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Everything posted by Broncoboy36081

  1. I might have to do that after the Sync lol! Come here and I'll get a fresh batch off the still. Alabama fire water!!
  2. Keg of Root beer to the man that syncs the carbs!!!
  3. Hello all. I'm in need of a carb sync. Badly!!!!! I haven't had the bike long but the previous owner in the 31000 miles has never synced the carbs to his knowledge! Anyway I am looking for someone close by to help guide me through the sync. I don't own a tool but I would be willing to rent yours. I'm in Troy, Alabama about an hour south of Montgomery. If anyone is willing to help me I can come to you. Dinner on me! Thanks guys
  4. Tried the wash to find. It didn't do it after the wash but now it's back again. It also looks low in the reservoir which was just topped off about 2 months ago. Bleeder valve is good. I can't see where it's coming from. It looks like its behind one of the chrome covers.
  5. It seems to be coming and dripping around the kickstand. Any ideas where to go on this.
  6. Thanks for the reply guys. I did check for valve accents being loose. I had that problem as well. Yes to the 20w-50 oil. Next change I will try 10-40. I'm pretty sure it's either an exhaust leak or being that it's on the side stand and the highest cylinder it's the last to fill up
  7. Well today I noticed a little noise in the front right jug. It went away if I have it some throttle but as soon as it returned to idle it came back. It's more of a clicking ticking noise like harley lifter noise. Bring as its new I would like to find it. I'm pretty sure it's an exhaust leak but as the bike warms up it goes away.
  8. Well the title says it all. When I'm at a stop light with my turn signal applied I notice the headlight and dash lights will dim ever so slightly. Battery, stator, or rectifier? How to trouble shoot. All I have done is check the grounds. All seems well. Thanks:depressed:
  9. Hey man you called me a while back lost your number. I've got a worn shock you can get. Shoot me a PM or call me.
  10. Not sure on the part # but give them a call. They have 2 different options to fit your riding style and your weight. Google Hagon shocks. They answer the phone and take your weight and riding style.
  11. I'm gonna bet it's the steering head again.
  12. Adjusting head tomorrow and nope never changed the fork oil.
  13. Well already talked to another member about this but since I added some coolant I have about a quarter size spot on the ground after a good hot ride. It's not coming from the freeze plugs or the Twinkie. Only thing I know is that I might have overfilled it. That's what the other member said as well. The leak is located around the kickstand. Can't see where it's coming from but I am with the other member. Any other scenarios or possibilities would be nice to know.
  14. Put my new Hagon shock on tonight and wow what a difference. It sits a good bit higher than my old stock shock. Anyway the ride is much firmer and crisp. Still have a little weird quirk in the front end as far as uneven surfaces but over all the ride is much better. Now to find why the front end is a little weird.
  15. I've ridden all sorts of "noises". My Harley made all sorts of wierd noises. Guess what?, my Venture does too. The fairing and windshield reflect all sorts of noises.
  16. Gentleman as I sit here and write this I want you to understand that this is a former life and not current. I am 27 years old and I started riding motorcycles at the age of 9. I have been riding on the road since I was 12 (illegally) of course. In a former lifestyle I lived I road with a 1% club no I was not a member of that 1% club but I was a full patch member of a 1% support club. A puppet or support club wears the colors of that 1% club and is sworn to live by there law and do as they say. Now on to what I have seen, heard, encountered. I joined the club at 21 years of age and it took me 1 year to become a full patch member. The hang around phase was a breeze as they want you to stay interested in the club but when you earn your probate patch which is just a bottom rocker to begin with. That's when things get rough and you become more involved. Yes most of our members were former military and veterans. Soon enough after working security detail and tons of "chores" I earned my full patch. I then started being able to join the parties and have a good time so to speak. At that time I thought it was cool to have the "honor" of hanging with the 1%ers. After about 3 years I earned the title of "secretary" for our chapter. I was an officer and people showed me the utmost respect. I thought I had earned that respect out of all I had done for my club. Really all they had was fear. When we would go to a charity ride people would stare at us they would avoid us and were just trying to avoid us at all costs. We had a RC (riding club) under us that served us and did "chores" for us. Anyway the public has an image as these clubs as murderers dope dealers and just generally bad people. I met a lot of great people and I met those that the public seem to focus on. The things that I have done I am not proud of nor will I ever relive those days. I have seen things that go on that definitely aren't of the legal standard but you can see that on any street corner. My days in the club came to an end when we found out that a member of one of our riding clubs was an ATF agent trying to work his way up to infiltrate the 1% club we served. Needless to say that was close enough for me to know i wanted out. Moral of the story is do not judge these men by their colors but always know in the back of your mind what contact you have with them is and can be potentially hazardous to your freedom and your life also if you are stupid enough to mess with one of the member prepare for the other 10 you don't see. Be smart ride hard and watch what you do. God bless PS- God saw me through all of those days and hopefully he will the remainder of my days on Earth. If you would like to know how God and Jesus can see you through your days I will be happy to share with you what I know.
  17. Thanks Andy. That's what I was figuring.
  18. Well it's rear shock time for me and I am down to either the Hagon or going back with the OEM on my 2nd gen Venture. I like that the OEM shock is adjustable via air ride but they seem to be pretty much useless if I have to spend 5-600 dollars every winter or every other winter. The Hagon shock is not adjustable but they seem to have a better product. Anyway here's my question, anyone know how much it costs to rebuild one of the Hagon shocks? If it's 2-300$$$ I'm just gonna stick an OEM back in there for the air ride.
  19. Well it's rear shock time for me and I am down to either the Hagon or going back with the OEM on my 2nd gen Venture. I like that the OEM shock is adjustable via air ride but they seem to be pretty much useless if I have to spend 5-600 dollars every winter or every other winter. The Hagon shock is not adjustable but they seem to have a better product. Anyway here's my question, anyone know how much it costs to rebuild one of the Hagon shocks? If it's 2-300$$$ I'm just gonna stick an OEM back in there for the air ride.
  20. Sounds awesome Earl!! Thanks for the explanation. Sure am glad I got both from you!!!
  21. Somebody was in it because it had a full friction disc in the back of the stack. Somebody didn't line up the marks on the pressure plate and clutch basket either. Who knows. Anyway friction discs need replacing anyway and spring too. Clutch plates looked good though.
  22. Thanks! Will put one on for it.
  23. Look at how offset the spring is. That what it looked like when I opened it up. The sting was offset to one side.
  24. Somebody without knowledge did this last clutch job lol!
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