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Everything posted by gggGary

  1. Ignoring the politics, I found this stuff funny. Note; the deficiency reports were written by pilots. Usually considered to be a bit sharper pencils than truck drivers...
  2. Had the carbs clamped level in the vice, ran an extended fuel line over to it from the bike. I had been using a cut open quart oil bottle as a catch pan for the float bowls as I moved the fuel level sight gauge around. I was having one of those OH CRAP moments when I split the coupling, fuel continued to flow and flow and........... fortunately I was able to keep the bottle level, under the loose fuel line, and still reach over the tank and shut off the petcock.
  3. Yeah I was surprised how high they were. Been working on a 99 with 11,800 on the clock. While I had the cabs on the bench I checked the plugs and figured might as well check compression too, all 4 were over 200, seems good to me! The carb sync was a worthwhile project, saw one butterfly was visually out of range, set it by eye on the bench then used my gauge, only took a light tweak to match the left and right sides, done. Still have the idle screws at an arbitrary two turns out. will have to do those one day also.
  4. Yeah I was surprised how high they were. Been working on a 99 with 11,800 on the clock while I had the cabs on the bench I checked the plugs and figured might as well check compression too, all 4 were over 200. seems good to me! The carb sync was a worthwhile project saw one butterfly was visually out of range set it by eye on the bench then sued my gauge only took a light tweak to match the left and right sides, done. still have the idle screws at an arbitrary two turns out. will have to do those soon also.
  5. I had the carbs on the bench for a float sync, when I removed the fuel line (main switch off) the stock pump let fuel continue to flow. Yamaha calls for shutting off the petcock whenever the engine is off. Should the stocker stop the flow when it's not running?
  6. Hint; when one of those balls does the disappearing act, take a small drill bit and drill on the end of an extra zirk fitting, the ball and spring in a zirk are a direct replacement and come right out a after just a bit of drilling. At least on the Yamaha XS650 mikuni BS34 carbs, I suspect these are the same size. I kinda think mine are already missing, a project for another day.
  7. Gotta post; the band at a wedding in Madison WI last week was powered by a generator in an indoor soccer club. 130 guests ended up at local hospitals. http://www.channel3000.com/news/update-nearly-130-reported-to-hospital-after-carbon-monoxide-poisoning-at-wedding/41177700
  8. Yes on large ticket items A paypal DEPOSIT to you to hold the item while a long distance buyer arranges funds and travel to your location is a reasonable solution. But the ONLY thing the buyer needs is your paypal email. You can also send a funds request to the BUYERS email. It's fairly simple to weed out scammers by requesting the buyers info, address, phone number, email etc. Then you can search that info to get a better handle on his reliability. I have even gotten funds via Western union and crated shipped a bike. You need to trust your feelings and accept your tolerance for risk. Even cash can be forged..... I must live a charmed life but have done some amazingly trusting long distance dealing of bikes and cars. I kid you not; bought off ebay a Pennsylvania guys $21,000 car, paid off a loan from a Detroit lender via electronic transfer (the seller was upside down and had to kick in to finish paying the loan), flew to LA, took a taxi to an address, took the key out of the tailpipe of the car parked on the street and drove it home to WI, picked up my wife, and drove to Mexico for a vacation. During this whole process the seller and I never got within 800 miles of each other. I still own the vehicle 10 years later. I have flown to drive home at least 4 cars and motorcycles so far. I have sent 1,000's of items around the world, from free nuts and bolts up to an $80,000 airplane.
  9. Steamer is right! bBent the washer back snugged nut about one flat, rebent washer, choke stays on nicely now. Think it's just loose enough it will go in on it's own in a mile or two if I forget.
  10. I think the screw on the rod about 1 1/2" from the knob sets the left / right side choke free play/ balance. On this set the slider tracks under the 4 screws circled in blue were a bit bent bent up. Not sure if it was from a carb pull, install or an attempt to add some friction to the mechanism.
  11. Are your choke return springs in place?
  12. This rack measures 15" front to back. There is still quite a bit of room, I have the trunk in the rear bolt holes, removed passenger backrest and rear speaker wings. Gary-built backrest. Getting her ready for a solo camping trip. tent, sleeping bag, folding chair will be strapped on the rack.
  13. Bought a "short" baggershield from a guy that went to the "tall" baggershield to keep his wife happy, too much turbulence with the short one. See my post about the Bro-view S5 LED bulb? http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?118342
  14. Ran a Shinko HD about 3000 miles on the rear of a K1200LT it worked great no complaints, I sold the bike. I have run about 15 Shinkos on other bikes no problems. I did have a used shinko that came on a bike that had a split to the tube in the center of the tread area. tire was not very old and had good tread. But I have no way of knowing the history. It did not LOOK like FOD contact damage. I contacted Shinko USA about it and never heard back.
  15. Mineral spirits in a windex type bottle and a tooth brush is my go to. Odd, my 99 choke doesn't stay OUT. Which is OK this hot summer.
  16. I believe they are identical, just like a halogen bulb is the same both sides? But I'll look at the remaining bulb to see if there are any markings as to left or right ;^) They do make the left and right headlight housings different and they use different housings and perhaps bulbs for cars (and bikes) in RHD countries like Japan and England.
  17. Please see post # 13 above, I bought and installed a Bro-view LED last night, we have a winner! Note how they have shielding over the low beam for the cut off. We are looking at the left side of bulb, right side has the same design with perhaps a slightly different shield for "perfect" low beam cut off with raised right edge for "ditch view" This uses a copper braid heat sink, no fan, fits in fairing. I got flashed once on the first ride, I lowered the headlight a bit with the knob which actually improved both high and low view, no more "flashes"
  18. What could go wrong? http://airpigz.com/storage/2010-january/Duck-Tape-Cub-1.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1263666266804 http://airpigz.com/storage/2010-january/Duck-Tape-Cub-4.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1263666380372
  19. Occasionally I run into sellers that want to meet in public places. Sometimes women and that just makes sense. Sometimes I get the feeling it's "I don't want you to know where I live" because the item is defective or stolen. I have had some folks arrive at my house where I though Jeese I would rather they DIDN'T know where I live. But so far nothing has come of it. I have traveled to Milwaukee or Chicago after motorcycles and found myself in "neighborhoods" that had me VERY worried. Been some places in LA that I probably shouldn't have gone to also. But again nothing has happened to me "yet". I am also guilty of sending "some guy" to meet my wife at home to buy something. Other times I have just told them where the item is in the shed or basement and have them leave the money on a work bench. Guess I'm really lucky or have divine protection. Um yeah prolly not the second one. We used to have a big dog that sounded like a "Hound from Hell" when anyone drove up. Good thing they didn't know he was trying to hide under the couch while barking. The dog we have now might make snags on a guys socks and sounds about that "tough".
  20. Found a pretty slick (in a hillbilly kind of way) mounting for the GPS tablet, an aluminum L bracket sticks with velcro to the back of the tablet and the dash top. doesn't block any info I need on the dash. Easy to remove the GPS, bottom pad, and shut the door. I may a mount so the emblem goes back on the cassette door and it's just like (sun faded) factory.
  21. Ouch. My useful comments are limited my g1 ownership was in the distant past. Stop ignore the trip and money expended it doesn't matter. IS this a bike you want to own? If not walk away. If you can honestly say yeah I want a fixer upper with several obvious problems and some not so obvious. then you gotta decide what it's worth. From your description you are a lot closer to 1K than 2K If the miles are a lie then the owner is not to be believed about anything else and that is hard to work from. Good luck and keep posting! Keep in mind there are better fish than that one in the sea. One more thing, check the bottom left of the gas tank for bubbles or rot.
  22. Yup, you just can't get too excited about it. I am semi retired and make my spending money buying and selling. It flows both ways, sellers that only have the reply link and never respond, buyers that low ball, and scams. If you really want to sell put your phone number in the ad. I actually think a cute some numbers spelled out phone # gets less spam than the one in the reply section. I throw a lot of offers to buy out there and some of them work, others I never hear back. Sometimes the response is weeks or months later. I have gotten some really good deals form the those late responses. I think some sellers are just slobs, they list an item, if it sells they just leave the ad up and stop responding. Like someone above said; retail's the same way, there's all kinds. I threw out a $100 offer on an item with no price a few minutes ago and just got this back. "Thank you for the offer, but the highest offer thus far is $175. Dan" What a long way around selling an item, if you want to sell list a price! yes haggling is part of CL Some have the gene for it, others don't. I have scored some real deals on old ads with a too high price throwing out low ball offers. Yesterday I missed a running but kinda rough 25k miles R1100RT for $500 didn't see the ad soon enough...... It's a game, don't take it too seriously. I also make listings and sell for people who just are too "nervous nelly" to deal with selling themselves. By the way on CL or any other on line ads it's all about the pics ALways shoot the crap out of it and post LOTS of pics I often take 40-50 pics and post the best 24 On CL. get in close fill the frame with your item, shoot inside, underneath EVERYWHERE. I keep a digital camera set to shoot at 1024x768 to make pic uploads easy. I did this ad for my neighbor yesterday. http://madison.craigslist.org/cto/5724663294.html I had already done the ad that sold his VTX1300 with side car. A reason for selling helps the sale... I sell 5 or 10 items a week on another MC forum mostly responding to parts wanted ads. Hint; forum classies are a hot bed of buying and selling, you have a much more focused group of people there. Usually no fees also. Less spam more "real" buyers and sellers. I have virtually never been burned selling through forums. And seldom when buying.
  23. Sounds like a salesman, he didn't know but his jaw kept flapping anyways.
  24. 99 RSV first part was in the side bag, no idea where it goes, It COULD be from something else..... second mystery what is the purpose of the wire bracket and chrome cover on the rear cam cover? Wondering, wandering mind.
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