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Everything posted by Angelo

  1. We're getting warmer.
  2. Angelo


    I guess I could drive north to Flagstaff as soon as the battery arrives and visit the snow covered areas. Is seeing snow the same as letting it hit you for battery life?
  3. The Cuba one was mine and I can see where that could have went even though I meant it as a joke regarding acquiring cigars. Figured we had a few cigar smokers on here that would get a kick out of it. Won't happen again.
  4. Can't be him, not enough stickers.
  5. Some of these guys are a little slow me thinks.
  6. Aiming for AZ:bawling: The ski resorts 2 hours north of me could use some:mo money:
  7. Also, any receipts you may have over the last year or so for anything you've added to the bike you should have available. Sometimes you can get them to add that in.
  8. Angelo


    Found his ad, how do you order from the classifieds? Do you just send him an email/message?
  9. Sucks to have to hang up the helmet, glad you are able to make that decision while walking away. Hope you guys heal up fast, sure happy it's only as bad as you're describing.
  10. Angelo


    Also, what CCA battery comes in these? Can't see any info on the top of it and haven't pulled it yet.
  11. Angelo


    So I keep getting punished for teasing everyone about the wonderful weather we are having here. My battery capped out on my bike, fortunately in my garage and not somewhere away from home, but still ruined a nice day for a ride even if it was to work. Before I go and buy a battery to replace mine I've learned to bounce things off you guys so here it goes again. Any batteries out there that is a benefit over the stock ones in these bikes? Can't imagine there are too many options out there but I figure I should check just in case.
  12. My all time favorite question. I love to be a smart ass so this one gives me plenty of practice, what's scary is how often I get asked that question.
  13. This look is more like I'm used too so I like it better.
  14. Broken or international, I'm glam it stopped because I'm enjoying the weather today. My wife usually has to work on the days I'm off but we're out playing today and it's nice to have company some times.
  15. Your snow machine malfunctioned and is dropping a bunch of rain on us right now. I will consider not harassing you guys anymore as long as you turn it of by tonight, planning on taking my wife on a nice long ride tomorrow.
  16. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?89764-Normal-or-Not
  17. I rode mine with the lower fairings off and the extra air flow into the intake made it run like crap, no power and backfire at 35+ mph.
  18. If it was the first time I ever heard that I may take offense, but I bring that on myself about 3 or 4 times a day. How's the weather up there?
  19. Don't consider that a natural disaster but they can be fun. In 12 years only had to deal with 1 and it was for about 2 miles on the freeway in a car.
  20. Well done Sir, we'll done.
  21. I had no idea what you were talking about until my wife made a comment about it, too far for me to worry about. Only "natural disaster" we worry about here is extreme heat and monsoons when they hit real hard.
  22. Positive thoughts and prayers for you my friend, enjoy seeing you torture those poor guys in the Midwest.
  23. That's good to know. Are they generally the cheaper ones out or is this something common to see?
  24. That's why God gave us warm clothes.
  25. It's easy to spot the out of towners at work, they're the only crazies running around wearing shorts and t-shirts. Seriously, who does that when it's only 70 degrees out:confused07: Honestly, after 2 months below 0 like I dealt with last winter in Minnesota I remember dressing pretty light when it hit 40 which was the final straw for me and I moved back to a sane environment. Now I get to have fun with those who still choose to live there.
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