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Everything posted by Angelo

  1. Angelo

    Jerome AZ

    I think you're thinking of 89A, which is what I'm doing next time, taking it all the way to Flagstaff. I came up I-17 from Anthem, about 35 miles of "ick-spress" as you put it then cut across on 69 toward Prescott, from there I hit 89A into Jerome and got to play in the hills. Next time you come down this way let me know and I'll see about meeting you in Flag and running down the hill with you.
  2. After my bike ride today I decided to pull and check the air filters, no issues but living in the desert I've made it a habit to keep an eye on them. I also decided after reading threads on here to run Seafoam through it, again, no issues just maintenance. After I get all done with it, I put the filters back on and take it out for a ride. 1st gear fine, 2nd gear fine, shift into 3rd and the bike falls on its face. 4th gear and still nothing, really wind it up and it starts popping and backfiring, even worse when I let off the throttle. I pull off the road and come to a stop and let it idle, snap the throttle a few times and she is all there, no hesitation or backfiring at all. I take off and again 1st and 2nd gear she's all there, hit 3rd and she's done again. I start thinking that I fouled a plug or something since it sounds like most of the noise is coming from the left side. I head back home and go back over the filter housings and vacuum ports to make sure I didn't leave anything loose. Can't find anything so I figure I'll just pull a plug in the morning and deal with it then. So I go ahead and button up the lower fairing and while I'm doing that I look at the filter housing and start to think what are the chances that it's getting too much air without the fairing blocking the fronts of the filter housing. Crazy thought but I figured what the hell, one more quick ride to see. Sure as **** she runs like a raped ape again. Now is that normal or could something else be going on? Seems strange to me but it runs fine so.........
  3. Angelo

    Jerome AZ

    Very unique set up that's for sure. I was riding conservatively since I was by my self, but caught up to quite a few cars which surprised me since I didn't think I was riding that fast. You can definitely give your gearbox a workout on that trip but I really wish I had my wife with me to get pictures during the ride, like I already said, it was very beautiful.
  4. Angelo

    Jerome AZ

    For anyone in AZ or wanting to ride through here I highly recommend the ride through the Jerome area. Beautiful scenery and fun roads to test the edges of your tires. I'll get a couple pictures up when I get a chance.
  5. Reading these sad, sad posts about parking those poor bikes for the winter makes me even happier I moved back to Arizona. Thank you guys for continuing to make me a happy man:cool10:
  6. That sucks man. Hope you get good news and you have another bike in the works soon.
  7. Angelo


    Thank God it doesn't snow here. I see you guys talking about putting your bikes away for the winter and I feel sorry for your bikes. Such a shame to think of them locked up all winter because their riders won't follow the birds.
  8. I want to take a ride up there, something like 127 turns in 22 miles.
  9. I work Sunday through Thursday but send me a message when you get into town and see if we can hook up.
  10. Watching football with my son. Prayers up!!!!!
  11. Angelo

    DC Jack

    Definitely couldn't see it sitting on the bike but I found it. What's the button next to it for?
  12. One of the bolts on the trim piece around the gas tank was perfect to match up, just needed a washer that was slightly larger in diameter.
  13. I'm thankful for this thread, convinces me that I made the right decision to move back south away from that white stuff.
  14. Where was that at?
  15. Angelo

    DC Jack

    What year did they start putting them on these bikes?
  16. That's something else right there. Can't imagine what that person was thinking when that was being filmed.
  17. Want to meet for coffee:whistling:
  18. Welcome aboard.
  19. If you got what you wanted then whatever you paid was a good price, if it wasn't, you wouldn't have purchased it.
  20. $2.84 in AZ at the pump but one of the gas stations here you can get up to $1 off per gallon if you shop at a certain store and get enough points.
  21. Don't know who Skid is or what's going on but I'll say a prayer for him and his family all the same. I'm sure the good Lord will know who and what it's for and that's all that matters.
  22. I paid wholesale price for mine from a guy who needed money with the only issue being a rub mark on the left lower fairing and the radio doesn't work. I use a headset and I painted the fairing so I think I did alright.
  23. If anyone has any doubts about spending $12 measly dollars for a membership to this forum, here is yet another thread proving this boards worth. Thanks for the help guys. Now that I think about it more, with that one bolt fitting so much stuff on these bikes, surprises me that none of these guys had it.
  24. Length and pitch?
  25. I was riding home from work a couple nights ago and the bolt that bolts the shifter down fell out. I was able to get it in place to make it home, but need to replace it now. None of the dealers in town have it and not one guy could give my the specs on the bolt so I could just buy one at a parts place in town. I called yamaha and all they could tell me was shipping weight and total length but not thread pitch. Anyone either know or willing to pull and get thread pitch/length on theirs for me? Really don't want to pay $10 for a $2 bolt.
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