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  • Name


  • Location
    Horton Bay, United States


  • City
    Horton Bay


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1987 Venture Royale
  1. Well dang! I really wanted this to be an easy fix. I pulled the covers off and the little gears are all in great shape. So starter clutch it is. What tool to I need to pull the magnet off? And is there a special orientation that it needs to go back on? I have the repair manual somewhere but it seems to have been misplaced at the moment.
  2. Hello everyone! I am sad my first post is a problem with my bike but to at the beginning of the season when i took my venture out of storage (the bike in question is a 1987 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300) the starter was not engaging, it would just spin, and sometimes it would grind (box of rocks sound) At first i would hit the starter button a few times and it would engage fully and then crank the motor (slowly but would start the motor) I thought this was a battery issue because my volt meter was not as high as it used to be (about 12v when charged), I had a 1 year old Deka AMG and i thought it just quit, so I ordered a new one- fully charged it- and nothing different. The next thing I tried was taking off and cleaning the battery terminals and connectors, engine ground, and the starter hot lead. Again to no avail. Last season I installed a used 4-brush starter to replace the stock (perfectly working) 2 brush version.I thought maybe the clutch in the starter failed or it somehow died. So I just took that starter out and re-installed my stock one, charged up the battery, cranked it, and the new starter has not made a difference. The starter I took out did not have any stripped teeth and the gear inside the engine that it connects to looked great. I am completely out of ideas on what to look at next as the root of my problem, something is not allowing my bike to get all the power of the battery- Any help would greatly be great!! I have not used my bike much this season at all because of this issue.
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