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Everything posted by ediddy

  1. Nope, I don't have a light in the trunk. The only thing I have that isn't stock is a mic mute.
  2. Unfortunately this happens too many times in the US and we wonder why we can't compete with other countries. This dealer probably complains every day about business being off. Some people just don't get it.
  3. They're on the goldwing web site.
  4. If you find what caused your battery to go dead, please let me know. The same thing happened to me last year. It was so hot I didn't ride for a week and the battery went dead. I bought a new battery and starting charging it at 4:00PM unti the next morning at 8:00am. The battery was fine until I went about a week without riding and it went dead. I took it back to the dealer and it was so dead they couldn't even get a reading to check it so they gave me another battery at no charge. The new battery was fine for a few weeks and it did the same thing. I charged it and bought a battery tender and kept the tender on it went I wasn't riding. I went a few days without riding and without the tender on it and it went dead. I took my bike to the dealer and left it for two weeks and told them to deal with it. It is still under warranty. The dealer checked everything on the bike and determined the rectifier was bad so they replaced the rectifier and battery under warranty. The battery was strong and worked fine for a couple of months. A few weeks ago I didn't ride for a week and when I went out to start the bike the battery was completely dead. I don't know what could be causing the battery to go dead. The battery that came with my bike in september 2005 never gave me a problem until June 2009. I don't know what changed but would like to know what you find.
  5. Here we go again. No one knows. No one will know until September when yamaha introduces the new models. Yamaha doesn't let anyone know before then, even the dealers.
  6. Hey SylWoody, SpyNoMore was the program that got rid of Zlob. I had to pay $29.95 for the program but I was desperate to get rid of the program I paid for it. I did a google search for Zlob and there were a few programs that it said would get rid of Zlob and SpyNoMore was one of them. It even said that Zlob would disable your task manager, which it did.
  7. Hey Mike G I did have Zlob Trojan but one of the spyware programs I ran got rid of it. I just can't find what is causing the pop up ads. Yesterday my avast warning went off and said a malicious trojan was trying to infect my computer but it said to abort the connection and it would be stopped. I hit the button to abort and the fake malware popped up stating my computer was infected and it was going to scan. I hit control alt del and got a meesage that my task manager had been disabled so I couldn't do that. I finally got rid of the malware and my task manager is working again.
  8. Great pictures. Last year when I went to MD I saw several on the highway. I would wave but they would act like they didn't see me.
  9. I thought I wanted a wing before I got my venture. My brother-in-law has a wing and let my wife and I take it for a ride. I was disappointed and lost my enthusiasm for a wing. I'm not knocking the wing. It is the ultimate touring bike, but it's not for me. Everyone has their personal opinion so you can't say ride a wing and you won't want any other bike.
  10. Thanks for the replies. I forgot to mention in my original post that I also have avast anti-virus on my computer. We have a network here at the office and I use a notebook with a replicator so I can hook to the network here or take my notebook home and use as a stand alone. We have a firewall and avast commercial version anti virus and I also use ccleaner in addition to the other programs I mentioned. I even did a retore back to June 6, the day before the rogue malware popped up. All of the programs I run show no problems but there is something that is causing the pop up advertisements. Before running some of these programs 207.net tracking cookie kept showing up. I would remove it but it would reload itself. I finally got if off and now no tracking cookines show up. I wish I could use an internet browser other than IE but I can't because the other browsers won't work with the insurance companies I do business with daily. I tried google chrome and it worked with some of the companies but not all. I just wish I could find the people that develop these programs that cause computer problems and be left in a room with just me and them in the room.
  11. A few weeks ago the rogue syware that pops up and says your computer is infected and it is going to do a scan popped up on my computer. I finally got it off my computer but since then I keep getting advertisements popping up. Just now I was on this site and all of a sudden my computer screen went blank and and ad for free credit report came up. Also, something has hijacked my web browser. I use msn for my homepage but if I put in a search an entirely different site comes up. Anyone know how I can correct this? I am using Yahoo's virus scan, spybotscan, spynomore and bit defender. None of these pick up anything on my computer.
  12. I have a chatterbox unit I bought 4 years ago. The unit and mike clip onto the side of your helmet. I bought an adapter from edsets that lets you use earbuds. When I use my half helmet in the summer I just clip the chatterbox unti to the half helmet and use the earbuds. If you are in a state that doesn't allow speakers in helmet or earbuds you could change to external speaker.
  13. Pay some one to clean it. Just kiddin. Everyone has a different way they prefer but I wash mine just like a car. I take off the seats and get a bucket of water with car wash and wash away. I use my leaf blower to blow off water then wipe it down. If you're cleaning the windshield by itself the best thing to do is to soak a towel in warm water and put the towel on the windshield for about 5 minutes. Then squeeze the water from the towel over the windshield. I then use novus one and wipe down with a lint free cloth. When I'm on a trip I take one of the motel towels and let it soak and do the rest of what I mentioned. The windshield can be completely covered with bugs but after 5 minutes of a wet towel with warm water it will almost removed every bug without doing anything. If I'm on the second floor of a motel I stand on the ground next to my bike and my wife throws the wet towel down to me. If I'm in a hotel where you don't have access and have to go through the lobby, I take my wet towel and put it in a plastic bag and walk out the door to my bike. You never want to rub your windshield with bugs on it. The dead bugs harden and will scratch the windshield.
  14. I had thought about making a rack for cleaning. I had in mind using 2X2's and using carpet to cover the rack so the bags wouldn't get scratched. But I've never got around to it.
  15. I have a brother in law who has a cousin who has an uncle who has a sister who has a newphew that is a dealer that knows the head engineer at yamaha and no one knows what 2011 will bring. Any dealer that says yamaha has told him what the 2011 models will be or won't be is speaking with a forked tongue.
  16. ediddy


    Hey Jeff, Sorry to hear about your mother. I pray for comfort for you and your family. Even though you know your mom and dad are in a better place and they wouldn't come back if they could you still miss them. One of the hardest things I had to get over when I lost my mom and dad was that for years after I would be thinking about and them and think, hey I'm going to call them when I get home. Then I would realize I couldn't. God bless you.
  17. I can't blame the dealer for wanting to install the fuel pump and I would want them to install it. If I installed it and something went wrong yamaha could say I didn't install it correctly. If the dealer installs it and something goes wrong they have to make it right.
  18. I was going to buy a Valykrie in 2005 but the price for an interstate was 12,000 to 13,000. I got my 05 venture new for 15,500. I felt like it was a better deal buying a new venture with a 5 year warranty.
  19. Hey Seaking, Thanks for the reply and the suggestion for another line. That one is pretty good. Where can you buy the light kit you mentioned? Thanks
  20. I use the earbuds and they are 100% better than the speakers in the helmet, plus with the edsets adpater or any adapter you can use any helmet because you don't listen to the speakers in the helmet. When I first purchased my 05 venture in 05 I bought a chatterbox system that has speakers to mount inside the helmet. In the winter I use a 3/4 helmet but in the summer in south georgia you have to use a 1/2 helmet but I didn't have a way to mount the speakers in the 1/2 helmet. The chatterbox system I have clips on the side of your helmet and the mike boom is part of this clip on. When I got the adapter I cut the wires to the helmet speakers. Now I just clip the mike onto the side of any helmet and put the earbuds in my ears. I can talk to my wife on the intercomm, we did the same thing for her, and use the cb. This way I can use any helmet because I don't have to mount speakers in the helmet. You do have to put the earbuds in your ears and then put on the helmet but that is no problem to me. When I don't have a passenger such as when I'm riding to work I plug the earbuds in the adapter and I don't have to use the chattebox mike because I'm just listening to music. The earbuds also block out wind and engine noise. Before the earbuds I couldn't listen to music through the speakers at highway cruising speeds because of the noise and when I tried to use the external speakers I had to turn the volume up so loud that the sound distorted. Some people mention a possible safety hazard with the earbuds but I can still hear a siren or horn blowing and I'm constantly looking in my rear view mirrors and in front of me particularly in town.
  21. I hope you recover from your accident soon. It's hard to say what I would do because I haven't experienced what you have. There is one thing I wonder about. People get hurt and killed in auto accidents everyday but I have never hear anyone say they will never get in an auto again.
  22. In 2006 one of the insurance companies I do business with had a contest for the Richard Petty drive along at the Atlanta Motor Speedway. I won and got to drive. It was an awesome experience and made me appreciate what professional drivers do. After a few laps I got brave and decided when I came out of turn four I was going to hold the pedal to the metal. I was going down the straight away and didn't back off until I started into turn one. I went in a little to hot and the stearing wheel was rocking from side to side and I thought oh s**t I'm going to spin out and hit the wall. But I wasn't going as fast as I thought. In 2008 the insurance company had the same contest and I didn't win to drive but did win the contest to ride along with a professional driver. I had wanted to do that anyway. Now that scared the crap out of me. You are strapped in and can't move your head, you can only move your eyes left to right. The driver stuck his hand out and introduced himself to me. I asked him how fast we were going to go. He said Oh we'll go about 165 mph. That might not sound fast but on the Atlanta track that is hauling a*s. When we took off from pit road I was pinned to the seat and when we went into turn one the G's were pulling my head to the left as if I were on a ride at the fair. The driver then starts down the back straight away and goes right up to the wall. I believe I could have stuck my finger out the window and touched the wall. Then when we entered turn four I saw black skid marks where someone skidded out of control and hit the wall. That really made me feel good. The driver acted like he was just on a suday drive. If you ever get the chance to do this you will appreciate what the real drivers do.
  23. When I started back riding in 2003 after not riding for 20 years I bought a 750 honda shadow. I felt like I was sitting on an elephant. In a few months I was wishing I had gotten a bigger bike. I started looking around and every salesman told me the number one complaint from new riders is they bought too small. I have been in the harley dealership you went to and they have the typical arrogant harley attitude. I was riding with a few harley friends and we stopped at the harley dealer. It was a slow day so everyone inside the dealership was looking at us and we drove up and parked. No one would even speak to me because they saw I was riding a venture.
  24. ediddy

    darn cops

    There must not have been any fresh donuts at Krispy Kreme so he was uspet.
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