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Everything posted by ediddy

  1. If you use a credit card at a gas pump it puts a hold for anywhere from $50.00 to $100.00. Within 24 hours the actual amount is supposed to be posted and the balance is put back on your credit limit. On my trip to MD I used a credit card for gas several times. When I checked in a motel on my way back my card was declined. I was keeping up with the balance and knew I had plenty of credit to pay the room. When I got home I looked at my balance and there was plenty of credit for the room so I called the credit card company. They said when you fill up using a credit card they automatically block a $50.00 to $100.00 charge to your credit limit. Within 24 hours the actual charge is posted and the balance of the amount blocked out is credited back to your limit.
  2. The whine can be the rear diff. The type of helmet you wear shouldn't have anything to do with the sound. I had the whine/chirp and had the I basket installed before the 16,000 mile service. The whine/chirp went completely away. I had no noticeable noise no matter what kind of helmet I wore. At 24,000 miles I had the fifth rear diff installed by a yamaha factory rep. I thought the noise was from the clutch basket again but it was the rear diff. It would start as a slight whine and get worse until it would be a screaming whine that I couldn't drown out with ear plugs and loud music. People riding next to me could hear the scream. The factory rep said that yamaha had gotten some bad diffs from the manufacturer and had replaced some diffs three times but I was the first to have to be replaced five times. I was as the rep said "chewing up a rear end every 5,000 miles." I now have 43,000 miles and haven't had any problems since. At 30,000 miles I started getting a clicking noise in the rear and I thought it was the diff again so I contacted yamaha and told them I wanted a new bike. They asked me to let a factory rep look at my bike first. A different rep came up from Florida and said the rear end was fine and that the splines were dry. He is the rep that recommended using honda moly 60. He went to the honda dealer and bought some moly 60 and greased the read end and I haven't had any problems since. Yamaha didn't charge me then and has never charged me for any of the rear diffs or drive shaft. With the last rear diff they installed a new drive shaft and swing arm. Of course they shouldn't.
  3. I love to hear the rumors and believe them but the truth is no one will know what Yamaha will do until September. Yamaha is very tight lipped about new models. They don't disclose any info with any dealer until the new model is introduced. Also, Yamaha doesn't listen to what customers or dealers want and neither do most other manufacturers. I was in North Carolina a few weeks ago and when I went out of the hotel in the morning to clean my windshield a gentlemen that was walking his dog asked me what year model my bike was. I told him it was an 05 and that is was a yamaha venture. He said he was very familiar with the venture and was going to buy one until he found it didn't have fuel injection so he bought a goldwing. He was 72 years old and had ridden Kawasaki's for years. He was disappointed in the new Kawasaki touring bike because it was a twin cylinder. He said Kawasaki asked riders for their input on the new bike but didn't listen to anything they said. He said he talked to an engineer with Kawasaki who told him they had a prototype with 5 cylinders but they scrapped that for the twin. Bottom line is, no one will know anything until September.
  4. Update. I just talked to my wife's son-in-law. He said they were in the right lane and the tractor trailer came by them in the left lane and then changed into the right lane in front of them. The tire blew and son-in-law said he slammed on brakes when he saw the tire coming toward the car. He said if he hadn't slammed on brakes he believes it would have been worse.
  5. ediddy

    100 6134

    From the album: Shattered windshield

  6. ediddy

    100 6129

    From the album: Shattered windshield

  7. ediddy

    100 6127

    From the album: Shattered windshield

  8. ediddy

    Shattered windshield

    Tractor trailer tire went through daughter's windshield while riding on I-75
  9. This morning my daughter and son-in-law were going to Atlanta on I75 in their car. They were next to a tractor trailer rig when a tire blew on the rig. The tire hit their windshield and it shattered the windshield and glass went inside the their car. They can't drive the car until the windshield is repaired. If they were on a motorcycle it would probably have killed them.
  10. Don, Thank you and Eileen for your hospitality. Ya'll are a class act. When I told my family I was going to camp out they laughed at me and said , "Yeah right." They call me Mr. Clean because I have to have a shower every morning to get going. When our first child was born, my wife woke me up at 2:00am and told me she was going into labor. I told her to hold on and I jumped up and took a shower and then took her to the hospital. I was apprehensive about using your shower in your home but you were so gracious and made me feel at home. As we say in the south, "ya'll are good folks." Eddie (ediddy) Hall.
  11. Hey Mariner Fan and Sunman, Thanks for the info. I'm going to recommend both of you for a 100% pay raise.
  12. Please tell me something. No, not that. How do you delete pms? I know I'm overlooking something, still tired from MD trip, but I can't figure out how to do this. Thanks.
  13. I don't know how a bolt that big went through my tire. I bet you could run over a bolt like that with a car, truck or motorcycle 1,000 times and it wouldn't go through the tire. We had just crossed the bridge into Kentucky and I was approaching a traffic light that was red. It turned green so I proceeded under the light. I heard a loud pop and a thump and I thought, what in the world did I just run over. I looked in the mirror and there was nothing in the road behind me. I didn't see the bolt before I ran over it. At the next light I hear a thumping in the rear end. I radioed 86ER and said we need to pull over, I think a chunk of my rear tire came loose. We pulled into the church parking lot and you have read the rest of the story. I'm just glad I had two good people with me like dragon rider and 86ER.
  14. A motorcyclist was killed here in Albany, Georgia yesterday. The woman that pulled out in front of him was charged with vehicular homeside and DUI. It happened about 1 mile from my house. His pastor was interviewed on TV and said although he didn't want to die yesterday, he was ready to go if called. The guy was active in his church and when the news spread more than 40 people showed up in the emergency room.
  15. I've been using the kruzer kaddy for a few years. I found one at a harley shop on sale for $24.95. www.kruzerkaddy.net.
  16. Hey Leadwolf56, You used to get your wife to hold the cup. LOL
  17. That is pretty country. Spent the night in Franklin the thursday before memorial day. Got to eat at one of my favorite places, Fat Buddies Bar B Q.
  18. Hey YamaDuck, Where did you find the 2010 lineup?
  19. I'm going to buy a set of mic mutes at maintenance day. I asked Bill Morphy with mic-mutes if he would help with installation. He said he had only installed on a gold wing. Anyone with mic mutes on their venture be willing to help?
  20. Memorial day weekend I rode home from Chimney Rock, NC to Albany, Ga in the rain. There were a few times I had to pull off the road it was raining so hard. When I got home there wasn't a spot on my bike that didn't have the gray road film on it. Yesterday I put my bike on the lift, removed seats, removed the saddle bags and I put a spit shine on the bike like you wouldn't believe. I cleaned everything including the pumpkin on the rear end. I was going to pull in Freebirds on maintenance day with a shiney bike but now it looks like I will pull in with gray road film all over the bike again. I should have know that if I wash and wax my bike it rains.
  21. I got it, I got it. I found an old tire tool in my shop. With the kickstand down on a piece of 2 x 4 I drove the tire tool in the ground next to the kick stand. I took a piece of electrical wire and tied it in a loop and hung the loop over the hooked end of the spring and around the tire tool. The ground is soft so with the wire around the tire tool I pulled the tire down toward the ground stretching the spring. Once it was stretched enough I hooked the spring to the kick stand. I then cut the electrical wire and removed it. I'm now back in business. Thanks for the suggestions. If I had been living during the civil war the south would have won.
  22. Hey KiteSquid, The kick stand is down now but I got my wife to sit on the bike and hold it up while I moved the kick stand up and down. I thought there might be a point where the spring would fit. I tried putting a coin between the springs but this spring is so strong I can't even pull it enought to get a coin in it. I don't know what to do. The kick stand won't stay up without the spring.
  23. Just had my bike on the lift. When I started letting it down I head a pop. When I removed the lift adapted and pulled the lift from under my bike I say a big spring on the ground. It is the spring that holds the kick stand. I have tried and tried to put the spring on but I can't get it to stretch enough. Anyone know how I can get this spring back on.
  24. Yammer Dan, You been drinking cool aid again?
  25. A few years ago when my kids were in high school they were always coming home with something to sell. My daughter was on the dance line and came home selling candy bars for $1.00. When it was time to turn in the money she asked me for $19.00. I asked why and she said because we ate 19 candy bars. Later I contacted the superintendent to ask if I could quote on the school insurance the next time they took bids. He said, " We don't want to get into that right now." So the next time any of my kids were asked to raise money for the school I told them to tell the superintendent that their dad said "He doesn't want to get into that right now."
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