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Everything posted by Angelo

  1. You believe there is or are you sure there is?
  2. My prayers for you and your family, at least you know he'll be waiting for you. My Grandfather used to refer to it as going to his reward, your Dad just got his.
  3. My wife works for Liberty Mutual and has described this same situation to me no less than once a week. I thought she was kidding the first time she told me about one of those $12000/year policies but it sounds like it's not too uncommon after all.
  4. Angelo

    New Site

    You guys that are getting this message^^^^^^^^, go in and clear out your cache and reload the website and it should load correctly. Don, when you get a chance, change the color or highlight in some way the reply with quote buttons, they blend right in right now. I like this format, it's the same as a couple of the other boards I'm on so it feels more like home for me. Love the auto save feature as well since I work from my phone a lot.
  5. Move south, we ride year 'round:thumbsup: unless you do something stupid and hurt yourself playing basketball so you have to cancel a nice scenic curvy road trip you had been planning for 3 weeks with your friends and wife who even took the day off to go with you. Now get out there and enjoy it as long as you can before that white crap starts falling on you.
  6. Angelo


    It's actually kind of enjoyable for me not to have to worry about it yet at the same time if it does hit here and I can't remove it I'm sure it would be equally annoying. Keeping my fingers crossed that we don't have to deal with it during the change over.
  7. Hey guys, I've been here for a little while now and I've noticed that this board does not seem to get any spam. This is the only board I make time for now that I do not help run, so I have no reference to other boards anymore, but are you guys staying that on top of it or is the safety check questions during sign up all the protection you have in place?
  8. No one likes change but knowing that these newer versions are where they will be putting in the effort for design and security I think it's a change that will end up needing to be done regardless. So if you're ready for it I say go for it and we'll work through figuring out any changes that we come across. VB is fairly user friendly anyways, so I can't imagine much of anything that changes will mess any of us up too bad, even the real geriatrics of this board:rotf:
  9. Nice to know that those CB radios do get used, I don't even have a headset for mine, I have a Scala Rider G9x so I can listen to music and use the phone/GPS if needed.
  10. Just glad you are able to tell us about this, wish it didn't happen, but at least you lived to talk about it.
  11. Can't see why it would be an issue, can only help to grow this site.
  12. Hey, I acknowledged that he got something right, isn't that being nice:big-grin-emoticon:
  13. So I go to the bike shop to pick up plugs, oil and filter to do the first service since I bought my 99 RSV. The moron working the counter brought out the wrong oil filter, only knew because I had looked to see where the one on my bike was located and happened to see the part number. Brought out 3 quarts of oil and then argued with me about the quantity, I fortunately had looked to see what it took before I left home or I would have been short. Because of these 2 mistakes I decided to ask to see the parts guide book to verify the plug numbers and sure as ****, he messed that up as well, on top of that he only brought out 2 spark plugs. Fortunately he got the drain plug gasket right, didn't have to go back for that one. It amazes me how bad some of these guys can be and keep their job.
  14. That's a dangerous rider right there.
  15. I stand on the running boards on my 99, but I sure as heck wouldn't take it off road. I don't know if going away from factory sized tires would help at all. I can tell you one thing, as nice as my RSV rides going down the road, I definitely feel her movements more on this bike than my old one (800 Marauder) and it has to be how high she sits because as heavy as this one is you'd think it would react as much as the previous bike let alone more so. It doesn't bother me now that I've ridden it for a while, just took a little bit to get used too.
  16. Be safe and have fun guys, sounds like a fun trip.
  17. This here is it for me, all except the snow, I ran away from that crap:thumbsup:
  18. Congrats, have fun and be safe
  19. Tired of riding? Moved back to AZ after 4 winters in MN, the 4-6 weeks of what is bad weather here is much easier to handle than 6+ months of misery that I experienced up there.
  20. Made it to the first stop sign the day I got mine and it started to go. Instead of letting it go like I should have, I planted my leg and pulled like hell to keep it from going down. I'm not small at all and have spent a lot of time in the gym which is why I was able to keep it from going down but I was rewarded with a messed up back for about 2 weeks. Lesson learned, let her go, it hurts less.
  21. Thanks for putting a smile on my face, hope yours recovers.
  22. Have to go with the backrest. 200 miles and the only reason I need to stop is for fuel:thumbsup: Not to try to hijack this thread, but since it was already brought up, what are the best spot mirrors you guys have found? I have been considering that add on but wasn't sure how well it would do on such a small mirror.
  23. Should have done it as a trade in, not just if you own one. That being said, clever way to dump the last of your 2014 bikes you have left.
  24. Angelo

    Near miss

    They should make it mandatory for anyone who wants to drive a car/truck should have to ride a bike first. That would make these boneheads pay a bit more attention.
  25. Oh they don't look happy at all:D My grandfather rode down from Washington and my dad came over from Texas a few years back and I got a picture with them and my son, 4 generations of first born males.
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