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Everything posted by pbjman

  1. pbjman


    Why don't you let me get back to work?
  2. Mike that's awesome, a pic with the whole bike and flags?
  3. I passed a hair salon called "Curl Up & Dye" in Detroit a couple of years ago.
  4. Gee, that sounds really far! (yeah..... it's a local place with a funny name)
  5. Pullin up an old thread here.... This is where I live!!!! 2 blocks off M29 in Algonac!!!! Me and my VIP (Very Important Passenger) ride that one all the time. I hope some of us can arrange some rides next season. No one is allowed to go on that ride without giving me a shout!!
  6. Well I was expecting to see a picture of an additional motorcycle to your stable, but this is even better! Congratulations. And by my math that's at least four kids in the house; you're going to need more bikes, and sidecars.
  7. This is at the side door of a local gas station
  8. Oh yeah well when can you go snowshoeing or snow-shoveling, huh? Got a snappy answer for that?
  9. Puc, okay to use the quote. I'd be thrilled. You don't even have to put my name by it.
  10. Hey Puc if I want a faster bike via that kind of transplant I'll just put this under my RSV seat; It's a '79 XS11 special with all the touring goodies including heel-toe shift, Markland floorboards, kind of a precurser to the first 'Venturer' but doesn't have the big gas tank. I hear they might be quicker than the 1st gens? (but I'll have to finish the work on it and get it running first) Ya that's my own saying; and a good example is the XS11 special. MY plan was to work on it and have it on the road by now, but this spring and summer some family stuff and too much work (not complaining!) changed that plan!
  11. thanks for the update. Cool that the '99 is being kept in the family. I see you updated your tag, too!
  12. When did you get it, how much have you ridden it, did you keep the RSV, come on man, tell the story!
  13. It has been there a while. I had noticed it weeks before but never commented on it.
  14. Most users ever online was 6,241, 10-27-2013 at 10:21 PM. Is it correct?
  15. So I have a 99 RSV with stock seats. Seems comfy enough to me so far, but maybe I just don't know better because I haven't tried a different seat on my Venture. So between the upgraded pillow-top seats which came on later models, or seats same as mine but with the Butler mod, any thoughts on which is generally better for all day rides? Which way would my bum get more bang for my bucks? (Or is everyone going to say 'Both'?)
  16. My fellow Michigan venturer Cowpuc, I have observed that it is guys like you that are the 'glue' which brings an element of family to this forum unlike any other! I hope and pray for your physical health and that God's peace will remain with you as you go through this, brother!
  17. Ragtop, yer motorcycle smiley guy must have a reverse kit added to his bike! But then if I stare at it long enough, it looks like the wheels are going forward. But then it starts going backward again if I keep watching. It's simply mesmerizing. I'm curious about this Maintenance Day thing.... may have to go!
  18. I don't have a link; just saw a display in my local HD and picked up 3 cans.
  19. Hey I'm glad to see you posting! And I've been to mancelona too, I once rode my snowmobile up the abandoned ski hill ( Mount mancelona?)
  20. Randy, what do you do with them? I use a similar method; here we rake them onto a tarp and then drag it to the curb so the leaf-sucking truck can come by and vacuum them up.
  21. I know plenty of people have done this, travelling away to pick up a bike and ride it home. Sounds like a blast! Was that your first time on an RSV or first time on a big touring bike? Did you make a thread about your adventure?
  22. I assume it's still VW powered with original engine and transaxle? Would that be titled as a bike or a car? Would like to see the progress pics on that build.
  23. I used to have a black lab named Eli that went a lot of places with me. He even locked me out of my own pickup truck once at a gas station when he put them big paws up on the window ledge and pressed the lock knob down. Good memories. When he died at 12, we said 'no more dogs' but a few months later we had female lab mix puppy. If you are a dog person, you are a dog person. When it's time, you'll be ready to find a new companion.
  24. Many people like to do things their own way, even if "THEY" say you should do it a certain way. Sometimes these rebels even know they are doing it wrong but have a reason! So who's got one? I'll start: THEY say you're supposed to turn your handlebars to the left when on the sidestand, but I always turn them to the right. The reason for me: It's easier. That's all. Never even considered putting them left because then my knee hits the handlebar or mirror when I mount/dismount. Plus I like the way the bike leans a little bit less with the bars to the right. My Maxim has steering lock to the right or left, but my Venture seems to only have it to the left, so I guess I'll be doing that way sometimes.
  25. I heard on the radio yesterday that the statewide average in Michigan is $2.99 for regular unleaded. That's about what I've been seeing everywhere around where I live and work. Best I've paid is 2.29 because I built up .70 off with my Kroger card, so I filled up my van and two gas cans to get the 35 gallon limit.
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