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Everything posted by ediddy

  1. I got to First Turn appox 1:05 pm saturday. Saw a blue venture and white venture in the parking lot. Couldn'y tell who was riding them. Where was everyone? My wife and I ate and left.
  2. Hey Monsta, What everyone else has said is correct. But, I wouldn't take the spring off the kickstand. Mine accidentally came off one day when I had my bike on a lift. I didn't think I would ever get that spring back on.
  3. The guy in the truck is probably hung up on the american made fallacy. A few years ago I read an article in Time Magazine that listed the american vehicles that had the most parts made overseas. Guess which vehicle was number 1? The ford f150 pickup. 65% of parts on it are made overseas. I wish I had kept that article. Also, the harley riders that thumb their noses at metric bikes need to read the book "Harley-Davidson, The Ultimate Machine." My daughters boyfriend gave me a copy a few years ago. It gives the history of Harely Davidson. Guess what? In 1980 the harley executives asked Honda if they could come and look at their factory to see how they made bikes. Harley was almost broke. Honda said sure. If it wasn't for the research and development of the metrics harely might not be here today. One other thing. The guy in the pick up probably buys everything he can at Wal Mart but doesn't look at the made in china label.
  4. Hey saddlebum, Your post reminded me of something that happened last year. My bike was at the dealer for service in Tallahassee, Florida which is 100 miles from me. I was going to pick it up on saturday. A friend of mine that has a goldwing volunteered to take me to the dealer riding on the back of his goldwing. We met at a restaurant and I got on the back. I had a yellow columbia shirt on that day. Some of the motorcycle guys at the restaurant laughed at me and my yellow shirt riding on the back with another guy. We stopped at a traffice light next to two women in a car. They looked over at us and started laughing. I guess today everyone automatically thinks two guys riding are gay. My friend looked over at them and shouted, " I know he is ugly as hell, but he sure can cook." I thought the women were going to go into convulsions laughing. I was never so glad to get off a bike in my life as I was when I got to the dealer and got my bike.
  5. Yesterday my wife and I were returning from a ride. We were approaching the highway where we turn left about 2 miles from home. I saw a light from a bike in my rear view mirror approaching. There is a traffic light where we turn left on a four lane to go home. The light was red so I starting slowing and moved into the left turn lane. The other bike, a harley softail deuce, came up beside me and I waved at him. I thought he was going to stay in the right lane to go straight or turn right. He came by and swerved into the left turn lane right in front of me. I had to slam on brakes to stop without hitting him. I can't repeat what I was calling him to myself. When the light turned green we turned left and he went over into the right lane. I thought OK buddy, I am going to see what you have but then remembered I was riding 2 up and he was riding single so the venture might not keep up. As he turned I could hear the roar of the pipes and knew he was twisting the throttle wide open. I twisted my throttle wide open and he was leaving me. When I hit the rev limit and my engine started sputtering I hit second gear and the venture lurched forward and I started gaining on him. When I was on his rear fender I hit third and swerved into the left lane and went by him like he was standing still. He was winding it out but I was steadily leaving him. I hit fourth and at 100 mph saw his light in my rear view mirror. It was time for me to turn right and go home so I backed off to let him come by so I could get back in the right lane. When he came by he gave me the finger. I guess it hurt his feelings because a metric bike riding 2 up blew his big bad harely away.
  6. I can't believe the dealers in canada. Yamaha paid for an I basket and paid my dealer to install it no questions asked at 16,000 miles. My I basket took the whine out completely. I know from reading here that it affects bikes differently and you never know until you install one. A former yamaha dealer told me a few weeks ago that yamaha expected approx 300 dealers to close this year. Some of them need to close.
  7. Thanks for the replies. And GeorgeS, yes both batteries were charged for 8 hours with a real battery charger. A few days after I put the last battery in, I put the battery tender on it all day. It showed fully charged. What doesn't make sense is the battery is strong as long as I am riding regularly. As mentioned I started the bike sunday and the battery was strong. Two days later it is dead.
  8. I bought my bike new in 9/05. Never had a problem with the battery. Went to maintenance day @ Freebirds and installed a mic mute. Parked bike for a week after getting home. Bike wouldn't start because the battery was dead. Bought a new battery and it worked fine for several weeks. Rode all day one saturday and parked bike until the next saturday. Battery dead again. Called the dealer that sold me the battery and they asked me to bring it in and they would test it. The battery was so dead they couldn't get a reading so they replaced it with a new battery at no charge. Shock! The new battery worked fine. I hadn't ridden the bike in a week so sunday I started the bike and let it run a few minutes and switched if off. I could tell the battery was fine sunday because as soon as I switched on the bike you could hear the fuel pump ticking fast with full force. This morning I went to start the bike to ride to work and the battery is dead. Could I have done something when I installed the mic mute to cause this?
  9. Maybe thats why mustang won't make anything for the venture. They made for the RSTD and it has been discontinued.
  10. Why would mustang make something for a bike that has dismal sales and will probably be discontinued.
  11. Approx how far is first turn steakhouse from rossmeyer harley davidson. Thanks
  12. I just got a response to my email to Harber's Cycle. Hi Eddie, "jdix" is John Dixon, he is located in Canada. It is true that there was a problem with his shipment. On 9/15/2009, Tuesday of this week, Mr. Dixon called us and informed us of the issue with the shipment. On 9/16/09 we shipped another pair of mirrors. At this time there is another pair of mirrors on their way to him with USPS tracking number: CQ335021905US. When Mr. Dixon called us Tuesday, he mentioned he had sent emails to us over the weekend that had not been answered and he had tried to call on Monday. The problem he experienced was due to the fact that we are closed on Sundays and Mondays as we advertise in all of our ads. On the days we are closed, there isn't anyone here to answer the phone nor email. Responses do not get sent until Tuesday when we return to work. That's the whole story on the "jdix" John Dixon order. Please post this on the forum, so everyone knows the rest of the story. Sincerely, Steven
  13. I went on ebay and looked up harber's cycle. I sent them an email that you had never received your order and that I would never buy from them. I doubt I will get a response but if I do I will let you know.
  14. Sounds like it could be bubba.
  15. Hey footsiebiker, I have thought about a m&e here many times, just haven't tackled it yet. One thing to think about is the heat here is south ga. The fall or spring or maybe winter would be the best times of the year. If you want to get together to discuss, let me know.
  16. Speaking of discontinuing the RSTD, this is similar to what honda did. They discontinued the valykrie and kept the goldwing.
  17. My wife and I are leaving Albany, Ga early friday morning. We are staying at the ST Augustine exit on I-95. I think it is a Holiday Inn Express. We will get there around 2 or 3:00 friday afternoon. Are leaving sunday morning to come home. Wouldn't mind meeting up with other venture riders.
  18. Hey VGoose, Can you look on the avon and tell if it is a V rated or H rated. I am on my third set of avons and I always run 48 psi in the rear tire.
  19. It should be covered under warranty but you probably have to go through a dealer. My dealer told me that anything under $750.00 doesn't have to be approved by yamaha. The dealer can cover it under warranty and submit it to yamaha, no questions asked. If your dealer gives you a hard time, you need to call yamaha or go to another dealer.
  20. It won't be long before here in the US we will be just like Canada. Can you say government health insurance?
  21. Hey Bobcatplat, How did you find out that the new yamahas were going to be introduced on Sept 8. I haven't been able to get anyone with yamaha to give a date other than it will be Oct or Nov.
  22. Hey Girlyman, Man you scared me. I was scanning through all the threads and I saw Girlyman can't get it up and I thought this is going to get banned, then I read the rest, on the centerstand.
  23. Hey Raceman62race, You need to call the patrol post where that trooper works and let them know what happened. Their is no emergency that would justify killing someone to get to the emergency. Sounds like the trooper around the Dalonega area need some training.
  24. I was at a honda dealership this week and they said honda had discontinued the 1800 vtx. I didn't know that. The vtx was a bad bike but I didn't think it sold well. I hardly ever saw one. I believe if they had come out with a vtx with windshield, saddlebags and maybe fairing it would have sold better, but the Japanese didn't ask me.
  25. That is a cool web site. They have Lady Gaga's Poker Face
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