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Everything posted by Sfahey151

  1. If you Google statins you'll find an increasing number of people (including medical professionals) that are saying that statins are unnecessary and actually harmful. In addition to that, there is no direct link to cholesterol levels and heart issues.
  2. Back in the day (the 80's) I worked as a tech at a couple different Yamaha shops. Exhaust gas tuning made the bikes idle better/smoother and made for a better, smoother pull "off the bottom" meaning like pulling away from a stop. Mileage was marginally improved.
  3. Re-assemble it with the threads coated in anti-seize.
  4. Very cool! I'm an WERA racer (inactive for now) and it can be great fun and a great challenge.
  5. I'm originally from Massachusetts now living near Baton Rouge, LA. We did recently have some uncharacteristically cold weather (22F) that made me think that I should have kept on going south .... like Belize maybe? Anyway, I played hookie from my IT consulting job this afternoon to take about a two hour ride to no-where. 78F, blue skies with a few clouds. Yes, I know it gets hot as a MF in the summer here but you don't have to shovel it!
  6. No slides, diaphragm, needles in Vision carbs. They're downdraft automotive style units. You may be thinking about a XV535 Virago.
  7. Yamaha had a carb kit to be retrofitted on the 82's to address a "bog" just off idle that made an improvement. The 83's were better. I'm not sure I'd say avoid an 82 but an 83 would be preferable. Also, the 83 had dual disks up front with the 82 sporting a single disk.
  8. I roadraced one when they were new primarily against Kaw GPZ550's and even won a few races! I'm about halfway down on this page, #51 with the bike painted wht/red TZ250 colors. >> http://ridersofvision.net/Gallery/gallery.html Carburation was hard to get right, the 83's were a little better. Having the bike in perfect tune and using a exhaust gas analyzer to adjust mixtures helped. I sometimes think about getting one to restore .....
  9. I kicked in a little .... gotta take care of our fur babies!
  10. You might want to look around right now if you want a Windows 7 machine. They're not going to be available for too much longer >> http://www.networkworld.com/article/3127585/windows/you-have-one-month-to-buy-a-windows-7-or-8-1-pc.html?idg_eid=a19356e0ab2c7b2fb023d3650016fb60&token=%23tk.NWWNLE_nlt_networkworld_microsoft_alert_2016-10-06&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=NWW%20Microsoft%20Alert%202016-10-06&utm_term=networkworld_microsoft_alert
  11. 67? YL1 76 GT80 77 QT50 74 MX360 77 IT400 80 IT175 73 RD350 76 RD400 81 Seca 550 82 XZ550 84 FJ600 86 FZ600 2002 RSV Wow, didn't realize I had this long a list til I started typing! My current race bike (a 98' Honda CBR 600) is painted Yamaha Competition Yellow ... does that count?
  12. If your company has a website where you can log in and check your email AND no password policy that locks you out of your account after X amount of failed attempts, then a "hacker" can repeatably attempt to log in using an automated process and a dictionary list of possible passwords. Once he gains access he can send email as you using a long list of "known good" email addresses. Inevitably a lot of those email addresses are bad or invalid and you see the bounces.
  13. That small dent, even though it's smooth, will allow a tiny bit of oil and air to escape every time it dips below the seal and returns above the seal. I'm a relative newbie to Ventures so maybe there's some other characteristic flaw in your model,but, I've been a mechanic most of my life and know that those fork tubes need to be pretty much perfect. Steve
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