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Everything posted by mirider

  1. mirider

    Win 10

    Like you, I downloaded win10 because I was having freeze up problems with win7. I have a love/hate relationship with it so far.....some things I love but some things were better in 7. Does seem to run faster but my laptop runs hotter for some reason and I have had problems with my Norton Security system not working, have had to reinstall several times. Hope they get the bugs worked out soon.
  2. Wow, that is a crazy circumstance. Glad to hear no-one injured, buildings can be replaced.
  3. If you find it too much to handle, you can always install a Trike kit like i did recently......still makes a great ride.
  4. Recently fitted my RSV with a Voyager Trike kit and needed to do a shakedown cruise on it, along with the HF trailer I bought last fall, prior to some long distance touring. Happy to state the Voyager has exceeded our expectations so far and the better half and I are ready for some more travels. As to the trailer, didn't really know it was back there. Attached a few shots taken on our journey:1. Our rig @ buddies house near Traverse City 2. Cross in the Woods @ Burt Lake 3. Mackinac Bridge @ Mackinaw City 4. Rest stop near Petoskey 5. Little Traverse Bay
  5. Puc and Tippy - Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this trying time. Our fervent hope is for a quick come-back from your ailments and the ability to saddle up ole Tweeks again soon. Hang in there buddy !
  6. Bog - Just got a Voyager installed on my 09' Venture a week ago, have put about 550 miles on it and my wife and I both LOVE it. Ride much better than I expected and only negative if there is one, it takes some effort to turn bars on a sharp turn at slow speeds. That said, you are not turning 99% of the time. Pic of my rig attached:
  7. A shot of my rig on our trip to N. Michigan......
  8. A Cushman Eagle when I was a kid was the impetus for my life-long love affair with motorcycles. Unfortunately, it wasn't mine but my good buddies.....my folks wouldn't allow me to have one in spite of my pleading and threats. When I got to adulthood, a bike was one of my first purchases when I could afford it. Would love to have a restored Cushman today but the ones I've seen for sale are pricey.
  9. dogman - guess I should have mentioned the better half loves it too......and she's really the one I got it for. If you make the next Pucster GM&EM on August 18, we will be there.......if not, maybe we cross paths some other time.
  10. In the middle of our first long trip with the Voyager right now. Headed up to Mackinaw City yesterday and now headed back south with an overnight stay @ friend's place near Traverse City today. Have put about 350 miles on it and can honestly state......I love it! Very comfortable ride on all kinds of surfaces, if you feel the bumps it's on a road surface you'd feel in a car. Obviously, it was set up right by the dealer I got it from. As to the reverse gear, I personally see no need for it as I am able to back it up manually almost as easy as the two wheeler version. Not worth $1200 to me.
  11. Thanks Dave, when we met up last week that was my last "two wheel" trip for a while.
  12. Yeah, dealer did the set-up, rode it, and then made minor adjustment. Rode great from the start and he's close if I need any further tuning. Good tip on pushing vs. pulling bars, will try that. Headed out for longer trip this week. [emoji41]
  13. UPDATE: I was extended an offer I could not refuse.....heck of a deal on a Voyager demo unit at a local dealer. Installed on my 09 RSV on friday and took a forty mile shake-down cruise yesterday with wife aboard. Initial impression was very favorable on both our views, rode on all kinds of surfaces including gravel roads and the ride was much better than I expected by previous comments. The one negative so far is the effort required to steer around a sharp turn especially at slow speeds. Wonder if there's anything you can do to ease that situation. Any thoughts appreciated. Looking forward to some long distance travels with the new set-up.
  14. M61 - Thanks for the info.....kinda what I thought that the turndowns I saw were not on stock mufflers. I just like the looks of them but not willing to change the exhaust just for looks.
  15. Can someone tell me if turn down exhaust tips are available to fit stock gen2 mufflers ?? Doing searches on-line and don't seem to find much. Have seen them on gen2 bikes, but never paid attention to whether they were on stock mufflers.
  16. Ditto - Safe travels. Can't wait to read of your journey......wish I was going, maybe next year ???
  17. I got a bigger hug from Puc......what's wrong with that picture.
  18. Her home state honors her as well.....we have the TIPPY DAM on the Manistee River.
  19. Enjoyed meeting you and your wife and hope we can hook up again.......I hear ya on the heat, of course I only had to do about 75 miles today.
  20. Got home an hour or so ago from the Pucster's "Greet, Meet & Eat Meat" event earlier today. Many thanks to Puc for "footing the bill" for the dogs, drinks, and desserts, that man has DEEP pockets. While he promised attendance in the 12K range, we fell a little short of that but got a chance to meet several Venturerider members......billmac and bluestar99 and their wives, Canadians dogman and Marcarl, and of course, Cowpuc and his lovely wife Tippy. Had a great time and hope to do it again sometime. Having read Puc's posts and viewed his videos since I joined last fall, I thought he was nuts and now I can attest to that fact ! Only one problem with the whole day - Puc was late to his own event. Seems he took his guests on a cross Michigan tour prior to the meet-up and didn't get there til billmac and I had already eaten. Got a feeling old Puc doesn't worry about a clock much.
  21. Happy to report I found the problem. Turns out there's another 10 amp fuse called Back-up that also affects the audio system. That fuse was blown, replaced it and all is well........Suspect when I clipped the wiring, I momentarily shorted it out with the cutter blade. Will keep an eye on it and will know where to look if it happens again.
  22. Since I didn't want to make the effort to remove the fairing, decided to lop off the connector under the seat. Now my radio won't play.....Now what ??? Checked the audio fuse and it is fine....none of the wires are shorted where I cut it...apparently there was continuity created by the plug ? Guess i have to remove the fairing after all.....
  23. No problem with the gas station.....actually a lot closer to me than your house is. :happy65:Your M&EM is a straight shot across 13 Mile Rd. for me with a jog up to Ravenna and hop, skip and jump down HR Road from there. Looking forward to meeting 11,998 other Venture riders but think it might take a few days.
  24. Good lord willin and the creek don't rise......I'll be there. Isn't that address a service station.
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