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Everything posted by pbjman

  1. I don't play much online these days, but I'll shoot you a friend request soon. (But then you'll see that, just like on here, I have no friends! ) And for some reason I haven't felt compelled to grab an X-one or PS4 yet? I think it is because there are so many great games on the 360/PS3 that are CHEAP and I haven't run out of them yet. What are your favs on the 1?
  2. Ya, I like shooters too. Went through a period where I played online quite a bit (Call of Duty Black Ops) but not so much any more. I still like a good playing action/shooter, but I play longer on stuff that has a combination of shooting/exploring/adventure/RPG. Far Cry, Fallout, Skyrim, Borderlands, Mass Effect, Uncharted, etc.
  3. It seems motorcycles ain't my only bad habit.. I'm 46 and I play video games. ( I drink Mt. Dew, too! And if people offer me a cup of coffee, I always say "Coffee!? That's for grown-ups!") So what kind of game system(s) you have? And what are you playing currently? I am currently playing Dishonored on my XBOX 360. I've played through the main game and completed it with "low chaos" and "high chaos" and now I'm doing the expansions, trying to get through them in low chaos (which means more stealth, and mostly non-lethal ways of dealing with problem/people!) I also have a PS3 which we mostly use as a blue ray player and I will be playing a game called "The Last of Us" when I get around to it.
  4. No change showing up in our extended forcast yet..... (I am going to try some reverse psycho stuff...) I want it to stay cold! I am planning on it staying cold! I don't need no warmup weather!
  5. Yeah, I did feel a pang of "me, too!" But it won't be too much longer before we get a spell of mild weather for some early season rides!
  6. I was in my truck today on the road about 3:30 PM, the overhead console indicated the temperature outside was 8°. Suddenly, they're in my sideview mirror, I saw it, a motorcycle fairing, headlights, with driving lights coming up alongside me in the outer lane. After I did the double take and I realize for sure I was really seeing it, my first thought was "yeah rock on dude!" As he came into view along side of me I could see through my passenger window that he was on a big Harley and had on his leather chaps, jacket, gloves, openface helmet and one of them black face masks. I scrambled for my phone to try to get a pic but was not quick enough to catch him. Good for him for riding! Still too much salt on the road for me though. I guess he's not the cliché Harley poser guy who never rides…
  7. http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NTg3WDEwMzE=/z/0tQAAMXQlUNRLSUa/$%28KGrHqV,%21osFD+tlRuVJBRLSU,hhzQ%7E%7E60_12.JPG http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NTAwWDUwMA==/z/hvUAAOSwZjJU3BNe/$_12.JPG too gaudy? (Flying goddess hood ornaments - ebay) or an eagle http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTIwMFgxNjAw/z/pnEAAOxydlFTA7UY/$_57.JPG
  8. the difference between being able to pay the price of admission and standing outside with your ear to the door. But, I tell you, if I had big money like ....
  9. Puc and Tip decided to keep it as a replacement for the cover they lost on the trip last summer. Meanwhile, speaking of Carbon_One, he was busy welding up a prototype ....
  10. dove down for cover between the seats of the pontoon boat, one of them hooking her bikini top on the throttle arm, which simultaneously surged the boat forward and shot the bikini top straight onto Puc's face, blinding him and causing.....
  11. Cars last so much longer these days. In the price range I usually buy a car, everything has well over 100k. Heck, I bought my Safari van with 150K for 3000 bucks and now it has 257k. Did engine work at 240K for about 700 bucks then unfortunately had to do trans work at about 245K for 1200 bucks. But still, other than brake pads, tune ups, tires, etc, how can you beat 100,000 miles for under $5000? Whether it's a motorcycle or car, I look at it's CONDITION relative to the price. The determinants will be condition, age, mileage, and price. I also research a little to see if there are any major known problems in that particular year/model. In the examples you gave, I'd probably go for the '13 truck; the 140K miles wouldn't bother me if it was priced accordingly. For the RSV's, I DID go for a low mileage (21K) '99. (I could be wrong, but I would expect a high mileage '07 to cost more than a low mileage 99)
  12. Scott, I'm having a great time riding along with you. Thanks for sharing!
  13. Mister Rogers' Neighborhood . Waiting Song | PBS KIDS
  14. attempted to get away. Their efforts were short-lived, however, since they quickly released their grip on the thruster buttons, and fell to the ground with badly scorched buns, calves, and heels. (A thing I always wondered about regarding Rocket-Fueled Jet-Packs!) A quick search revealed that one of the foreign operatives, amazingly, had a note with the name of yet another Venturerider member! It simply read: "Your mark is...."
  15. began to cry, because in running into PBJman while wheelie-ing on a souped up VenMax, Chaharly totaled both of their bikes. But they got over it quickly, when the Russian bride (who had seen the whole thing from her shipping crate in the lobby) walked out of the post office and said to them: "Don't worry, because I have..."
  16. They put an alien bug inside you.
  17. the new shipments came in. Meanwhile, much to his delight, Chaharly discovered that he had a very special Venture Royale indeed. It seems, it was never sold into public hands because it was a one-of-a-kind promotional prototype equipped with a V-max engine, fuel injection, antilock brakes, (no tape deck), and, believe it or not, it also had .....
  18. Man, I'm still stuck. My (unpaved) driveway is iced, and the roads have been mostly yucky. Now I'm not wanting to take it out until the salt has washed away.
  19. .....on my always-ready Venture, leaving the chaos of the OTHER motorcycle, the oil, the cop, and the poop in my rearview mirror as I sped away in the general direction of the one place I had always dreamed of stopping by should I ever embark on a 4-month road trip.
  20. "Cheesers"
  21. So do you have some kind of "barn detector" GPS mode? Nice pics, thanks for sharing.
  22. Maybe they can give your extra elbow fluid to Puc to top off his noggin! (You guys are awesome; prayers said for both!)
  23. Jay that was riveting, but your other ride video was even more thrilling; the way you attacked those curves!
  24. Yikes! Made me queasy to see that purple-n-silver (same as mine) down like that. Prayer said for swift healing, brother!
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