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Everything posted by mirider

  1. Would be happy to furnish the ones I have.....free! One catch, they are attached to the floorboards I have for sale and those are only $130.
  2. cowpuc - you know the old saying....."if you don't like the weather in Michigan, wait a half hour" [emoji6]
  3. Would love to meet and greet sometime but with the "white stuff" we got recently.....will probably be a while. I'm moving next monday and need to figure how to get my ride to new location in this weather :confused07: Cripes - I think I hijacked my own thread ps: love the stickers
  4. Great minds think alike........I actually was thinking of doing that.
  5. OK, maybe not so "minor". Attached pic is looking thru windshield at inside top of dash. Apparently, previous owner must have put something up there to make this "scratch". Just wondering what it will take to lose it as it's the only scratch I can find on the bike and I'm a stickler.
  6. If you're not a tent person (and I'm not in my golden years) another option we have used while traveling is renting a cabin at a KOA campground. Being very familiar with KOA from our years traveling with a motorhome, it is a somewhat less expensive option to a motel/hotel and there are locations all over the country. We are planning a touring trip also next summer and will surely be using this option extensively.
  7. Can anyone recommend a good method of removing minor scratches on the fairing ? I know you can buy paint sticks with matching factory colors, anyone tried them ?
  8. Have to agree with others on the unit Steve sells......quality item and plug-and-play feature. [emoji106]
  9. Need to install items purchased here on the forum.....ignition by-pass and light bar, install trailer hitch, assemble and upgrade tag-along trailer bought from Harbor Freight, and maybe send seats for Butt Butler mod. Must work those projects around trip south for some warm up time.
  10. Thanks Jeff, kinda what I gathered from all the posts. Checked with local HF store today and they have two in stock right now and I just got a 20% off coupon yesterday so think I will pull the trigger - $307 w/discount. Guess I can afford a few of the recommended mods at that price.
  11. Great thread and very informative since I am seriously considering purchasing this trailer for future trips. It appears no one has had any real issues with the 8" tires at highway speeds....is this correct ?
  12. Rec'd. and installed the quick removal set I bought on ebay (post #7) today and they work great ! Would never have even known there was such a thing without this Forum.
  13. I hear ya all.....can only go by what I read but I too have my doubts.
  14. Have read a lot about Yamaha's inactivity on developing a new touring machine, Venture or similar, and was heartened by this statement from a Yamaha executive at the recent IMS: "Star Motorcycles is committed to the future of its “cruiser” category and anticipates the release of several “new” models in the months to come. Star Motorcycles is aware that a large cross section of our membership rides large displacement touring machines, so it would be safe to say that a much needed, much discussed “touring machine” would be on the horizon." Like most of you I'm sure, I will be eagerly awaiting future developments.
  15. Yeah, I hear ya brother. Just dropped a tad shy of $90 today on "have to have" items sold by members on the forum. [emoji106]
  16. After only a couple weeks as a trial member I have gained enough information and knowledge to see that the $12 annual fee is well worth the money so I signed up for the paid subscription today. Love the new look of the site and look forward to participating further in the future.
  17. Just ordered these off ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/231360739975?_trksid=p2060778.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  18. mirider

    DC Jack

    Thanks for the info........
  19. mirider

    DC Jack

    Also found a multi-pin connector in the left bag - what is that for
  20. mirider

    DC Jack

    :rotf: Will have to try that !
  21. mirider

    DC Jack

    Yeah, I have a wire running out that opening with a capped plug on it. Was told by dealer it was for battery charging but can also be used as outlet with proper matching plug. I found it right away but the one in the fairing was not easy to spot not knowing where to look.
  22. mirider

    DC Jack

    Got it - thanks M61, must have been a senior moment cause I was looking all over the body and frame of the bike and never even thought to look in that location. You have to bend way down to see it. Used to a bike with just a windshield, not a fairing.
  23. mirider

    DC Jack

    Trying to familiarize myself with all the features of my new Venture. In my manual there is mention and a picture of an auxiliary DC jack. For the life of me I can't seem to locate it. Can anyone tell me where I should be looking ?
  24. Picked up bike from dealer today and got some great news ! In spite of what I was originally told, I do have a year warranty left on original. Bike was first purchased Dec. 2010 so I am good til Dec. 2015. Guess that seals deal on NO extended warranty for now. BTW - 40 degrees this am, stayed very warm and bike rode like a dream. I am one happy camper ! Now to get some miles in before the snow falls........
  25. WOW ! Thanks all for loads of good information. The bike has 40,000 miles on it and not a scratch so it has been well cared for. Rides like a dream and nice and tight so I'm not real concerned. To this point, I have done most of the maintenance on my bike, but previous ride was a v star 650 and this one is a little more complex. Based on the input I've rec'd. think I will pass on extended warranty and put the $800 quoted for a 3 yr. policy in the bank. Thanks again for the advice.
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