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Everything posted by ediddy

  1. One of my high school friends is selling his goldwing and harley softail to get a venture. We ride together but he has never ridden my venture. I told him he was welcome to ride my venture anytime. He came by yesterday with his wife and wanted to drive my venture. He had the harley softail on his trailer and asked if I would like to ride it along with them. I thought sure, so we rode for about 20 or 25 miles and came home. He was pleased with my venture and is definately going to by one. The harley softail is one of the worst bikes I have ever ridden in my life. It vibrated so bad at 60mph that all you can see in the rear view mirror is a streak. When I got off my back was hurting, I felt like I had been punched in my side and the skin was off my right big toe from shifting gears. This morning my lower right back is so sore I can't bend over. I'm sure the road king and ultra are better riders but I don't see how anyone can ride a softail. By the way, how did they come up with a name like softail. It should be called hardtail.
  2. My dad and all of his siblings were born making bluegrass music in North Georgia. My uncles had their own bands until last year when they retired. I lived in South Georgia all my life but remember going to my grandmother's house in Hartwell, Georgia and watching Lester and Earl on tv on saturday night. The tv was rarely turned on in those days but it was always turned on when Lester and Earl were on. After the tv program my dad and uncles and sometimes neighbors would come over and play music till midnight. There was a neighbor that had twin sons that would buck dance. That was the good ole days. Question, is Chris Scruggs Earl's son or grandson?
  3. I don't think there is anything that will work. I have the AGV helmet that looks like a helicopter pilot helmet and you just can't keep it from getting scratched. I'm on my third visor at $39.00 each. I've tried toothpaste, Novus 1,2 and 3 and no luck. I noticed that on most visors they say "scratch resistant", but that isn't true. If you find something that will work, please let me know.
  4. Hey Naturbar, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I can't imagine the pain you must be going through. Even though you can have peace knowing he is in a better place and you will see him again some day you will still miss him. I pray God will comfort you.
  5. I hope everyone in Alabama is Ok and that the rest of the country comes out OK. Alfa insurance company in Alabama is probably wondering, what have we done to deserve this. They are already non renewing any house over 10 years old, non renewing any house that is tennant occupied and one of their agents said the are eventually getting out of the homeowner line. It may take a few years before they completely get out because of the regulartory approval they will have to go through. But the most important thing is I hope no one is hurt in any of the tornadoes.
  6. Good deal Randy. I will be waiting for my check in the mail because I know you are going to split the savings with me, right?
  7. No one seems to police advertisements anymore. Companies cross the line all the time with advertising. The auto insurance commercials are some of the worst. Everyone that switches to catchem and skinnum insurance company saves $500 or with gottago it's 15%. I call these companies all the time and they are usually double what I am paying. One day I was watching a commerical and I caught what they are saying. The customer that "switches" to them saves $500. I got an advertisement last week from the american kennel club stating I could get a special discount with the Hartford insurance company for being a member of the club. This was an exclusive discount only for me. I called the toll free number to save $500 and got a quote of $979 per year. I am currently paying $648 per year for the same coverage without a special for me only discount. I told the rep what I was paying and he said wow you have a good rate for Georiga. He then said if he quoted my home I probably could save money with the special multi policy discount. I said ok and gave him the info. He quoted $1,059 per year and said hows that. I said not too good since I'm paying $624 per year. I wonder how many people believe those ads and buy without checking around.
  8. After I posted yesterday, I left the office on my bike. I rode right by where the guy was hit and I was a little uneasy about riding my bike and thinking about the guy. I also wonder if the guy hit is alive or dead. About a 1/4 mile from the office I stopped at a traffic light. There were two cars in front. I always look in both mirrors when stopped to watch anyone that might come up behind me. In my right mirror I see a young girl in an older S-10 blazer approaching my rear. She is flying and looks like she isn't slowing down. I started to let out the clutch and move forward and I realized I couldn't go forward because of the cars in front of me. I kept watching the girl coming up behind me and decided she was distracted and wasn't going to stop. I was going to put the kick stand down and jump off the bike when she stopped about a foot from me. I was already upset so before I thought I turned around facing her and I shook my finger at her and yelled, you better get your #$&*& off my a#s. If you can't drive your vehicle get your stupid @#%$&^& off the road you dumb b@$%h. Her mouth dropped open and when the light turned green and I went forward but she stayed about 10 car links behind me.
  9. WOW, we're getting ripped off in Georgia. We have to renew on birthday also. Renewed 2012 Ford Fusion friday. $297.00
  10. It's 2:21pm saturday and I'm at my office catching up on work. I hear sirens and they turn off the siren when they are in front of my office. My son just called on his cell. There is a pharmacy 2 buildings from mine and a guy that was riding a motorcycle is laying on the pavement. The parameds are there getting his helmet off. A lady leaving the pharmacy pulled into the street in front of the motorcycle. She is standing on the curve upset saying she never say him. My son's wife who is a physical theapist, said the guy is now posturing. I asked what is that? She said that's when your limbs start turning in. The guys wrists are turning in. Thats not good. I just don't buy the, I didn't see the motorcycle. I think people just don't look. They get distracted talking on cell phones, texting and just don't pay attention. When is it going to end.
  11. The roadside assistance coverage for auto and motorcycle polices is very inexpensive. For my bike it is $8.00 per year.
  12. I have an mp3 and was going to download songs from Itunes. I downloaded a song to my computer but can't get it to transfer to my mp3. Tech support at Itunes said I could only download to an Ipod and not an mp3. I've talked to other people that said they had mp3's and were able to download. Can anyone tell me if this is correct? Thanks,
  13. What do you have to be a member of?
  14. This happened about a mile from my house saturday. Another driver says they didn't see the motorcyle. It is encouraging to see law enforcement telling people to look out for motorcycles. The guy they interviewed on the 250 Kawasaki has his bike insured with me. This is his second bike. He totaled the first one this summer when a car pulled out in front of him. Luckily he wasnt hurt. www.walb.com/story/16472795/troopers-urge-driver-to-be-aware-of-motorcyclists
  15. If you have a choice between acv and agreed value, the agreed value is the best option. Actual cash value is the value of the vehicle at the time of loss. There are several factors that determine the acv. The condition and mileage or the most common. The acv is what someone would pay for the vehicle if it was for sale on a sales lot. The agreed value starts with a vehicle valuation that's agreed upon between the insurance company and the customer at the time the policy begins. If there is a total loss or theft, the payout is for that already agreed upon dollar amount. No misunderstanding. No argument. No angry customer. So you can see the agreed amount option is the best.
  16. I'm in the south and get lots of sunshine, particularly in the summer. I read a lot of material by Dr. Mercola and he says vitamin D deficency causes a lot of health problems. I have blood work every six months because of my diabetes. They check everything under the sun except vitamin D levels. I asked a doctor to check mine and it was low. He gave me a prescription for vitamin D. Dr. Mercola has a web site which is mercola.com. I have found his advice to be good. My doctor prescribed a statin drug for me because my LDL was elevated but I will not take a statin drug. The pharmacy companies have made billions encouraging doctors to prescribe statins. The can do more harm to your body than the cholesterol. There are many studies now that show people that had heart attacks and strokes didn't have them because of hight LDL but inflammation of the circulatory system. You won't hear the drug companies talk about this. Because of the possiblity of mercury in regular fish oil I take krill oil. Krills are little tiny creatures that look like shrimp and are close to the bottom of the ocean so there is probably nil chance of mercury.
  17. We used Norton at our office for our network. A virus got past it and disabled our firewall and anti virus. It cost me almost $1,000 to get our computers cleaned up. Mine was so bad it had to be wiped cleaned and reloaded. Our computer tech recommended AVAST. We haven't had any problems since.
  18. Hey Dingy, You are so right.
  19. My son just came by the office with his check. The people at the lottery office told him someone had the winning ticket to 77 million and today is the last day to claim it. Wish it was me. Something else I didn't know. If you win the lottery you can claim a deduction on your taxes for the tickets you purchased during the year. Course if you win why would you care.
  20. I still can't believe this, but here is what happened. My son bought a quick pick lottery ticket wednesday. He had it in his pocket but didn't look at it until last night. He had all of the numbers but the power ball number. He had 16 for the power ball but the number was 32. If he had picked the power ball he would have won 140 million, but he won $250,000. He just left the lottery office with a net check after taxes of $172,500. I told him he has always been my favorite child and I have loved him more than anyone else. I've never purchased a lottery ticket but I think I might buy one each week now.
  21. Funny story about my son. He went in the hospital for hemorrhoid surgery, when he woke up his front tooth was missing. We had a big laugh about that and still joke about it today. The hosptial paid to have the tooth replaced.
  22. ediddy

    Pellet gun

    I too have been thinking about getting a pellet gun. I was on the internet trying to find out the difference in a .177 pellet and a .22 pellet. The article mentioned a web site for pyramyd air rifles. I went on their site and after looking at the guns available I was totally confused. I called their number for help and the representative recommended the RWS 34 .22 cal. I told him I would use the gun for critter control such as squirrels, rabbits and some crows. He said he used the RWS 34 and it would be perfect for that. I mentioned the Beeman and GAMO guns and even though they sell these he said they weren't made with materials as good as the RWS. The RWS cost a little more than I wanted to pay at $219 without a scope. Any comments.
  23. Hey RedRider, Sorry to hear of your problems. I've been there and it isn't a good feeling. As to the $150 for the disability insurance, if they are denying the claim because of a preexisting condition they should do what is called in the insurance industry as "rescinding the policy." This is cancelling the policy the effective date as if the policy never existed. They have to refund your $150.00. I would call the loan company and tell them that if they were denying your claim to send something to you in writing stating the reason they are denying the claim. Then you can call them early in the morning and night and tell them they owe you and you want your money immediately. If they don't send the money file a complaint with your state insurance commissioner. Good Luck.
  24. ediddy

    BG 44k

    You can go to the companies web site, bgprod.com and put in your zip code and the nearest dealer will be displayed.
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