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Everything posted by Motiv

  1. Good for you Fool. Great news.
  2. I'm gonna give this one a chance for a while, these seats are hard enough sounds like you have very little padding left.
  3. Thank you for all the offers but we purchased RPM 13's seat.
  4. What did you need to do to get it lower than stock?
  5. Nice Don, sounds fun. Mcbeth is just down the road from where we stayed.
  6. The wife and I headed out to our cottage in Deersville, OH Friday evening and met up with our old friends Carl and Elaine to celebrate Carl's 60th birthday. The four of us headed out Saturday morning for breakfast at Bob Evans in Robinson, just outside of Pittsburg after breakfast it was time to fill up the tanks. Unfortunately Sheets driveway was an uphill and canted to the left so it didn't help when the lady pulling out from the pump hesitated then went again by this time Carl was on the brakes and down they both went to the left Carl and bike faired well but Elaine received somge scratches on her left elbow and bumped her head on the cement, thank God she was wearing a helmet which cushioned the blow. After we gathered ourselves we proceeded to the Flight 93 Memorial via Rt. 30. after being stuck in construction stop and go in the heat for the next five miles it was fun to go by the steel city and through the tunnels. I would not recommend going down Rt.30 till you hit Ligonier, it's boring and has many traffic lights. We took some time to say a prayer for the poor souls that perished on that horrible day. http://i1352.photobucket.com/albums/q654/Pauljewl/20150725_151907_zps8uwed5fk.jpg Marble wall with passenger and crew names carved in each slab. http://i1352.photobucket.com/albums/q654/Pauljewl/20150725_145226_zpsmcdsuys4.jpg Next stop, the inclined plane in Johnstown PA. but we first had to crash a wedding party gathered in the street in front of the church. Too bad there are no pictures it was quite fun. http://i1352.photobucket.com/albums/q654/Pauljewl/20150725_161049_zpsbt9s1t5z.jpg For $6.25 they will take you, your bike and a passenger up (or down). http://i1352.photobucket.com/albums/q654/Pauljewl/20150725_162456_zpsjmimqpnd.jpg This cable driven rail car has been in operation since the 1890's to move goods and commuters and for flood evacuation. Here is a view of Johnstown from the top. http://i1352.photobucket.com/albums/q654/Pauljewl/20150725_164756_zpse4a3b56v.jpg Carl and Elaine headed home for Deersville while Julie and I continued to Cooksburg in Cook's Forest where a work friend Linda and her husband Doug rent out cabins, this area is beautiful and a joy to ride around. http://i1352.photobucket.com/albums/q654/Pauljewl/20150725_200517_zpsgodc8lja.jpg Upon arrival we were treated to a BBQ dinner and breakfast in the morning. Here is one of their cabins. http://i1352.photobucket.com/albums/q654/Pauljewl/20150725_203642_zpsacj0bj1y.jpg One with Mrs. Motiv. http://i1352.photobucket.com/albums/q654/Pauljewl/20150726_093100_zpsku4s679x.jpg After saying our thank you's and goodbye's we forged on to Warren, PA via 36 to 666 to 6. Now that was some fun riding. In Warren there was a nice Corbin seat and passengers backrest for sale by a fellow member @RPM13 . After mounting the new seat and backrest, our new friends Betty and Dick took us for a fantastic little tour of the Allegheny River area. First stop Kinzua Dam, although we parked in the wrong spot to get the dam in the picture. http://i1352.photobucket.com/albums/q654/Pauljewl/20150726_141857_zpsjjhjnlw3.jpg Look at that seat! http://i1352.photobucket.com/albums/q654/Pauljewl/20150726_141909_zpstuken9xz.jpg Nice views from Rimrock overlook. Lots of hiking trails to enjoy here. http://i1352.photobucket.com/albums/q654/Pauljewl/20150726_151231_zpsgrffrkud.jpg Ice cream stop with our new friends Betty and Dick. Dick treated in case you were wondering. http://i1352.photobucket.com/albums/q654/Pauljewl/20150726_160018_zps4vfk4q5f.jpg Packed up and secured the stock seats in and on the bike it was time to head home taking I 86, I 90, I 71, I 480 and Rt. 83. We are blessed to have so many friends that we were able to share time with and to have traveled almost 700 miles safely.
  7. Praying for both of you and positive vibes to boot.
  8. I am seriously considering a corbin seat but would like to sit on a bike with one first before I plop down the money. My zip code is 44253 if you are with in a couple hundred miles of me and don't mind me sitting on your bike or putting the seat on my bike pm me please. Regards, Paul
  9. Page Page 110 and 111 in the Clymer manual.
  10. Motiv

    NC sharks

    We were going to vaca in Calabash but changed it to Pensacola Beach instead due to the shark activity, hope it's safe there.
  11. Here is a link if it works. The exhaust sounds deeper in person. I believe the exhaust gasses smell richer with the butterfly valve opened which is opposite to what one would think. I have not noticed any difference in power output but I do notice I twist the right hand grip more in loud mode. You can set it anywhere in between also. Yes, this is a novelty but so is safety chrome! http://i1352.photobucket.com/albums/q654/Pauljewl/th_20150713_200053_zps3men916i.mp4
  12. Sure, if I can figure out how??? So any tips on how to do it with a cell phone would be appreciated. Is it like posting to photo bucket then posting a link?
  13. They have been making these for a few years now. I have a set on my bike and they sound real good. Open for around town closed for long distance or anywhere in between. http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/national-cycle-peacemakers-exhaust-slip-ons-yamaha-xvz1300-royal-star-venture-royal-star-tour-deluxe/part/NC-N41310
  14. Has any one put rstd seats on a rsv? If so, what was involved in this mod?
  15. I have a very nice set of Diamond seats with black velour and diamond stitch with integrated / removable / adjustable driver's back rest included and I also have a set of Hartco custom seats that work with a OEM drivers back rest. Both sets are very comfortable they just bring me up a tad compared to the stock seat but I bought them hoping they would lower me a bit instead . I have a 30" inseam and the RSV is a bit tall for me. Are you looking for a trade??? Check Hartco and diamond seat reviews, they have the same owner and are made in the same place. Regards, Paul
  16. Motiv


    Hang in there Scotty boy! Praying for you and your family.
  17. Sorry to hear this but happy your in tact. Heal up well.
  18. The centers look different from the RSV rotors, not saying they won't fit they just look different .
  19. How did the mating part in the final drive look?
  20. I would check all the connections in the areas you were fiddling around if that not it try disconnecting the battery cable then turn the ignition key on for a few seconds then back off so it drains any stored energy in the electronics , this works on some things but it's worth a try.
  21. Congratulations Carl, makes for a wonderful life doesn't it.👍👍👍
  22. Actually a bit shorter to get the friction zone closer to the handebars. I did this previously to the one I lost, it was perfect then the other day I put the bike in 1st on a high idle and the bike wanted to creep forward with the clutch fully depressed. Reservoir is full of fluid, I wonder if that is sign of clutch woes to come. Bike has 39 K miles on it, when do you guys service the clutches on these things? I welded a little bead on the end (lever side) where I ground about 2 mm off previously, that is when I lost the darned thing. This works well to move the friction zone back if you have short fingers but you may need to add a small spring over the push rod to bring the clutch lever back onto the limit switch to keep the cruise control engaged.
  23. Got - R - Done! Thanks Dion.
  24. With the box this way the aero coming off the back is much cleaner too, wonder how much it affects mileage?
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