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Everything posted by mirider

  1. Wax
  2. Handlebar
  3. Cable
  4. Just returned from great 3 day ride up to Sleeping Bear Dunes Nat'l. Lakeshore here in Michigan. Weather a little warm for riding but still a fantastic ride with beautiful scenery especially along M22 on the shore of Lake Michigan. A few pics attached. If you have never visited this park, suggest you see it if possible. Rest stop - Arcadia Bluffs View of L. Mich. shore SB Dunes area Lakes Vista Overlook
  5. Wow Stan, that is a scary tale. [emoji33] Glad to know you came out OK....there's always more hot dogs to eat. [emoji1303]
  6. How did the NEW venue work out across from last year's meeting place. With the :scorched:we had yesterday, i'm sure DQ was a blessing. Once again, cause we couldn't make it. Got to hand it to Larry and Jay, that's quite a ride under the conditions.
  7. Just watched the Death Valley episode myself today. Was there 5 years ago but in a Motorhome at the time. Awesome place, would love to do it on a bike.
  8. @cowpuc - sorry we didn't make your GM&EM event today. Fully intended to head that way but, as a recent thread mentioned, sometimes life gets in the way. Tweaked my lower back yesterday and got up this morning with some soreness but thought I'd be alright until I went out in the garage, hoisted a leg over Big Mac, and immediately felt a sharp pain. Didn't think it wise to ride, even the short distance we had, and decided to rest up today as we are planning on heading up to Sleeping Bear and TC area on monday for 2-3 days. There are still many more events on the horizon I'm sure, so hope to make the next one. Hope you and some other VR varmits had a good time.......
  9. I had never heard of this show but because of this thread watched some back episodes with on demand streaming. Like Freebird, I thoroughly enjoyed them and will watch more. The scenery alone is worth the watch along with some of the "off-beat" characters they have featured. [emoji3][emoji1303]
  10. I added a Voyager outrigger kit to my RSV a year ago and couldn't be happier. I also thought an advantage was you could convert back to two wheels easily but, in practice, you probably won't do it. It is a bonus when you go to sell however and gives the buyer a choice. The riding adjustment for me was rather quick but you will find it takes some oomph to steer a tight slow turn. I don't think it is hard to ride at all however and I am 73 with only a fraction of the strength I used to have. Best to ride one if possible before laying out the money. There are those on the forum that have no use for outrigger kits but it has worked out well for me and there are lots of them on the road. [emoji1303]
  11. Interesting back and forth on merits of win10. I had a win7 laptop I did the update on and, while I had no major problems, there were nagging issues that bugged me and things that didn't work right. I then bought a new win10 laptop and have not had a problem. Seems maybe the issues are more related to upgrading rather than the win10 system itself. [emoji848]I love win10 now.
  12. I've used PayPal for years and have found it very convenient in certain on-line shopping cases however they do have glitches with their system from time to time and customer service help is problematic at best. Recently tried to delete an obsolete pay from account and took forever with at least three calls for help. [emoji848]
  13. Just my but if it happened to me I would take the tank off the bike, empty it, and then try to jostle it loose by shaking the tank upside down. If it went in, it must be able to come out.
  14. You are correct.....I think one way Muskegon to Milwaukee will be about $280 for Sue and I and the trike with trailer. We will be visiting grandson in Beloit next month but don't have a firm date yet. Will let you know and maybe we can share a dog for lunch ?? We can share Pucster stories......
  15. Only used ours once and no holes yet......... I carry them to prevent rain and it seems to work most of the time.......
  16. Second that suggestion.....Actually, we have the cheaper version of Frogg Toggs and they work pretty well also.
  17. Good lord willin and the creek don't rise, Big Mac will be heading that way come saturday. Looking forward to another fun-filled day of entertainment and comradery. :dancefool:Hope for a good turn-out.
  18. Actually, there is a moving bridge between you two called the Lake Express Ferry. Only takes a couple hours but does cost some bucks to use....about $200-300 each way.:mo money:I plan on using it next month.
  19. Wow, ask and ye shall receive Sounds like a plan to me and hopefully we can attract some of them working lop-eared varmits to another week-end shindig :guitarist 2::guitarist 2:with music et all. Hopefully, Big Mac is up for the trip which is all of 20 miles or so for her as it's panning out to be a :scorched:day. Perhaps you need a separate thread with formal announcement Also, wouldn't miss the chance to see if the venue is there this time.
  20. Holy hot dogs @cowpuc, it's been over a week and a half now that we haven't had a "good" hot dog. Is your staff on vacation or something. :stickpoke:Seems like it's time to parteeeee again.....
  21. IMO, keeping the better half comfortable riding is a key. Health problems with my wife led me to add a trike kit to my ride even though I am still capable of riding on two wheels. If I couldn't take her along however, why bother ??
  22. There may be something out there but I never found it with extensive research on-line. Would love to know the answer to your question too. Most aftermarket units have a 3/8-24 thread and I think the Yamaha mount is 8 mm thread if I remember right.
  23. Got tired of the long whips myself this spring and installed some "rubber ducky" type CB/am-fm antennas myself. Don't notice much difference in the am/fm reception and don't use the CB much anyway - Pic below. As Freebird mentioned, most antennas will need an adapter for the 3/8-24 thread they come with, the ones I got are here: http://www.bikemp3.com/FireStik-Quick-Disconnect-Antenna-Adaptor-FIR-K-1A8M.htm
  24. VERY well said Condor.......couldn't agree more.
  25. Don't know what's in them dogs that Puc furnishes @ his MG&EM events but I DO know they are delicious.
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