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Everything posted by lowflyer07

  1. Re: The hand holds I put on my RSTD. I just ordered them online from South Seattle Yamaha Sports Plaza, and the bolted on without having to make any adjustments. That is assuming that you have the Yamaha Travel Trunk Frame from a RSV on your bike, which if you want to put a trunk on it, you will probably will want to have. The frame is $288, and the handles (Grip Assists) are about $85 each. Together is does run into a few bucks, but worth it. Everything fits without having to "reinvent" it. I hope that helps! Lowflyer07
  2. What you want to do is not a problem at all. Both the RSV and RSTD are basically the same frame, and the rails holding the trunk fits like a glove. I have a 2005 RSTD and have a trunk off of a 1999 RSV mounted on mine. It gives me lots of room, and the “best of both worlds,” as I have the removable windscreen. I have also added the RSV hand holds to my bike, which makes it safer for the passenger. About the only difference now is that I don’t have a CB, which I don’t miss at all, as I was never in to talking while traveling down the freeway, either with a CB, or a Cell Phone. I have purchased several parts for my bike, which were made for a RSV, and they just slip on without any problems. If you can locate a trunk, and the mounting rails, they will be a snap to mount on your Tour Deluxe. Good Luck! Lowflyer07 Attached is picture of my 2005 RSTD with RSV Trunk attached.
  3. Some time ago we had a discussion on this topic, and the question was raised if the plans for the center stand could be posted on the site. As some of us do have the capacity to build one of these items, it was hoped that the drawings could be shared with the members. I didn't want to push the issue, but have been waiting hopefully,to see them, and was thought it would be a great winter project. Now that it is spring (is that what they call it here in Washington State this year?) it sure would be nice to be able to put one of them together. (See thread from 06-20-2007, 10:25 PM, Freebird- center stand for RSV) I would have ordered one of Freebird's models, but as he is no longer making them, was hoping he would post the plans for the rest of us to try our hands at making our own. I, for one, would love to have the chance to "roll my own." Lowflyer07
  4. If gas for my car and scoot wasn't high enough, I was just getting back into flying again after 30 years. Where I fly out of, it is the cheapest in the area, and still is over $5.00 a gallon. When you burn 10 gallons an hour, thats a lot of cash. I was hoping to finally get a chance to get back in the air, but it looks like that is getting to be a pipe dream. At least the milage is better on my bike. They wont be able to take that one away from me! Lowflyer Ride Safe
  5. I had the same experience with them after trying to get help from a local Yamaha dealer only a mile from my house, and getting ignored because I didn't buy my RSTD from them. It is refreshing to find a dealer that will go out of their way for you as they did there at Sports Plaza Yamaha Seattle. I had them change a tire for me on a Sunday. I went home after they told me how long it should take, but got a call saying it was ready before I got home. (they are 20 miles away) They also removed and greased the drive shaft at the same time, no charge. Oh yes, I didnt buy the tire from them, but it didn't matter, same service as if I had. Wish more dealers were so helpful. Needless to say they are my choice. Lowflyer07 Ride Safe
  6. AMEN! Lowflyer07
  7. """ Conscientious Objectors """ Veterans????? It is hard to hear the two groups in the same sentence. I know is that when we speak about that type of "Veteran", it's not usually discribed as "Honarable mention!" In fact if we mention them at all, it wouldn't be discribed as honarable, nor even polite, in some circles. When I was about to be drafted, I too thought for about a milli-second, about going to Canada..but wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I had done that. Yes, Conscientious Objectors can be mentioned, but not as a "honarable mention" Am proud to be a Veteran! Lowflyer07 Ride Safe
  8. Mine was a '55 Chevy. I can't believe I was so dumb selling that car! We used to love to drive to the XXX back then along with all the other "kids." Oh yea, I still can! The last original XXX Drive-in is still here in the area. Love to drive my the '67 Mustang there and remember the great times we once had. Thanks for the great memories!! Lowflyer07 Ride Safe
  9. "There for the Grace of God go I." Although I have never met them, my heart is heavy after hearing about their accident. It makes me think of all the enjoyment of riding with my wife, and makes me appreciate life, and her, even more. May Leslie find peace, and Gary have the strength to carry on riding one-up without his navigator.
  10. You might find one used, but the removable backrest is not listed in the parts catalog as a complete unit. Checking the price of buying all of the parts, looks like it might be quite expensive to buy that way. Even with 25% discount for ordering online at South Seattle Sports Plaza, it is several hundred dollars. I added it up to be $546.00. Hope you can find one cheaper! Lowflyer07 Ride Safe
  11. I would agree with flb_88. The best wire attachment is using a crimp connector; the problem is you have to use the proper crimping tool to make the connection. Using a pair of pliers or vice grips works for a emergency fix, but should not be thought of as permanent. Where I work, we do wiring for commercial airliners, and on the most part, soldering a connection is TABOO. The best splice is crimped, but be sure you don't nick the wire when stripping off the insulation. A properly terminated connection will last a lot longer than a soldered one, and will not require solder to make it permanent. With all the vibration that an airplane experiences, crimping is the only method allowed. If it's good for a Boeing 737, then it should be good for a motorcycle. Lowflyer07 Ride Safe
  12. lowflyer07

    Tank Bib

    The RSTD has a 5.3 gallon tank vs 6.0 gallon tank on the Venture. They don't look too different sitting side by side, and it might just work though. Lowflyer07 Ride Safe!
  13. With my 05 RSTD I am paying just less than $300/year with State Farm/ I understand that State Farm has only recently started writing motorcycle policies. Might check with them too. GEICO and Progressive are both lower then most. Lowflyer07 Ride Safe
  14. What did you get for 3.00??? Details.. Details.. we need Details!! Lowflyer07
  15. This thread is timely, as I just finished doing exactly what is being talked about. I bought a used 05 RSTD that had a 99 RSV Trunk mouned on it. Last week I took off the saddlebags when changing the rear tire, and and noticed that there were several cracks at each point where the trunk mounted to the rack...bummer! I removed decided to "beef it up" a little. i put three coats of fiberglass on the inside, and one on the bottom of the trunk. It was an easy job, although you have be patient when doing the job, so as not to hurt the finish on the rest of the box. Thanks to this site, I got an idea on what the fix from Yamaha was for the 99 RSV trunk problem, and added to the inside at each mounting point, an aprox. 2.5" by 1.75" alumimum plate to spread out the pressure more to a larger area than just at the mounting hole with a small washer. I also made some vibration damping pads, by cutting up a black rubber mousepad to fit between the bottom of the box and the rack mounts. I Had to buy some longer metric stainless steel bolts to mount the box as the added thickness inside the box made the old ones a tad bit too short. All in all, it was an easy fix, and time will tell how long it lasts. It is good to have the bike "back to normal" again. Most important thing is that the wife feels better with the trunk and backrest on the bike. She doesn't like to ride without a secure back rest. Afterall, ... "If Mama Isn't Happy, Ain't Nobody Happy"......... (and likewise)...... "If Daddy Ain't Happy...Who Cares?!" Lowflyer07 Ride Safe
  16. [quote name='AZSpyder']I stopped by to talk with the service manager at the local shop the other day ...... He did offer one possibility that I haven’t seen mentioned here. He suggested trying 20-50 weight oil. Since I had already seen mine as a temperature related problem it seems to be worth a try. My next service point is about 1000 miles away and I’m going to try it then. I just changed to 20-50 Mobil 1 Synthethic, and found that the noise deminished a lot from what it was before, although it took a couple hundred miles before I really noticed the difference. It is almost tolerable right now, and has been a thousand miles since I changed. Also, my passenger cannot hear the noise, and if I lean back a little, it is a lot less noticable. I believe the fact that we are within a sort of "wind eddy" behind the windshield, we hear it even more. Solutions? I dont' know, but at least if all else fails, ear plugs will work, at least for now. Lowflyer07
  17. Need some help here. I bought an 05 RSTD, and after a month and a half of riding, it was time to change the oil. I have read every thread concerning oil there was to offer here on the site, and finally decided on what I wanted to purchase. The manual calls for "3.91 US qt with filter cartridge replacement" I drained oil, and let it drain for about 20 minutes, changed the filter, and proceded to refill with the new oil. After completing the job, I noticed that the Engine Oil Check Window was full, but thought it might change after starting the engine....it didn't. SOOOO I drained out the oil until the level was between the minimum and maxium level on the window. Even though I had carefully added EXACTLY 3.91 US qt, it was 1 quart OVER FULL. My question is: What Happened? Is the manual wrong? Have any of you had this happen? What is the correct procedure: to fill with the manual required amount, or just to the "full line" on the oil check window? Haven't had anything like this happen on any other bike I have owned. I hope some of you can help me understand what is happening, or at least tell me if you have noticed this yourselves. This is my first post, and hope you guys can help. I enjoy the site a lot, and the information is a lot of help. Thanks! Lowflyer07
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