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Everything posted by Sisbaiken

  1. It was pointed out to me your tri-pouch bag.....Is that a Tour Master coaster? by any chance? like this one below?
  2. Here are the upclose. I just don't know what type of plastic this is that can be sewn???
  3. Not sure if these Pics are posting
  4. I just installed them on my Venture. NOT A TRIKE ....BUT..... Here is what I used and needed. 1) Drill with small bit (pilot hole) 2)11 y.o. son complaining that he is tired of holding armrest in place 3) 15 y.o. daughter telling me im not straight and lined up so it might be "a little off" lol I opened the saddlebags and put the drill inside shot the self tappers up never removed anything and mine are aligned correct. I have read others removed saddlebags, but I am guessing its because there drill was not a snub nose drill (shorty) like min. Whole thing took me about 20 mine. most of that time was walking back and forth eyeballing to make sure everything was straight. with an audience of the 2 I mentioned above plus my wife and 2 other daughters (14 and 20 years old). In the end they are on straight and both my wife and son (he rides more than anyone) say they feel good. There are other issues I don't like about them but nothing to do with installation!!! GOOD LUCK
  5. Whatever is currently sewn on it measures 1/16th. I was afraid of going 1/32nd thinking if it was cold the vibrations would crack it? I didn't know that ABS was sewable as well to be honest!
  6. So I picked up a tri-pouch/bag (Tourmaster Coaster SL Windshield Bag)for my Venture (brand new $10), and surprise the "tail" wasn't long enough. I like the looks and functionality, because it has the magnetic snaps. Did I mention it looks good on the bike (from holding it in place!!!). On to the Question: Has anyone here ever worked with Kydex or boltran? It is a pliable material used to make holsters. I don't want to use it to heat up and form but from what I can tell it is sewable??? I think I can rip the stitching out and put a new piece of this plastic type (1/16) material stitched to the back. I found a Leather guy who will do it (He has heavy duty sewing machines) but he hasn't a clue what the plastic material is. Does anyone or has anyone used something else to make one? It should be noted I have never used Kydex or Boltran I just found it while searching for a pliable 1/16th thick plastic material.
  7. This is exactly what I tell me wife! after 20 years I have gained 50lbs! CONGRATS you see less and less of this kind of longevity.
  8. I have to admit as a single my BMW is hard to beat...two up with the wife the venture has no competition!!!
  9. That is near dead on what I am getting. Everything is clean (filter wise). Maybe it is all she has. It seems though I show I am out of full (1 bar left) yet only ever put in about 4.5 to 5 us gal.
  10. Ill have to measure the windshield it seems kind of tall. I still like the comfort though. I was just concerned that I seem to be getting way less then everyone else! lol Thanks for the input all now I need to go investigate more...
  11. anywhere from 4.5 to 5 gallons. Can syncing of the carbs help much? I am a former BMW rider and this is my first "heavy" bike. My '85 k100 looks a lot like the 1st gen venture. I got nearly 45 to 50 with it still when I ride it.
  12. Being a new Venture owner....I am only getting 30-35 miles per gallon HWY! I use cruise set it at 65 and have done several 200 to 300 mile trips with my tank showing empty at 150-165. Is this what everyone else is seeing? I have a 2009 RSV. Sorry for bringing back an old thread but I figured I would get some of you alls input on this subject matter. I just hate being the first of the group that's got to get gas!!!! GRRRRRRRRRR!
  13. Ugggghhhh! I noticed that and was fingers crossed that no one pointed that out! Lol...no no they will be on his new 2014 Harley limited..but heck maybe he will breakdown and need a lift!
  14. That's what I've been reading. I pm him and he said he sold his bike and can't make them any more.....
  15. I already have compiled a list of goodies I want errr make that NEED! I think I might tackle the conversion of the ever so useful tape deck to glove box this weekend....if I have time. My wife wants the armrest so does my son, so looking for a set of those. If I cant find any I might try to fab some up.
  16. Thanks all! And I do see that now! PICS are coming the boy and I went to the football hall of fame and a bunch of other places I will post pics. He is 11 and loves riding as much as I do. I look forward to mingling.
  17. Let me begin, I got my beautiful bike 2 weeks ago (Aug 15th)....new to me. She is a 2009 Venture S I believe. My son and I have logged 600 miles across the state to varies places, my wife and I have another 500+ going to varies flea markets and auctions she wants to go to, and I drive daily about 60 miles round trip M-F...so that's another approximately 600 miles. Quick run down: 600+500+600=1700miles in 14 days. I have nothing bad to say and neither does any of my passengers....for the first time!!! I still have my old daily rider (85 BMW K100 runs great!), but it was not very rider or passenger friendly of someone my size (6'2 250lbs)...and shhhhh my wife isn't as small as she was back in the day either, yet still beautiful!..lol. I found this site and have joined...so you have me for at least a year! I was surprised by how many local members to me there are. This site is filled with great advise, helpful suggestions, and wonderful pics. I look forward to meeting some of you in the near future! My uncle, aunt, wife, and myself are planning a trip of 3300 miles to Yellowstone next spring/ summer so this was a major deciding factor on us choosing a venture. FYI... Schiets Motor Sports in Fremont, OH couldn't of been a better place to do business!!!!
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