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Everything posted by mirider

  1. Ode to @cowpuc There once was a varmit named Puc Who with his health had no luck Seems he was always tired And not from the kids he had sired The doc said you need a jump So he gave him a portable pump Now puc can ride his scoot Like he doesn't give a hoot And look like a hippy For his better half Tippy Now he can jump thru hoops To entertain the VR troops And hop like a frog To eat a hot dog So we welcome him back And pray he stays sharp as a tack. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Puc - Sue and I sending our prayers and best wishes your way for continuing progress in your quest to settle these health issues. Have missed your smiling face and entertaining postings for far too long.
  3. Just make sure it's the model that doesn't catch on fire.
  4. Sorry to hear this Stan....hoping you and the bike are healed and back on the road soon. Have hit a deer with a car, don't ever want to try it on a bike. [emoji33] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Excellent choice. Harbor Freight tag along is the route I went last year and I haven't been sorry [emoji4][emoji1303] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. Unlike you Darrin, I didn't stop mine and the wife was absolutely no help. Pulled into a parking lot to watch grandson's baseball game, tried to make a slow turn, lost too much speed, and away she went.....wife was kind of catapulted off the back and landed on her shoulder breaking a bone. Bike was not damaged as it landed softly on the crash bars but the 3-4 months of PT wife went thru was not fun. Main reason I've got a trike kit on the bike now.....absolutely will NOT go over now.
  7. There are only two kinds of VR riders......those that have gone down and those that will.
  8. Condor, thanks for the tip on points.....may do that. Question: Are the points shown the right ones for my bike - 09' RSV.
  9. Since I lack skills other than direct replacement plug and play type repairs, I would prefer to go with an OEM pump but leery of paying $220 when I found a K&L version on Amazon for $145.00. Anyone have any experience with a K&L? https://www.amazon.com/Supply-Fuel-Pump-18-5527/dp/B008OXIU3E/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1472854762&sr=8-4&keywords=K%26L+fuel+pump
  10. Appreciate the info and links. Is it generally agreed then my problem IS the fuel pump ?Would the fix I did just indicate sticking points and can that be dealt with without replacement ? [emoji848] I see the best price on an OEM pump is about $220 and I see pumps listed from $20 to $70 on line. What the heck is the difference for that price variance ?
  11. Hadn't ridden bike for about a week and went to start it yesterday and had problems. Would not start unless choke fully on and then would die when any throttle applied. Searched forums here for info and suspect from my symptoms and what I read I have a fuel pump issue. To test, I opened side cover, rapped on the pump with a screwdriver and the bike started like normal. Does this indicate I need to replace the pump ? Bike is 09 Venture with about 45K miles and never had this problem before. Are the cheap pumps on ebay any good or a waste of money ? Any feedback appreciated.......
  12. That is the unit I installed on my RSV to correct speedo error, relatively inexpensive and easy to install. My speed reading was off by 6-8 mph @ 60 mph but now is right on verified by GPS readings.
  13. Fabrication.
  14. Truth
  15. Infomation
  16. Flick
  17. My kit does have the slot on the drive side and the split ring on the other....shouldn't make a difference ? My manual has 7 different sections and about 30 pages with lots of pics. Might be worth the $30 if you are gonna have the Voyager for a while.
  18. Yeah, I might have a manual if needed (and if I can find it ) My rig was installed by a local dealer so I haven't had much reason to use the manual but, if I recall, it is pretty extensive, Yamaha Venture specific, and lots of pictures. Not sure I want to share with a guy that disses 2'nd gens all the time.... but if you need something Dan, PM me and I'll help if I can.
  19. Chest
  20. I got a quote from them earlier this year. Compared to my current policy with Progressive, they were about $150/year cheaper for same coverage. Decided to stay with Progressive since I have more flexibility with them.
  21. Lucky you don't live in Michigan. You would have to add the MCCA fee of $160.00
  22. I have heard the claim that the rear tire will wear faster with the Voyager set-up but I have not noticed any accelerated wear on mine, maybe I don't have enough miles on it yet to gauge that aspect accurately.........
  23. Just for comparison, I get between 35-38 mpg with my Voyager set up riding two-up and loaded. Pulling a small trailer I lose an addditional 2-3 mpg. Agree with previous post on the safety aspect of a trike, I feel much safer as i believe I am more visible and take up a lot more room in a lane. Of course, the fact that you CAN'T fall over when you stop or turn slow helps with that feeling.
  24. Meeting
  25. Circuit
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