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Everything posted by Edbo

  1. Edbo

    weekend trip

    Sorry to to hear that you had to cancel your trip. I'm one that starts planning a three day trip three months in advance and I get so excited the week of the trip I'm like a kid in a candy store, if any of my trips got cancelled it would just devastate me, I know how you must feel. But there will be other opportunities for you.
  2. I had mentioned this several months back about my counter also, it says I've posted over 11,000 post and that's after it jumped from 20 something post up to over 10,000 post and I have only been a member for less than a year. Some of the other long term members didn't have that many post. So your right somethings wrong. I thing the boss is getting paid by the amount of post on the site and he's doctoring the records.
  3. Sixth gear has been rough on that rear tire.
  4. No, we was in tellico plains area when in Tennessee. It would take longer than a three day trip to make it to North East area, but I know there are some roads up there I would like to ride. I'm in Cullman, AL. So I can do one day and make it up to Asheville NC, and then second day I can ride roads in that area but then come home on third day. Some day I'm going to do a week long trip and go up into north east TN area. We only ride back roads so it takes longer to go 350 miles than normal. We never ride interstate unless we have to. I'm the one that plans the trip and leads so I try to make it enjoyable for everyone. We only rode 250 miles the first day but it took us 9 hrs to get to destination but we rode some really good curves. I just looked at where your from and I have been up to Hot Springs and Little Switzerland but that's as far north I've been.
  5. We had 11 bikes and 14 people go on the trip to North Georga, NorthCarolina, and Tennessee. They where giving a big chance of rain for Saturday and Sunday, but we was fortunate to have missed it until we was about 15 miles from home. We rode many different good twisties, and saw a lot of beautiful country. I meet a fellow Venture rider again on this trip, he said he's not a member here but he visits a lot and gets some ideas from this site. He rode a 2005 venture he bought new and has 140,000 miles on it and still running strong. I really enjoy this site, so thanks for having me. Here is a few pictures.
  6. Meet another Venture rider today at a place called High Falls in Alabama. He was from Rome GA. Area and I forgot to ask him if he was a member here. I rides a 2006 midnight. Again I don't see many of these bikes out much.
  7. ECK you didn't offend me at all, It was really interesting that this subject could make anyone so upset. Every thing you said was what you believe and really made since, I'm not sure if it would work or not I was just bringing the subject to the knowledgeable folks on this sight to get everyone's thoughts. It appears that's what I got. All is good with me and you didn't owe me an apology. I'm not one to get my feelings hurt . Thank you for your input on this matter and for all the great advise you have given to all the nice folks here on this sight. I hope to be able to meet up with you some day. I'm not far from you and come to Huntsville a lot, so I will get in touch some day and meet up.
  8. Thanks for all the input, didn't want to get anyone's panties in a wad just wanted to see if it was something I can do. I have a slight warp in front rotor and just wanted to see if anybody has done this. If I ever do try it I wil post my results here for others to poke at.
  9. Has anyone ever used the sandpaper that has adhesive on the back and attached it to your brake pads and then drove slowly and applied the brakes lightly so that the sand paper would sand down the high spot on the rotor ? A friend of mine that has a Harley said he did it on his bike and it took the warp out of the rotor. Any thoughts on this?
  10. Your right it it was cycle gadgets not cycle gear. I'm sorry. Cycle gadgets domain has been sold to someone else.
  11. I thought it was interesting what Cowpuc did by bring back an old thread and found this one and tried to go to cyclegear.com and it is no longer in business. I had bought stuff from them in the past so was looking forward to see any new items but I guess that's not going to happen.
  12. Not a dumb question at all. Mine was on wrong side when I got it also. When your sitting on the bike the CB antenna should be on your left side.
  13. So so these are the same mechanics that are going to keep this machines in tip top shape?
  14. Meet a fellow venture rider today at a motorcycle gathering spot called About Bikes in Blount springs, Alabama. He was riding a 2007 RSV that he had bought new, I said to him you don't use your CB do you, he said no, why. I told him because the antennas are on the wrong sides and if you tried to use it it would crap out your CB. What's up with the antennas being installed on the wrong sides??? Also asked him if he was a member here he said no.. Told him about the site maybe he will visit. I just don't see many of these bikes when I'm out riding, so I like to talk to those that ride when I do.
  15. My bike has been running a little sluggish the past few times I was able to ride. It felt like a spark plug had a miss in it, wasn't sure, when I would hammer down on it when running 50 to 60 it just had the shakes and lack of power. So my plan was to replace the spark plugs, but in the middle of the night last night I suddenly woke up and thought I need to sync the carbs first to see if that helps. Low and behold that fixed my issues. They weren't out by much but now you give her gas and she takes off like greased lightning. It's been about a year since the last carb sync so now I know to do it more often. I really do do enjoy all the advice that I read on here about keeping our bikes up and running, it's very encouraging to know that if I need help y'all are here to help.
  16. I goes to show that older is not always wiser
  17. When I was in my teens I worked on a sweet potato farm down here in the south. One day the owner of the farm was doing maintenance on one of the trucks, so he was checking fluid level in the battery but he couldn't see down inside very well so he toke his lighter out of his pocket and procceded to light it up and shine it down into the holes, it didn't take long for it to flame up and burn his eye lashes and the hair on his arm. Fortunately it didn't explode.
  18. I was just wondering if all the advice that you have recieved from this thread has helped you at all with the problem you first posted?
  19. Is this the famous thread about nothing?
  20. You might try paraffin wax. Like my mother used when she was canning. I use it a lot on door hinges, when putting in screws in hardwood so it doesn't split, I've used it on machinery that had metal that moved against each other and it seems to hold up very well. Would be easy to just rub it up and down the rails of the door.
  21. Getting big flakes here in Cullman, Al. Starting to stick.
  22. Like when you ask where do you want to go to eat?
  23. Well, last week I had to go to the doc's for a semi-annual check-up. Doc Bloodstain is a great guy, but somewhat lacking in patient sensitivity. They finally called me back and I met doc in the hallway. His trademark cigar stub was rooted firmly in the corner of his mouth and he reminded me of Edward G. Robinson wearing a "Hawkeye" M.A.S.H. outfit. Says doc, "Go into that exam room over there and take off all your clothes. My new assistant here, Ivan, is going to give you a prostate exam. Then I'm going to give you a flu shot, then a pneumonia shot and then a shingles shot. After that, I'm going to stick you in the arm with a needle and drain out your blood for your lab work. But first, let's check your blood pressure. Hmmmm! It seems a bit high." Says I, "Gee, doc, I can't imagine what would cause that?!!"
  24. I learned something yesterday!!! Picking up your feet IS NOT considered helping your wife vacuum!!!!!
  25. Now that's hitting to close to home.
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