point. Guess it just comes with the territory on public forums.
  11. Took a short spin on a conventional trike several years ago....think it was a Hannigan conversion on a Honda GW if I remember right. Can't honestly say I remember much difference but it did feel a little more rigid to me in the corners. The Voyager does let you lean a little and maybe that's the difference. Probably was a little easier to steer in corners too since I think it had a rake kit on it. At any rate, in my opinion, the differences weren't great enough to make me want to spend 3 to 4 times as much on the full conversion. If you get hung up with no drive wheel, you probably shouldn't be there. With the preload set right, it is not an issue with normal road variations but if you go where you do Puc, it might be a problem...[emoji32][emoji32]
  12. As one who has followed Puc in his hot dog pursuits, I can only give thanks for the BK offering. My only question.....who's gonna pay.
  13. I have a Voyager kit on my RSV and the wife and I love it.......extended our riding days by years.
  14. We raised 6 children so I can appreciate the statements of those who somewhat defended the guy's actions as a teaching moment but that was a scary video and I would never have put one of my kids in that situation at that age.
  15. I can vouch that Medicare WILL pay medical costs from a motorcycle accident here in Michigan. While not a serious accident, last spring I dumped my bike on a slow speed turn in a parking lot. Wife on back was not holding on and fell off breaking her shoulder. ER costs of over $2500, Dr. visits, and a series of rehab sessions were all covered....... I have Progressive Insurance and don't pay extra for medical payments as I was told my Medicare policy would cover any accidental injuries and so far, that has been true. I do have a medicare advantage plan which may be a little more liberal than the conventional medicare policy.
  16. You could try putting horns and stickers on it......
  17. You are correct....a guy I know here (Bill Melvin) owns a liquidation firm with his dad and normally they buy up assets of failed businesses and sell at reduced cost. In this case, apparently they intend to run the company in some form. As to OCC, any business with Paul Sr. running it would have a problem.
  18. My local dealer here in Rockford, Mi just took on the entire Yamaha line-up. So far, the line-up he's advertising in the way of bikes, contains nothing new....
  19. @cowpuc.....Think I've found a new way to foil the Fool and his whitewash machine so we can still enjoy a bike ride in sketchier weather. See attached for my solution: https://www.facebook.com/chainsawss/videos/899082566875874/
  20. Puc - once again you have brightened the doldrums of winter. [emoji1]
  21. Believe they are called Hatch Hinges.
  22. Sounds like a plan......we will probably also take the ferry if we go over and come back by way of the UP. We have a grandson not too far from the rally site in WI and will definitely stop and see him and his wife coming or going. TBD.......
  23. Really need to converse more about a "group ride" over to the WI rally.....Drews said he was in. Now if we can get some of those other east side varmits like @billmac or even some of our Canadian friends to join in, we could have a real wing-ding with hot dogs for all. What do ya .
  24. Hard to get lost in Yooperland... Unless you go boonie riding in the wild looking for a free campsite
  25. You're right Jeff, and I'm sure Puc could find his way there...... But....it costs more than the Badger.
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