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    Evansville, IN, United States


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    United States
  1. Political correctness has been the toe-hold radicals have used against the civil societies of the whole world. If we can't speak about it who's winning? Even the Vatican is taking a stand.....
  2. H2O

    Biker Routes

    I'll check it out. Thanks!
  3. H2O

    Biker Routes

    Yep, I guess it's kinda subjective but they do have ratings at least. I haven't had time to personally check any of them out yet, but I see they're a few routes in my region I'll be checking out, on that same note, there's a few routes I know that are pretty cool that they don't have listed yet too. At least it offers something to check out.............gotta ride somewhere. lol
  4. H2O

    Biker Routes

    Maybe everyone else knows about this site already. I stumbled upon it a couple of weeks ago. Looks like a good place to go if you're planning a ride, short or long. http://www.motorcycleroads.com/
  6. A police officer called the central station on his radio. "I have an interesting case here. An old lady shot her husband for stepping on the floor she just mopped." "Have you arrested the woman?" "Not yet. The floor's still wet." [ATTACH=CONFIG]102276[/ATTACH]
  7. Just replaced the original Bridgestone up front on my RSV. Dropped down to a 130/90/16 bias Dunlop E3. As soon as I turned the handle bars it felt like there was less resistance and as soon as I started moving I noticed a difference, of course, any time I've replaced old tires on whatever the vehicle I notice a "difference", but the best way I can describe it is like I shed 20 pounds off the front of the RSV. Turning at a crawl was definitely improved. If I could tell any difference at highway speed it would be in favor of the original 150, but I really couldn't be positively sure about that. The new tire will get better I'm sure, but one thing is certain, the front end control is more responsive now in my opinion. It feels more like my '88 VR at slow speeds, which is what I was hoping for.
  8. Looks like some great places to see & ride. I noticed your Scorpion EXO. Didn't know they were available in that color.
  9. This reminds me of something I did way back in the early 80's when I was riding Enduro's. There were about 12 of us in a group that rode every weekend and some area Enduro's including Black Coal National that was an annual event nearby. I had been riding the 175 and 250 IT's. Great bikes, but there were about 4 guys in the group that could set a very fast pace, at least for me, and not knowing it, I kept riding over my head to keep pace with them. Couldn't find a way to stay with them consistently so I thought it's gotta be my bike. So after thinking this way for awhile I traded up for a new 390 4 speed automatic Husqvarna. The bike alone brought my skill level up one notch, but it didn't work out the way I thought exactly. Those guys could still lose me, but funny enough, they didn't care if I kept up or not. They were riding their pace and I should've been riding mine. After about one year on the Husky I was leading the group. I was gonna see if I could put some distance between me and them. I reverted to riding over my head again. This time I went down hard, hit a tree and cracked a rib on my left side! I looked like an idiot creeping out of the woods hunched over with one arm on holding my side and trying to climb the hills. Anyway, I found that my IT's were just fine, the Husqvarna was just fine. I was the problem because I just wanted to set pace with someone else that I couldn't hang with, without pushing my pace too hard. The Husky just made me wreck faster and harder! LOL Today some of the same group ride with us out on the road and we all have different bikes and different skill levels but I've found out that nobody really cares what your pace is. If they act otherwise I don't want to be riding with them anyway. My wife and I like the RSV and we liked our VR too and I liked my buddies GW, and I like my buddies Ultra Classic. When and if I get tired of the RSV I might look into another brand, heck, the way Yamaha is draggin' their feet I may have to go to a different brand!
  10. My experience has been good with it. I used to put Sta-Bil in the tanks of the seasonal and other equipment until several years ago when I happened to open up a fuel tank on a generator after about 4 weeks and saw what looked like blobs of something floating in the gasoline!! Checked another tank and saw the same thing. Was it a bad batch of Sta-Bil? I don't know but I quit using it. I've been putting and running a little SeaFoam through my equipment before storing, at my shop and at home for about 5 years now and haven't had any issues with start-up or separation since. :2cents::2cents::2cents:
  11. That is true. I know electricians that think otherwise, but a dielectric is NOT a conductor. I know some who apply it directly to exterior (outdoor) connections in order to reduce corrosion at high voltages, but only to reduce corrosive effects and that's after terminations have been made.........at 12 volts.................I wouldn't.
  12. "Freak" Baby Boomers...................................Description of Hippie Teenagers......................................What dads do when they discuss their daughters new boyfriend
  13. Oh, now you tell me!!! No, I didn't that, but thanks for the advice.
  14. I thought about that too. Maybe the contacts in the ptt on the front and the passenger might be dirty or not opening up completely but I went through both of them, and while I had the bike all apart, I opened up every modular plug and connection I could find, front to back. Everything appeared clean and crud-free. I blew out everything with air, cleaned as best I could and installed dielectric grease on everything. I checked the antenna too. Don't have an SWR meter anymore, but my experience with two-ways is that on receiving SWR's don't cause a squeal on receive when it's out of parameters. I probably need to check that. Could it be I the SWR's are way out of whack and caused the radio to crap-out?? Nothing worked until I just coughed up the money and found another radio on ebay and replaced the whole unit under the trunk. I'm convinced there was a problem in the radio, but I have never cracked open a digital radio. Had experience with the old crystal units though. lol I guess I'll try troubleshooting the old unit when I get time, but I just think it's bizarre that the squeal was on the receive side and was wondering if someone could say "Yes, had the same problem and it was right there in this diode, capacitor, triac, resistor, ....etc."
  15. Had a strange issue with my 06 CB. When I bought the bike this June the CB would transmit fine, but whenever someone would key their mic all I could hear was a squeal. After about 20 minutes I could start hearing people's voices coming over the squealing until the squeal subsided and all was well. That lasted until a few weeks ago, right before a long trip a few of us took on our bikes. The radio went back to the same issue and this time never got better. I went through all, and I mean all the connections in the wiring on the bike before we left, cleaning and applying dielectric grease. So, last week I replaced the CB. Now it's back to normal. I realize this is a digital radio but I've never experienced a squeal on a two way unless it was on transmit. I'm thinking about trouble shooting the thing. Anyone ever heard of this happening on receive before?
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