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Everything posted by pbjman

  1. Went for a ride today.... I'm doing a job tomorrow where I'll be removing/replacing four doors on a home, so I decided to pick up some more reciprocating saw blades... Then I stopped by a home for a quick check-in with a customer about some upcoming work, and at that point I was free to do some local sightseeing in the lakefront areas around Harrison Township. Here is a waterfront area along Lake St Clair. Something was burning in the distance. It windy and blustery, but about 53 degrees. For the day, I saw more garbage cans in the road than I did other motorcycles. Here's a pic of the cloudy sky over the water. In this area, there are some beautiful homes on Lakeshore Drive. This one was too big to fit in one picture. One of those neighborhoods where houses like this Can be next to or across the street from houses like this I like driving through and looking at the variety!
  2. Thanks for posting; I think those are not for the RSV (even though one of the guys has it listed as such in his title). I think they are for non-fairing bikes? One is 'passing lamp mount w/windshield' the other is 'passing lamp mount without windshield' when you look at the close-up pics of the yamaha part number/description. They ARE Royal Star parts, but not for the Royal Star Venture. I think it should be part numbers: STR-4XY35-40-00 or 4XY-H54B0-V0-00 (like the one in this ebay item: 171718839051 which I am watching. I would jump on it now if I get a buyer for my 650 Maxim and replenish my accessories fund.) why have two part numbers for the same item? So any of you guys have one layin around?
  3. A few nights ago, I went onto ebay and loaded my search "royal star venture" and sorted to see the most recently listed. Right at the top was a NIB set of Yamaha passing lamps for $50/$10 shipping. The listing was barely an hour old, and after double checking the part number from his photo of the box, I snapped them up. Now I'll watch/wait for a deal on a mounting bracket....
  4. Maybe it's like the old "do not remove, ever" screw on some old OMC Cobra outdrives... If you did, the nut on the inside fell into the guts of the drive and you would have to tear it down. It was a hole used in the manufacturing process and then capped with the screw and covered with a cobra decal which years later would fall off.
  5. Turtle- nice bike, thanks for showing the pics! So you know you will get ribbed for having a "Turtle" license plate on your 2nd gen, don't you? Puc - so how is it that you've never ridden a 2nd gen yet? Does Tweeks have another year in her?
  6. I would go somewhere I haven't been before....maybe south to Blue Ridge Parkway / Skyline Drive area.
  7. If you can believe this, the dog actually came in from the yard with wet, muddy paws today! Whoo-hooo! I don't mind wiping dog feet when it means NOT FROZEN OUTSIDE!
  8. Congrats on the new bike.
  9. The End?! :happy65::happy65: :clap2:
  10. I got this idea from a post in the "make it up as you go along thread" Choose a word, preferably related to motorcycles/venturerider forum. Then make up an acronym for it. (Common example of an acronym is SCUBA = Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus) It's acceptable to insert small words like a, the, &, of, for readability I'll start off with a couple: TWEEKS = Two Wheels and Engine Enshrined in Kaleidoscopic Stickers FORUM = Fantastic Online Resource for Unoccupied Motorcyclists
  11. Well, I started playing a game called Dark Souls on the Xbox 360. It's a 3rd person action/adventure/RPG game of swords, crossbows, skeletons, knights, etc. IT IS HARD. Make a little progress. Die. Respawn in the same place as last time. Kill the same enemies again. Make a little progress. Die Again. Respawn in same place as last time, but now only with the same amount of arrows and firebombs that you DIED WITH. Kill the same enemies again. Make a little more progress. Die Again..... I know it doesn't sound fun, but I'm hooked!
  12. that time me, my dog, and my bird were out for a ride on my blind horse. I remember it well, because the dog, you see, he was kind of restless that day. He kept barking at something, but I didn't see anything so I remember thinking, "there must be dog in heat somewhere". And the bird, he was barking too, but I incorrectly shrugged it off as just imitating the dog. But, suddenly we were being surrounded by
  13. Penguins-Bears Juxtaposed, Mixed Animal, Nonfarm. Because it was hard to say, he began referring to them as "PBJ's". He came up with a similarly complex name for cowpuc's old Yamaha that became shortened to Tweeks. The full name is:
  14. Well, watching a blizzard can be mesmerizing! Especially when driving, if the snow is big and coming at your windshield at a certain angle....it nearly puts me into a trance and makes it hard to stay in my lane.
  15. Yeah, Brake Pad, it's fun trying to climb/jump/explore your way to places you maybe were not expected to go! (Fun until you fall through the map or get stuck in the ground, LOL) Well, I think I'm finished up with Dishonored now; I got to the end of the bonus content last night and saved the Empire! Really good storyline in The Knife of Dunwall & The Brigmore Witches playing as Daud. Hmmm...what next.
  16. Geeze, Puc I think you could describe paint drying and it would be a good story! Keep it up!
  17. all of the bikes (mostly Yamaha!) at Freebird's Maintenance Day. There were so many different colored motorcycles there that
  18. one of my biggest problems would be trying to figure out how to carry a surfboard on my motorcycle without...
  19. laying down the miles! Aahh, reminds me of that time I went up north on my old Yamaha. For days I had been seeing beautiful scenery, meeting awesome people, and eating delicious food. My riding partner and I decided to make for the next town before stopping for the night, but it was getting late and it was a bit far. But we had plenty of gas, and were making good time until
  20. Baah, this Fuel Pump Thread is for the birds!!
  21. Oh my gosh that 2015 Goldwing is super sexy in red/black!
  22. OOH I like Spongebob and I like Queen, I just never figgerd they would go together so well. Best thing I've seen on the internet in a while!!
  23. I have had some fun with racing games online, too. I've always thought it was pretty immersive to play with manual transmission on, driver assists minimized, using the 'in-car' view, and having surround sound. It's cool when you can hear what side the other guys behind you are trying to pass you from! I used to play a lot with the same group of guys over xbox live. We would set up a standard race on a road course. Half of us would choose a supercar, like a Lamborghini or Ferrari F50, and the other half would choose something small & slow usually a Mini Cooper. We would use voice chat to just partner up in two-person teams, 1 supercar with 1 mini. The object was, whichever team got it's Mini across the line first was the winner. So we'd use the Ferraris to run interference, crash each other, or simply push the Minis to speeds they weren't capable of on their own. It was a blast. I think some games that came out later actually included this as a mode of play.
  24. People of Walmart....... WalMartians?
  25. Ping.......ping.......ping.......ping (keepin this MD on my radar!)
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