Okay, so today I did some measuring and this is what I found on the right front cylinder (The bad one).
Resistance on the cap was as follows: 200K = 008, 20K = 08 and 2000 I didn't get anything. I did test a couple of the other caps and they read the same so I assumed the cap is good.
Next I tested the coil. The primary (as I understand it, It was the two wires coming off the coil) was as follow 200 = 04.6. The secondary (Again, as I understand it, from the wire on the coil to the end of the plug cap) was as follows: 200k = 21.0,
I did use a youtube video on how to test a coil on a motorcycle. The link to the video is [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRQ45lT2d3c]Testing your motorcycle coil - YouTube[/ame] Hopefully I did it right. I did test the cylinder again after completion with the fingertip method and it remained cold. If it helps any I have 32K miles on the bike.