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Everything posted by Broncoboy36081

  1. Hello all. Today I picked up a used 1999 RSV. It's in great shape except a small crack in the fairing and I have a low speed wobble. It also seems to wanna track weird when on pavement that's not so great. I checked the rear shock and I didn't find anything like moisture and such. Checked tire pressure and all the good stuff. It just rolled over on 31000. Also it feels like it wants to go to the left easier than the right when I lean. Don't know much about these bikes as I have always owned a Harley. Needless to say I will never own another Harley. I bought this bike to take the place of my fatboy. Just need a little help getting her tip top.
  2. Thanks all Like I said the owner said he can feel it wobble after bump with hands off. I think he means he loosens his grip according to the way he describes it. How many miles are these machines good for if properly maintained? Sorry for posting in wrong section also.
  3. Hello all. I am considering purchasing a 1999 rsv. It has 30000 miles and seems to be in good condition. The only problem that the current owner states is that it will wobble a bit when hitting a good size bump in the road. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks He also states that his hands are not on the handle bars when it wobbles. Lol
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