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Everything posted by nickjandrews

  1. Hello, I have a 2006 RSTD, with full Bub 4 into 2 system on it and K&N filter in stock boxes. Pretty sure I plugged the AIS quite a while back. Iridium plugs, stock ignition. Let her sit for far, far too long and gunked up the jets and such. Would not idle anywhere close to right and died instantly unless the choke was at least halfway out. Ran Seafoam for about 50 miles, still sluggish on highway and wouldn't idle. So I just rejetted with 125, 125, 120, 122.5 and all 117.5 pilots. Used a big can of carb cleaner and sprayed out all of the other jets, crannies, etc. and got all the dark backwash out. The floats looked like there was zero attempt to set them at the factory, so I bent the tabs to get about 8.5mm height on them. Pilot mix screws were nowhere close to same, about 1.5 turns difference between them. I set them all at 2 turns out. Did not check carb sync yet. Now she pulls at least as well as I thought she did before, prolly better. Easily got to over 90 in third without even trying. But she still pops on decel. Not a huge issue, but if I can tweak for best performance, why not? Any ideas on PMS settings? I guess there are 90 degree screwdrivers I could get to adjust the PMS if I need to. Not sure about best way to try tweaking them but I am open to ideas.
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