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10 Good

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  • Location
    Troy, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1999 yamaha RSV

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  1. Everyone please enter their zip code. I will get to work on the best location for everyone and get to work on the dining available in that area. I will do my best to be fair to everyone!
  2. Ok guys I will get a time and place together if not this season maybe March of next year! Maybe we can make it a SouthEast meet and eat. I will get to work on a good place to eat.
  3. I will see if we can get more interest. Dothan would be closer for you.
  4. Preferably in the Montgomery or Pratville area to eat.
  5. Just trying to see how many members are fairly close and would like to meet up in Alabama somewhere for a meet and eat.
  6. I will be ordering the bypass. Where is the best place to ground it. Thanks
  7. Kinda figured that.
  8. Hey Eck. Thinking of going with the plug and play a member on here has. Any thoughts?
  9. Chat up and running
  10. Yeah had read they liked to crap out. Just think I better be safe and bypass it. It gets warm enough to feel it in my pocket a minute or 2 after.
  11. Way to go guys. Site is running like my venture! Which is great! However I think chat may have a issue.
  12. Anyone else have a 2nd gen key that is super warm to the touch after riding or idling for a bit. Is it time to order the ignition bypass?
  13. I have never met the guy but when I got there and parked i happened to look over and there was a Venture! He was squatted down with one of those plug in type emergency air compressors. I went to go give him a hand and that's when he told me what the other guys had done to him. He said he always runs what the manual says of 36-36. He said he had been having some handling problems. I asked if he had a leaking rear shock or had he ever checked the stearing head bearings. He said he had done nothing to the bike no carb sync, no adjustments period. 08 with 96k miles. He also said he had a tour deluxe with 113k that would get water in the oil. I asked about the head gasket and he said he had some sort of vacuum problem.?.?.?.?.!. Anyway thanks guys.
  14. I k ow the manual says 36 front and rear for the D404 tires but what do they actually need. Read something on here about the manual says the pressures are wrong for this tire. Found a guy at the rally im at that had a venture but his butt hole friends let the air out of his tires as a joke. I would kill them!!
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