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Everything posted by Edbo

  1. :clap2::wow:Congratulations on the growing family. Just don't spoil them.
  2. If it's anything like mine, the more you ride it the more you come to love it. Enjoy!
  3. :95:Sure hate to here that. Glad your not worse than you are. Hope you heal fast. That's one of those you can't do anything about.
  4. Watch this video and it will shock you.
  5. Best thing I did when I got my bike. I love it.
  6. That's just scary. But interesting:wow:
  7. Man I was hoping the value :mo money:of my bike was going to go up, because everyone would want the V4 engine.
  8. You should be able do do a good job with a side grinder with a cutting wheel in it. You will be amazed at how straight you can cut if you go slow.
  9. Looks like a fun ride.:301:thats a nice looking bike. I really like the cassette deck you've got in there. I believe everyone should have one on their bike.
  10. I wasn't trying to brag. I was trying to point out that somehow I went from 20 something post to 11800 plus in just a few days. Not sure why???. I was hoping freebird would know why?
  11. Argument
  12. Seat
  13. That just shows that the wisdom you share in your sleep is greater than some that are awake.
  14. 37544 but the wheels are about to hit the roads and rack em up.
  15. Yea it's like I've been posting in my sleep !!!!!
  16. :wow:I noticed to day that I have posted 11,808 times, but only last week I had only posted 20 something times. Has anyone else seen this in your profile?
  17. You can go to this site and check it out. http://www.bakupusa.com/yamaha_models.html its in perfect shape. It was on my bike when I bought it. I don't use it.
  18. Ive got a BAKUP usa backrest that came off my 2006 RSV that I will give you a good deal on if interested, here is some information on it.
  19. :wow:That's funny!!,!
  20. I put this tire on my bike last fall and I must say it made a world of difference on handling the bike at slower speeds. At crusing speeds I can really tell much of a difference. I will run this tire on my bike from now on.
  21. Dog
  22. I wonder if your talking about macaysville Ga. and copper hill, tn? May have been on hiway 64 not sure about which road you where on, There are some great riding up in north Georgia for sure. I have truly enjoyed your adventures that you are sharing. Makes me want to get out and ride.
  23. Hope no women folks read this sight, your asking for real trouble now.
  24. I use the CoPilot on my phone and iPad, and it does work really well. I have a GPS on my bike so mostly I use the CoPilot now when I can't get a cell signal and I need to look at the map. It works good off the GPS signal to see where your at and you can zoom out to see the map and area your in and decide the direction you need to take. It wa worth it for me. Never used the Nav Free.
  25. Congratulations.:clap2:i know a lot of work goes into having your own business and when your successful hearing a thank you from some one else is a honor. So thank you for your continuing success.
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