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Everything posted by ediddy

  1. I was going to get one but was told they are only available in alabama.
  2. I have no sympathy for harley. A succesful businessman told me years ago, "You never get too big to get your britches busted." When times are good you need to remain humble and give service. Most harley dealers, not all, were pricks that had the attitude they were doing you a favor to let you buy one of their bikes. Our local dealership is still marking up $2,500 over msrp. That's insane. They need to be humbled.
  3. I have a kel tec 9mm and a permit. I have a holster that clips on my belt. I never thought I would see the day I had to carry a gun but today I do. When riding I put it in the trunk. I had to get it out today. My wife and I were coming back from a ride and I was in the right lane and the car in front of me was going to turn into Kmart. He changed his mind and and switched to the left lane. I could tell he wasn't paying attention so I accelerated to go on by him in the left lane. Just as I got even with the rear of the car he swerved back into the right lane and almost hit me. I had to lock down on the brakes and almost jump the sidewalk. I went around him on the left and he had his window down. I got next to him and told him he needed to pay attention he almost ran over me. I have the right to remain silent but not the ablility. I can't repeat what he said. I turned right at the next street and pulled into the kmart parking lot. He came up next to me and opened his car door and called me some interesting names. I stopped and opened the trunk and put my gun on my hip. He sped away. A few weeks ago I thought I was going to have to use it. I park my bike behind my office right behind the window of my office. I was leaving for the day and everyone else had left. I had my gun on my belt. I was next to my bike with my helmet on and was just going to throw my leg over the seat and I saw a guy coming toward me from across the lot. He was over six feet tall and good size guy and he was coming directly toward me. I stood up next to my bike because I figured I had a better chance defending myself standing up rather than sitting on the bike. The guy go within about 20 feet and I noticed he looked at my gun on my side. He threw his hands in the air and said, Hey man, I don't mean you any harm, I just wanted to see if you had any money so I could get something to eat. I told him to get the hell away from me and he did. That might have been his intention all along but with me behind the building he could have robbed and beaten me and no one would have seen it. In this situation just having the gun helped me.
  4. Anyone in south georgia going? I would like to hook up with someone and ride down saturday morning.
  5. Sorry, but I can't take your side on this. You priced the jackets at a local store and then ordered on line for a lower price. It doesn't matter if they started giving the jackets away, you ordered at the price at the time. If they lower it later that is their perogative. I've had this happen to me before but I have never gotten upset. I just consider it my problem that I ordered before the price was reduced.
  6. Is that considered the whine or chirp. I would go crazy if I had to listen to that much noise. Freebird menitoned in a previous thread that you could hear the whine at idle. I heard it on your bike at idle but I don't have that sound. I would definately go to the dealer for an I basket.
  7. I don't know the difference between the chirp and whine. I thought my 05 had a whine. At 16,000 miles I had the I basket installed and the noise, whether whine or chirp, went completely away. I'm now at 48,000 miles and I'm getting the noise again. It is minor now but I hope it doesn't get louder. I rode a friend of mine's 04 and he has a whine at low speed, around 30 or 40 mph but it goes away after 40 mph. The whine I have on my bike now can't be heard until 60 or 70 mph. I don't hear anything at idle.
  8. What would be the advantage of the mustang seat over the stock seat?
  9. I would check the charging system befor I bought a battery. I have an 05 venture. Last summer after going a week without riding battery was too weak to start. Bought a new battery and after two days of not riding it went dead. Dealer gave me a new battery and it did same thing. I had to keep it on a tender when I wasn't riding. Took my bike to the dealer and it was a bad rectifier. Got it replace under warranty and now I can let my bike sit for days and it is full of power.
  10. At last years maintenance day I bought the mike mute. It hard to be believe how much noise you pick up in your mic until you are able to mute it. I can't speak for the other brand but I have been pleased with the mic mute.
  11. The trailer would not be covered for physical damage unless you had accessory coverage on your policy. Some companies give you anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000 accessory coverage with their policy but you can purchase any amount by paying an extra charge. You need to look at your policy or call your agent. The liability coverage on your bike would extend to the trailer. The liability covers bodily injury or property damage to the other person if you are fault in an accident.
  12. If the part number of a screw is 90149-05299-00 I assume this would be a 5mm size but what is the length.
  13. Hey AKRefuge, Thanks for that info. I wish I had remembered that.
  14. I posted this morning asking for help locating the part number for some bolts that came out of my fairing. I looked at the drawing on the yamaha site but couldn't tell which bolts I needed but Squidley replied promtly along with some other members. I just went to my local dealer with the drawing to order the bolts. There are six bolts for the fairing but even thought I only need three I thought I would order six in case I lost one in the future. Besides, it can't cost much for a few bolts. I also ordered six washers that go with the bolts and I also orderd a bolt that goes in the right cowling where you get to the fuse box. The parts clerk entered the order and said that will be $47.50. I said hey I don't want the gold ones just the regular ones and I asked how can they be so much. He said the washers were $4.50 each. I told him to cancel the order for the washers and just give me the bolts. It was $8.50 for the bolts. That is too much but I can stand to spend that much but $47.50? When these bolts come in I'm going to ace hardware and getting bolts the same size as the ones I ordered in case I need them in future. Yamaha is out of their mind.
  15. Thanks Squidley. You are a good man.
  16. I hope someone will help looking up a part number. I have an 05 Venture. Sitting on the bike if you look to the left inside of the fairing there are 4 bolts. The top bolt holds goes through the fairing and holds the chrome trim piece on. The next three bolts go in the fairing and I lost all three of them riding this weekend. I went to the parts catalog on the yamaha web site and the fairing is listed under cowling 1 but I can't determine which number is listed for these three bolts. Any help would be appreciated.
  17. I have had dulops, metzlers and avon venoms. I am on my second set of venoms. I ride 2up mostly on an 05 venture and the handling of the venoms is much better than metzlers. I didn't like the metzelers.
  18. I know how you feel. My wife has been riding on the back with me since we started dating when we were 15 years old. We are now 59 years old and got married when we were 18. I am extra careful when she is on the back but even that doesn't keep something from happening. It is constantly on my mind about how I would feel if something happened and she was paralyzed or killed. I don't know if I could live with myself but then I also think that I can't be in fear of doing something we enjoy. The only way to be sure nothing ever happens is to never leave the house. One or both of us could be killed in an automobile accident. I know its dangerous but I can't stop living because something might happen. I have discussed this with my wife and she knows the danger but still wants to ride with me. You just have to pray and be careful.
  19. Hey waterbug, I'm sure you are right about the tabs breaking on the fairing. I need to do whatever you can do to reinforce the tabs. I know someone on here said they used fiberglass and glue to reinforce but I haven't seen any detailed info. I wanted the new fairing because the last time I washed and waxed my bike something got on the wash cloth or the cloth I used to wax my bike and scratched the front fairing. It looked like someone used sandpaper on it. So I came out pretty good getting a new fairing.
  20. I got a ne fairing because two of the tabs that hold the windshield in place were broken. The dealer is Tallahassee Powersports in Tallahassee, Florida.
  21. Got my bike back from dealer today. Got a new fairing under warranty, got a new rectifer under warranty and also a new battery. I never dreamed yamaha would replace the batter too but they did. I am pleased with the dealer and yamaha.
  22. When I bought my 05 I got chatterbox head sets. In the winter I wear a 3/4 helmet but in summer a half helmet. I didn't like the fact that the earphones had to be mounted in the helmet and I couldn't mount them in the half helmet. Also the sound wasn't very good so I bought an adapter from edsets that allows you to plug earbuds into the system. I cut the speaker wires and took the speakers out of the helmet. Now with the adapter I can plug the earbuds in the intercomm system and then into my ear so it doesn't matter which helmet I use. Also the sound quality is much better.
  23. I posted about this earlier. When I got back from maintenance day last year my battery went dead. I have replaced the battery twice since then but it would go dead unless I kept it on the battery tender. I took my bike to the dealer for the 48,000 mile service and asked them to find my problem. The dealer just called, my bike is ready. The rectifier was bad. I hope this is covered under warranty. I will find out tomorrow.
  24. I bought one of these two years ago and it was one of the few things that really worked. I saw a friend of mine that has a road king washing his bike with one and he mentioned how well it worked. I felt something was going on with the product because I couldn't find filter refills and then no soap refills. Typical american manufacturing. If it works and sells they discontinue the product.
  25. I hate to read this about any company but it's not a surprize. A yamaha dealer told me that yamaha expects approx 300 dealers to go out of business. Yamaha has a plant in Newnan, Georiga that I think manufaturers 4 wheelers or marine products. I wonder if it will stay open? Lewis, dragonslayer, do you know anything about that?
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