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Everything posted by gggGary

  1. Found the pics! post #13 here; http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?118342 We need the H4 style a pair of bulbs on fleabay for $52 here; http://www.ebay.com/itm/BroView-S5-Focused-Beam-LED-Headlight-Kit-9005-9006-H7-H11-H4-9004-H13-9007-Bulb-/132064359512?var=&hash=item1ebfa63458:m:m_di1ZMCDlrrjjFu3EgMmdw&vxp=mtr
  2. Put a Broview S5 LED in last year ran it about 6K miles mostly daylight It uses braid for cooling instead of a fan, great light pattern with excellent proper cut off on low beam. Put two in my FJR because I like this one so much. Completely plug and play no wiring changes cuts or other connectors needed. Probably best to pull the outer fairing for the install you need to mount the power block. I have a series of pics with it installed.
  3. Hey Lo-tech here. Got the forks off, so too late for the first measure. measure 5" total travel available, the stock spring has 12" plus to coil bind. On my 99 with 15K miles the stock springs are sticking out 7/8" plus 3/4 of cap thickness, thinking about adding an 1" or so of spacer before putting them back together. I weigh 175 nekked (go ahead try to erase that image) and ride towards the sprited side on rough Wisconsin roads. Put in 447 cc of 10 weight and will add about 105cc of 15 weight to each leg and button it up. Edit; Went out and got a horse syringe and did the oil to 5" instead, Prefer spacers to air pressure in my forks. used 1" pvc caps for the spacers drilled a hole for air if needed. but haven't got them in yet, this might get painful, 1 1/2" is a lot of spring to compress while starting the cap threads! I have a Shinko 777HD 130/90/16 front tire on, and fresh shinko 777HD on the rear, fresh tapered bearings and am changing to FJR1300 calipers. next up will be longer rear shock links and check the swing arm bushings.
  4. I ended up installing a Shinko 777HD 130/90/16 front tire. Put on a few thousand miles, seemed to improve handling, alas I ran the rear down to bald during a trip, my tapered steering bearings were also SHOT. I may have accelerated their demise, thinking the bike had ball bearings I attempted a "kludge in place snug up". Anyways new tapered are in, and I'm doing fork oil before I reinstall the tubes. Bike had 10K miles last August 16K miles now ( It spent over a decade sitting in Arizona.) There needs to be a choice between the 99 RSV and an 05 FJR I bought last fall. Guess I will have to knuckle down and ride them both a lot to help decide.........
  5. I downsized the front tire (Shinko 777 HD Front Tire 130/90-16) last fall, rode down through Tenn, Georgia, thought that improved things, will leave it at that for now. Might maybe jack the rear with the linkage mod. I picked up an FJR in November as a light winter project (done) so have the sporting side covered. Will have to choose and sell one of the big bikes this spring. Use my XS650s for local rides. RSV still needs to go back together.
  6. NOW you tell me! Um... the fairing was dusty inside and needed cleaning. Yeah that's it! actually like mentioned it's awful tight to get at with the fairing on and my bearing install involves big chunks of pipe and sledge hammers. (Really) will post up some more later but the new races are in and I've got 8" of wet snow to plow.
  7. Doesn't hurt to remove the clamp bolts and tap a screwdriver in the slot a bit. Did a gen2 last night, tubes dropped out as soon as the screwdriver went in. The story got this bike with 10K and a bit of fork slop did the quicky nut snug and 4K later forks had a BAD notch, bought the all balls kit and tore it down yesterday. I was surprised at what I found I thought these were all ball bearing? Shrug. No question I had overtightened and ruined the tapered bearings, damnit. As usual the all balls "universal bottom seal" isn't a good fit, may wait and order a factory seal. Had to custom grind and regrind my "hardened axle" bearing driver a few times before the lower race came out. not much of a lip to catch. No kidding on the "pain in the behind" comments about doing this.
  8. Started in on replacing steering bearings with all balls and am part way through a front brake up grade to 4 piston calipers and SS lines. So I've been digging around here for the fairing removal secrets. looks like getting at the two bolts that hold the fairing frame to the top triple is the last trick. (I sure hope so anyways) . will do fork oil change based on years since new, 16K miles on a 99.
  9. Hot day hard work, thought I ducked low enough under the fence. Felt the pulled back muscles for a couple of weeks. We have horses only turn the fence on a few times a year to "refresh their memory" told wife fence was on, hung a sign on it. She went out and leaned over it to feed a horse a treat, yup got both boobs. Yee ouch!
  10. Wait you were riding a Venture around road america?
  11. I don't think anyone wants anyone else to ride outside their comfort zone. These make a good read and make sense whether you're in a group that's pushing or you are pushing yourself to be a better rider. http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/pace A few years later he revised it a bit and added a few tidbits. http://www.cycleworld.com/2013/09/16/become-a-better-street-rider-with-the-pace-motorcycle-safety-and-riding-skills Even these big berthas can be ridden at a pace that will embarrass riders who aren't practitioners of the art of motorcycle riding. Some tips on street braking and steering even talks about braking a wallowing hippo... http://www.cycleworld.com/2015/03/11/motorcycle-control-skills-for-safer-street-riding-ride-craft-motorcycle-tips
  12. Great info on the road star brakes! Are the stock roady lines plug and play on a RSV?
  13. [h=2]Richmond 0.7" x 44.375 "Magnesium Anode Rod for Water Heaters[/h]Model Number: RP11309C | Menards® SKU: 6836088 $19.99
  14. Got distracted and managed to get the RSV away from a stop light in 5th LOL. Even the green OD light wasn't enough...........
  15. The last, let's say 200 pounds...........
  16. Mid 60's and sunny today. Took the XS650 out for a nice back roads spin, then took the screens out and washed windows. Gotta love that first part! Nearly done cutting firewood for the winter of 2020/21 Heat 100% with wood, about 5 cords a year, a small load tomorrow and the racks are full.
  17. My wife even has a name for it "garyizing" Not just bikes, nearly everything gets Garyized so it's really mine. The manufacturer built it so "everyone" is happy. I'm not everyone!
  18. Yes Boards scrape before the front crash bars, I haven't hit the bars yet but give me time..... I finally got both tires good and fresh, and now the roads have leaves and spilled corn and the corners get gravel as the corn semis run the rear wheels on the inside shoulder. I know it CAN'T be my getting old. Still considering the rear suspension mod to raise it a bit, and need to check fork spring height. Edit; gotta put the new steering bearings in also, I can feel the notch...........
  19. Weirdo stuff like that is often a (missing) ground issue Get out your VOM and check voltage battery positive to frame, engine, forks. See if those are all a strong 12 volts. engine off, then running.
  20. PS my wife and friends call it "garyizing" "You are never happy til you've Garyized it."
  21. Fiddle futzing? LOL so is your bike a star? just wondering if the R1 calipers fit all years of venture?
  22. Excellent poop on the brake line change!
  23. before the earls type fork?
  24. New does not guarantee good........ Disconnect one battery terminal charge, check voltage about 1/2 hour after it is fully charged it should read about 12.7 12.8 volts, check again once daily. it should drop to no less than about 12.6 volts. Meters aren't always super accurate. check you car battery after it's been sitting for at least an hour. it should also read about 12.8 volts no big deal if you meter is off the MC battery should match the healthy car battery voltage. If you bought a gel cell battery the voltage readings should be about .1 higher.
  25. Saw that bike at the slimy crud a few years ago! Love it! "the road less traveled LOL
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