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Everything posted by Walnutz

  1. so ? anyone?
  2. New ROute http://mapq.st/5-cpHn9EU1
  3. My Family and I are going to the Smithsonian. May 15th anyone along the route that can put up with us for a night or just a few hours for laughs whatever we have been planning this trip for a while but could not go this year....but 2015 were there.. any one who can help along the way please pm me so that I can coordinate times and stops! this is my route ...http://mapq.st/1pOzfg7
  4. meeeeeeeeee toooooooooooooo:stirthepot:
  5. oh what was it then ?
  6. prolly not?....
  7. I dont have any pictures yet been busy only time I have is just waking up or just after the kids are in bed.. this is my buddy's 88
  8. so what is the 93 through 99 called???
  9. whoa nice...not into chrome (wont make it home Lmao) but I still appreciate that bike and the work.. I want to get mine Nekked and put in my own lights and ****...like that but I got to get her right before I worry about her cosmetics....
  10. where ya located LOL I need some help hahaha
  11. Sweet cause if I wot in first it gets me a thrill or two LOL I have no cluster to tell me how fast I am going I just roll on lol but that damn trans lol
  12. really?? cool guess I will be fixing the trans then...not just getting a new motor-trans
  13. so I have heard first gens are faster so when does first gen end and what is the sweetest year..and then where does the second gen start and end
  14. when does first gen end and second gen begin?
  15. clutch side......by the shifter...if its like a 83 ... you may get better response...in the 2nd gen tech talk....
  16. Prayerin Hard in Fort!!
  17. I have used garmin for years....every vehicle I have had them in...the speedo has been off! LOL wonder if the gps is accurate or the vehicle......I also use it as a speedo on my bike.....have not got a ticket yet.....even passed my Uncle with a cop behind me ....MY Uncle was convinced I was speeding LOL not speeding I told him to put a GPS unit in his car and figure out if I was right or he was wrong LOL I swear by em.....good things to use..everywhere
  18. yea I know they made a lot of these bikes...but I want to get rid of the stock handle bars and go with a regular set of 7/8s and get rid of the stock headlight assembly and go with some thing else as far as a head light
  19. I need to know where to get individual Gaskets as specifically for the rear jug as it pertains to the leaky valve seals... Any place here that helps us I want to do business with just like on the other site I do business with Red and Kate at Cycleone....they rock for 750's stator gasket....... hmm does anyone here strip these down to Nekked? after market bars...Etc.....Headlight...I am keeping the bags those critters are handy LOL any Place that Helps us on stuff like this please chime in...I want to go where my family goes for all parts and service.... I want that temp fan switch thingy the beck arnley one but can not find it...I dont want to order one and it be a different one than I need... I reallly really could use someone to help me tune my carbs.......I am also happy to say that simple plug change stopped the popping and cracking...... now it just backfires when i shut it off..LOL I can come to someone in the fifty mile radius....I can do that no problem....
  20. Walnutz

    New here

    Thanks EveryOne.....also appreciate the links to all the different things to help me in the future! good people ....
  21. long Pants helmet shirt jacket if needed Boots no flip flops ever NO Shorts I wear chaps Sometimes.... full face..always...
  22. Thank you all great Help I have founnd on this site.......thank you again
  23. to much oil was correct.....and btw I just had my wife look while I held it upright LOL these bikes are HEAVY I could not get it on center stand I laugh....why would they have an 1100lb with a center stand??? or is there a technique?? so on with the other stuff......is there any place now that i have to worry about making sure that oil did not get into for fear of tearing it up??
  24. puking oil from somewhere in the middle of the motor between the V. its powerful enough to hose my carbs.....any help is appreciated .
  25. Walnutz

    New here

    Ok thanks
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