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Chaplain Dusty

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Everything posted by Chaplain Dusty

  1. Cowpuc, Stay off those Harleys. They WILL just get you all shook up! :You_Rock_Emoticon:And vibrate a bit. If you want loud pipes, then get you some BAGPIPES laddie! God Bless You My Brother!
  2. Cowpuc My Brother! I've been missin' you. Wow. :wow:The Lord is molding and shaping you. Amazing the things He allows for us. Congratulations on 37 years and prayers are going up for you and Tippy. Finally putting the chaplaincy corp. together in Santa Fe. We have 5 chaplains now and a 6th coming on. Headquarters says I will be the Assistant Commander. I will keep you posted. Many of our New Mexico chaplains are heading to Houston. Feeding crews already there and childcare volunteers for the shelters are in place. Mudouts won't start until the water recedes. Your Brother, Chaplain Dusty:bagpipes-emoticon:
  3. May our Lord pour out His mercy and grace upon Richard's family. We know the Lord is in total control and brings goodness to bear. Even in a loss He works miracles. Praise His holy name. My prayers are with each of you at this time. In The Love Of Christ, Chaplain Dusty
  4. Hey my brother. I just found out about everything. My prayers are with you and your family. Our Lord is mighty and faithful. He is a good good Father. Godspeed my brother. Chaplain Dusty
  5. Still enjoying the Avon's. I have stretched it to 115 miles per hour and no problems other than some back sway from the wind catching the side bags. No wobble in the front at all. Just checking her out and quickly let off the power to glide her down. I really do not need to go that fast, but it was fun for a bit. Still had more throttle though. And yes, she handles like a sport bike.
  6. Yes, yes, yes! These Avon Cobra's handle sooo well on my 1988 Venture Royale. The bike handles like a sport bike now. Dry or wet, they feel good. However, as all tires, they do not like snow or ice! I dropped the bike last Sunday. I got caught just after a freak hail storm. The traffic was backed up. There was no where to go, no pull off spots and no turn around spots. It was follow the ruts that cars were making in front of me. 4 inches of hail built up all around me with a 4 inch river off water flowing down the car ruts. It was stop and go with chunks of ice freezing at the bottom of the ruts. I was ninety percent through it all when the lane I was in filling in tighter with the white stuff. Just as I passed a tow truck which had picked up a car that had slid off the road, I decided to cross to the slow lane in front of him because there was no traffic. He had that lane blocked. As I attempted this, the bike slid away from me. I let her go and landed on my feet. No sooner than the bike went down, the two tow truck drivers jumped out of the truck and ran over. They helped me get the bike up and pushed out of the area I was stuck in. It bent my front brake lever a bit, but I straightened it out. It was touch and go for about another 100 yards, but everything came together and it was clear sailing after. I was very thankful that there were no injuries and the crash bars on the bike did their job. The bags and fairing came through well. It was good that all of this was at slow speed. That is New Mexico for you! If you do not like the weather, wait 5 minutes. Chaplain Dusty Ps. Praise God for His protection!
  7. Lord God Almighty, You created all things and hold all things together. You are sovereign and You are in control even when our circumstances and our lives seem out of control. Lord, we pray that Your mercy and Your grace will be poured out in this situation in Alberta, Canada and also in the hearts of those affected by this seemingly hopeless situation. For those that know You, we pray that You will give them the abilities and gifts that they need to help others and to be constant in their faith through this ordeal. We pray that You would draw them closer to You in an intimate way and that they would grow from immaturity to maturity spiritually. And for those that do not know You Lord, we pray that You would reveal Yourself to them in a mighty way and that You would be glorified in it. We know that You can bring much good through that which seems so bad. You are our hope, You are our rest and You are our peace in the eye of the storm. Thank You for allowing this prayer into Your very throne room and thank You for the sacrifice of Your Son and His blood shed for each of us. We pray this according to Your will and for Your glory. Thank You for Your love and Your mercy. In the precious name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen. Chaplain Dusty
  8. Been in bed for 5 days with a bacterial lung infection. Still weak, but smilin'. Will be several more days in bed. Boy, am I bored. The good Lord sure knows how to slow me down. Chaplain Dusty
  9. Those next to the freeway motels are SCARY!!!! Especially in Ohio. Watch out for Amarillo, Texas also. Absolutely no fun. Don't even mention coffee! Chaplain Dusty
  10. I expect the US economy to tank just after the election. Never mind next year. Get out of debt now if you can & do not go into new debt. Chaplain Dusty
  11. Hey Brother Puc! I just caught the thread about your hand. Wow! Are you doing alright? My prayers are with you my brother. My wife totaled her car a few weeks ago. She came through it unscathed by the grace of God. It is amazing how our Lord slows us down and keeps us walking by faith. It always to draw us closer to Him if we belong to Him. I do believe that He is preparing us for what lies ahead. Gambate Kudasai (words of encouragement, keep your chin up in Japanese) . Trust Him totally in this. I know it is hard sometimes, but He is with you in the middle of the storm. May our Lord bless you. How's Tippy? Chaplain Dusty
  12. I'm waiting for the slave cylinder kit along with the clutch master cylinder kit that I ordered to get here. As soon as they get here, I will install both kits and plan on using the Dot 4 fluid. Hope it works well in this '88 Venture Royale? Chaplain Dusty
  13. For Ice Cream!!!! Ice Cream Run Puc?
  14. You scream!
  15. Cookies
  16. Chaplain Dusty

    IMG 7220x

  17. illegals
  18. Welcome aboard. I was new not long ago and the information that I have been given has always panned out. It has helped my aging brain acquire some new knowledge and most of all it's kept the bikes going. My 88' is up and running and I'm busy changing the front fork seals in my 83'. Once you get the 86' up and rolling, you will be glad you did. They are good bikes. No smoother ride that I've ridden and powerful. Keep us posted. Lookin' forward to hearing from you. Chaplain Dusty
  19. Lord God Almighty, the only self sustaining One, the Maker of all things and Who maintains all things. Lord You have been, You now are and will always be. You are the great "I Am." I thank You for Your holiness and for who You are. Lord You tell us in Your Word to pray for one another. Out of obedience to Your Word, I pray for this young man. Father I pray for Your mercy and Your grace. Touch this young man physically, mentally and spiritually. Empower him with Your compassion. Allow Your love to comfort and heal. Fill him with the peace that only You can give. Remove the worries, the anxieties and the stress. Lord there is nothing that You cannot do. Just say the Word and it will be done. Lord I pray that You will bring good from what we see as bad and that You will glorify Your holy name in this young man's life. If he knows You, then I pray that You will draw him even closer to You. If he does not know You, I pray that You will reveal Yourself to him. Let Your Light shine. I thank You for hearing my prayer. I praise You! I pray this according to Your will and for Your glory. In the name of Your precious Son, Jesus the Christ. Amen. Chaplain Dusty
  20. The mountains next to me have some of the best ski season snow in the USA right now. But we reached 50 degrees down here where I live today for a change. It has been in the teens for over a month now. I rode the 88' to church today. It was a nice ride. You just do not want to be out at night. Now they are calling for more snow tonight. :snow2:We have a saying here, "If you do not like the weather, wait five minutes." And that is sOOOo true! You stay warm up there. Love ya! Chaplain Dusty
  21. Puc, Are you coming to the Wisconsin Rally? Chaplain Dusty Ps. Went for an ice cream run today. :ice_awesome-vi46644It was good to get out and ride.
  22. About the meat! :backinmyday:Is it distributed by or is it born in, raised in and slaughtered in the good old USA? They are getting tricky! You don't know what you are eating. It may be from Hong Kong Egypt or some other very strange place and never mind where it was packaged. Scary!!!!! Chaplain Dusty
  23. Alright!!!!! Now that is some good ice cream. Our closest is just the Dairy Queen. Chaplain Dusty
  24. My schedules are tight, but I would love to head up that way. I will definitely try to make it happen. In the mean time, keep warm! It looks like winter has finally come your way. I will keep in touch. I'm hoping to do an ice cream run this Saturday. Our weather has broke a little bit. It's supposed to be in the low fifties. Chaplain Dusty
  25. Where in Wisconsin? Chaplain Dusty:biker:
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