I have my 1999 RSV with 37,*** miles on it pretty well disassembled for maintenance. I was planning on checking the valve clearances so I called Breyley Yamaha in N. Royalton , OH (they are supposedly well respected) to see if they have a shim exchange program to which the service manager responded that they do, he inquired if my valve cover gaskets are leaking and I responded "no why" he then asked why I was checking lash and I told him that I do not know the maintenance history of the bike and thought it may be a good idea since I was this close. The gentleman wanted to know if the bike was running well or and I said yes but it may need the carbs synced. I will be pulling the carbs out to replace the intake boots anyways and that brings up the thought should I pull the bowl off to measure the floats or should I use the sight gauge method as it seems to me it is the actual tell all of float level?
He then said they do not check lash on the bikes unless there is a reason to pull the valve covers off and when they do they rarely find the valves out of spec even on bikes with over 50K miles on them.
What is your take on the service managers opinion of not checking the valve lash? I am so close but yet if it isn't broke why brake it? I would be replacing the valve cover gaskets if I pull the covers.