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Everything posted by ediddy

  1. Thans guys for the info. However, I am electrically challanged. Another way to say it is retarded. What do you mean when you say put the meter in line with the negative cable. How would I do that?
  2. At MD I installed the mic mute. Got home monday afternoon. Rode bike to work tuesday morning. All OK. The temperature was so hot here in Georgia didn't ride bike for a week. The following monday morning was going to ride to work. Not enough power to turn the engine. Just made a clicking sound. Since I have the original battery, 05 venture, I felt it was time for a new battery. Got new battery tuesday morning but it was raining and hot so I put the charger on the old battery still in bike. Three days later took the charger off and bike started right up. I was surprised at how much power the battery had and I suspected then it might not be the battery. It was the following saturday before I was able to install the new battery. I tried the old battery just to see what it would do, bike started. I installed the new battery after charging it for 8 hours. Bike started fine. I haven't started the bike since. This morning I was going to go for a ride but the new battery is dead. Do you think there is an electrical problem or maybe the new battery is weak because I haven't ridden the bike since installing it.
  3. Hey Boomercpo, I first heard that all bikes had to be fuel injected with the 2008 models. This summer I talked to the owner of a Kawasaki dealership who is very knowledgeable about motorcycles. He said there was no requirement to have FI by a certain year, but as long as you could meet the epa requirements you could have carbs however there was going to come a time when you can't meet the requirements with carbs.
  4. I will believe it when I see it.
  5. Electrolytes? I thought that was a vacum cleaner.
  6. My wife and I rode to Key West the week of memorial day in 06. Enjoyed the ride except for one thing. The heat. I almost lost my wife as we were coming into Kissemmee about 3:00 in the afternoon. She told me she was seeing little black spots and needed to stop for water. Before I could find a store she said to stop quickly because her tongue was swelling and she was about to pass out. I found a store and stopped for her to get water. After drinking plenty of water and getting cooled off she got sick and started vomitting. She was ok for the rest of the trip. If I ever go again it will be in the spring or fall of the year. We ride our bike to Panama City several times each year. I have ridden to bike week in Daytona twice. Last November a friend of mine in Bainbridge Georgia called and asked if I would like to ride to Port St Joe to get some raw oysters. I can leave early in the morning and make that trip in one day. We were leaving Port St Joe coming home, I don't know the name of the highway but there is nothing but pine forest for miles, and I saw something black coming out of the woods. I radioed my friend and asked him if that looked like a bear. He said if it is, it is the biggest bear I have ever seen. A huge black bear wobbled into the highway and stopped on the center line and just stared at me. I slowed to about 20mph waiting for him to cross the highway but he just looked at me. I was finally at the point where I had to stop and turn around or speed up and try to go around him. I started blowing the horn and he slowly finished crossing the highway. I have been to North Carolina and ridden the parkway, cherohala skyway and dragon tail and have never seen a bear. I go to Florida and see one. Go figure.
  7. Poor service or no service is a sign of the times. I don't know where or when businesses forgot about customer service. Maybe they teach greed instead of service in schools now. It's not just metric dealers, harley dealers are just as bad if not worse. I go on a harely web site weekly and last week there was a warning from the moderator. No more posts about bad dealers would be allowed. There were so many posts about bad dealers and the guys on the site were flooding the bad dealers with emails. The moderator said that the best way he knew to have their site sutdown was to complain about dealers. Sounds like we live in Iran.
  8. I had similar problem. Fuel pump. When the pump is going bad it will be intermittent. It may work fine for a while and quit. When it won't run you can tap on the fuel pump and it might start working again. It's covered under warranty.
  9. You aren't wrong. I have been on a rampage the last few weeks dealing with incompetent companies. I hate to be negative, but I don't feel there is any hope for the United States. We can't do anything right anymore. There was a time when customer service was important but today companies don't care. There was a time when if someone told you they were going to do something it was done. Today customer service reps will tell you they are going to do something and they don't. Let me give you a horror story. One of our insured's came in the office to pay. His policy canceled the previous day so we had to call the insurance company to get the ok to accept the payment. The company said to get a no loss statement signed and mail the payment to them and they would reinstate the policy. A no loss statement states that the insured hasn't had a claim from the time the policy cancelled to the time the payment is made. We did that. Two weeks later we received the payment back from the company stating that the policy was cancelled. Duh! We called the company and they said to get another no loss signed with current dates and mail the payment and they would reinstate. The CSR with the company said to write attention Tina in bold letters across the no loss statement and it would be handled. We did that. Two weeks later we received the no loss statement and payment from the company stating the policy was cancelled. I called the company and explained what had transpired on this policy and the CSR said I would have to get the customer to sign another no loss and mail it with the payment to the company. I told her that was unacceptable as we had already done this two times and it wasn't right to even ask the insured to come in again. She said sorry, there is no other way to handle this. I asked for the vice president of customer service and got that prick, uh, excuse me, gentleman on the phone and explained what had transpired. He told me we would have to get another no loss signed. I told him we had done that twice and each time it was returned. I also told him our insured was going to think we were crazy and didn't know what we were doing. I also told him it just wasn't right to ask the insured to come in again. The VP of customer service said, " You will either get a new no loss signed are we won't reinstate the policy." I said, "If this is the kind of service we are going to get from your company we may need to think about placing our business with another company." He said, "If you don't like our customer service maybe you need to place your business with another company." I said, " I'm going to take you up on that offer," and hung up the phone. I wrote a two page letter to the president of the company telling him what happened and told him to cancel our contract immediately. I never got a response. It's no wonder the US can't compete and sell or service a product anymore.
  10. ediddy


    The dealers that tell you wheel bearings or fork seals aren't covered under warranty are full of bovine scatology. I don't understand why, but some dealers just don't want to do warranty work. I recently asked my dealer to replace the chrome trim that fits at the bottom of the windshield and he did. He said anything less than $750.00 he can get covered under warranty without even asking yamaha. I'd get another dealer.
  11. AtlantaDragonSlayer, You are right. Banks and lawyers can steal and it is legal. When I first started my insurance agency I was always borrowing operating money. I would pay off a loan and then six months later I would need it again. Each time in addition to the interest the bank charged a $250.00 loan fee. One day my banker asked me if I could insure 6 rental houses the bank was foreclosing on. The commission I would make was approx $12.00 per house and I had to take a picture of each house to send to the insurance company so I charged the bank a $10.00 fee per house for taking a picture. When my banker got my invoice he called me and was irate. He said he had never heard of such. I said don't you charge me a $250.00 loan fee. He said yes but that is different. I asked, how is that different, my time is just as valuable as yours. He refused to pay the picture fee and I told him to just forget get it, but that I would never pay a loan fee again. I never went back to that bank. Isn't it interesting how they can rip you off but don't want you to charge them.
  12. If you use a credit card at a gas pump it puts a hold for anywhere from $50.00 to $100.00. Within 24 hours the actual amount is supposed to be posted and the balance is put back on your credit limit. On my trip to MD I used a credit card for gas several times. When I checked in a motel on my way back my card was declined. I was keeping up with the balance and knew I had plenty of credit to pay the room. When I got home I looked at my balance and there was plenty of credit for the room so I called the credit card company. They said when you fill up using a credit card they automatically block a $50.00 to $100.00 charge to your credit limit. Within 24 hours the actual charge is posted and the balance of the amount blocked out is credited back to your limit.
  13. The whine can be the rear diff. The type of helmet you wear shouldn't have anything to do with the sound. I had the whine/chirp and had the I basket installed before the 16,000 mile service. The whine/chirp went completely away. I had no noticeable noise no matter what kind of helmet I wore. At 24,000 miles I had the fifth rear diff installed by a yamaha factory rep. I thought the noise was from the clutch basket again but it was the rear diff. It would start as a slight whine and get worse until it would be a screaming whine that I couldn't drown out with ear plugs and loud music. People riding next to me could hear the scream. The factory rep said that yamaha had gotten some bad diffs from the manufacturer and had replaced some diffs three times but I was the first to have to be replaced five times. I was as the rep said "chewing up a rear end every 5,000 miles." I now have 43,000 miles and haven't had any problems since. At 30,000 miles I started getting a clicking noise in the rear and I thought it was the diff again so I contacted yamaha and told them I wanted a new bike. They asked me to let a factory rep look at my bike first. A different rep came up from Florida and said the rear end was fine and that the splines were dry. He is the rep that recommended using honda moly 60. He went to the honda dealer and bought some moly 60 and greased the read end and I haven't had any problems since. Yamaha didn't charge me then and has never charged me for any of the rear diffs or drive shaft. With the last rear diff they installed a new drive shaft and swing arm. Of course they shouldn't.
  14. I love to hear the rumors and believe them but the truth is no one will know what Yamaha will do until September. Yamaha is very tight lipped about new models. They don't disclose any info with any dealer until the new model is introduced. Also, Yamaha doesn't listen to what customers or dealers want and neither do most other manufacturers. I was in North Carolina a few weeks ago and when I went out of the hotel in the morning to clean my windshield a gentlemen that was walking his dog asked me what year model my bike was. I told him it was an 05 and that is was a yamaha venture. He said he was very familiar with the venture and was going to buy one until he found it didn't have fuel injection so he bought a goldwing. He was 72 years old and had ridden Kawasaki's for years. He was disappointed in the new Kawasaki touring bike because it was a twin cylinder. He said Kawasaki asked riders for their input on the new bike but didn't listen to anything they said. He said he talked to an engineer with Kawasaki who told him they had a prototype with 5 cylinders but they scrapped that for the twin. Bottom line is, no one will know anything until September.
  15. Update. I just talked to my wife's son-in-law. He said they were in the right lane and the tractor trailer came by them in the left lane and then changed into the right lane in front of them. The tire blew and son-in-law said he slammed on brakes when he saw the tire coming toward the car. He said if he hadn't slammed on brakes he believes it would have been worse.
  16. ediddy

    100 6134

    From the album: Shattered windshield

  17. ediddy

    100 6129

    From the album: Shattered windshield

  18. ediddy

    100 6127

    From the album: Shattered windshield

  19. ediddy

    Shattered windshield

    Tractor trailer tire went through daughter's windshield while riding on I-75
  20. This morning my daughter and son-in-law were going to Atlanta on I75 in their car. They were next to a tractor trailer rig when a tire blew on the rig. The tire hit their windshield and it shattered the windshield and glass went inside the their car. They can't drive the car until the windshield is repaired. If they were on a motorcycle it would probably have killed them.
  21. Don, Thank you and Eileen for your hospitality. Ya'll are a class act. When I told my family I was going to camp out they laughed at me and said , "Yeah right." They call me Mr. Clean because I have to have a shower every morning to get going. When our first child was born, my wife woke me up at 2:00am and told me she was going into labor. I told her to hold on and I jumped up and took a shower and then took her to the hospital. I was apprehensive about using your shower in your home but you were so gracious and made me feel at home. As we say in the south, "ya'll are good folks." Eddie (ediddy) Hall.
  22. Hey Mariner Fan and Sunman, Thanks for the info. I'm going to recommend both of you for a 100% pay raise.
  23. Please tell me something. No, not that. How do you delete pms? I know I'm overlooking something, still tired from MD trip, but I can't figure out how to do this. Thanks.
  24. I don't know how a bolt that big went through my tire. I bet you could run over a bolt like that with a car, truck or motorcycle 1,000 times and it wouldn't go through the tire. We had just crossed the bridge into Kentucky and I was approaching a traffic light that was red. It turned green so I proceeded under the light. I heard a loud pop and a thump and I thought, what in the world did I just run over. I looked in the mirror and there was nothing in the road behind me. I didn't see the bolt before I ran over it. At the next light I hear a thumping in the rear end. I radioed 86ER and said we need to pull over, I think a chunk of my rear tire came loose. We pulled into the church parking lot and you have read the rest of the story. I'm just glad I had two good people with me like dragon rider and 86ER.
  25. A motorcyclist was killed here in Albany, Georgia yesterday. The woman that pulled out in front of him was charged with vehicular homeside and DUI. It happened about 1 mile from my house. His pastor was interviewed on TV and said although he didn't want to die yesterday, he was ready to go if called. The guy was active in his church and when the news spread more than 40 people showed up in the emergency room.
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