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Everything posted by Leland

  1. You say at "80 MPH". Is this according to your speedometer? These speedometers are typically off by at least 8%. If it's reading 80, you are only going about 74.
  2. The RSTD ('05-'09) have the same saddlebags as the Venture. I think the Stratoliner and V-Star have the leather wrapped bags. Don't know if they fit.
  3. Did you ever get your carbs synced? Can make a big difference.
  4. Southfork = Southpark?
  5. You guys pay the same for a barrel of oil on the open market that we do. And I can't imagine that it costs you guys that much more to refine it. So what accounts for the huge price difference? Taxes?
  6. I bought the stock height Clearview with the "recurve" last year. I'm 5'8" and looking thru that "recurve" (distored) gave me a headache. I cut 4½" off of the bottom and now life is good. BTW, with this set up, the top of the shield is 17" above the gas cap. If you want to look thru the shield, you can get the Clearview without the "recurve". The Clearview is also 4" wider than stock and includes wider lower vents.
  7. There has been some discussion as to the accuracy of the Morgan Carbtune. Well, I have to say that those accusations are founded. As you can see, I tee'd all four lines to a hand vacuum pump. And this is what I got. Should have been perfect. Doing it "on the bench", I could hear the rods dragging, which of course you can't hear with the engine running. This Carbtune has only been used a few times. Now, I will see if cleaning it makes any difference. But I think a calibration check is in order before any synchronizing.
  8. :bawling:I had to work.
  9. OK for the rear shock.
  10. Dip switch #2 of the SpeedoHealer http://www.speedohealer.com . Instructions say,"Set the Conversion mode value" 0: no conversion, 1: mile to km, 2: km to mile.
  11. Same engine and drivetrain. They just have a radio that they can turn up to mask the noise. But, as stated previously, they don't all do it. Mine is very quiet. This is why a test drive is very important. I think that you were wise to shy away from a screamer.
  12. Pitbull, There is an '01 Venture in the Denver Post. Add saids like new, always garaged, 5700 miles, loaded, $9,100.00. 303-660-6959.
  13. I don't know how you copy previous posts to a new post, but if you search my threads, you will see one tilted "I've been accessorizing". BYW, I just cut that stupid plug off and crimped on standard terminals - to power a relay coil though.
  14. Good idea.
  15. When I replaced my tires, I had the rear stem turned to the right, but now I wish I hadn't. To me, getting around the brake disc is more of a pain. Next tire change, I'm going back to the left.
  16. [ame= ] [/ame] Newt makes a lot of sense.
  17. You are not really interested in what the exact vacuum is, only that they all read the same.
  18. My son wanted to get his M/C endorsement. Since I had never taken a rider's course, I signed up with him to take the ABATE beginners course a few weeks ago. When I originally got my M/C endorsement, it was a one question test; Do you ride a motorcycle? Of course it was very informative, but I was also glad to know that I hadn't been doing everything wrong all of these years. Now the sad part is that one of the students was a thirty-something aerospace engineer. That would make him a rocket scientist, right? Man, this guy just did not get it. He talked about buying a bike and taking his wife on rides. I almost felt like getting his telephone number so I could call his wife and tell her she should let him ride alone for quite awhile to get some practice. But, he passed the course. Which proves that just because you can pass a test is no guarantee of your proficiency.
  19. I'll be working in Colorado Springs that day. Hopefully I won't miss the next one.
  20. Thanks for the updates.
  21. I know that when I use my Garmin Zumo in my truck it reads identical to the truck's odometer, but 5% higher than the M/C (with Speedohealer).
  22. NEW DENVER NOISE LAW ALLOWS TICKETS FOR HAVING AFTERMARKET EXHAUST SYSTEMS http://home.ama-cycle.org/newsroom/amarelease.asp?rnum=A07009
  23. It did correct the speedometer, but my odometer now reads 5% low (according to Garmin Zumo).
  24. Me too. On centerstand.
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