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Everything posted by biofractal

  1. Thanks for all your comments. ... I got offered some help from one of the guys here.... mini-muffin When we're done I will post the results and what was messing things up. Thanks to everyone
  2. Freebird and V7Goose. First off all I want to say THANK YOU for the time. Time is money and I appreciate every second you guys spend of your valuable time writing about the technical issue I have. Being that said I am sorry if I came out the wrong way, I was not doubting what V7Goose said about the jets... what I wrote does not reflect that and I understand it... sorry I agree with you (V7Goose) about not taking unsupported opinions and get facts.... However I have noticed your expertise and knowledge (reading articles and comments about you), and the fact that the Motion pro tool does not feel like a professional tool, I decided to trust your opinion. This is later confirmed by Freebird's comments about how much experience you have with this bikes and motorcycles in general. OK.... Now that I made a bit more clear my point, I would like to say that I need to open the carbs again, set the floats, get new jets etc etc or to pay good $$$ to someone to do it.... OR... keep running the bike like I have for the last 3 months and get 37mpg... which is not terrible or unbearable. I have not encountered any hesitation problems with riding the bike... not even in 5th gear at very slow speed and then rolling in the throttle. Like I said before is more of a matter of having my bike working how she is supposed to and learn and save money in the process. If I just pay someone to do it I will always will have to rely on someone to do it... and don't like that. If I enjoy doing something like I do working on my bike, then I better learn and no better opportunity than learning from you guys... I have several things that play against me solving this issue. #1 I don't have a garage where I can work, I have to do it in the parking lot of where I live. #2 Limited tools and knowledge #3 the summer is gone, days are shorter and colder. Thank you all...
  3. I see.... Sounds very reasonable... I did not force the guitar string through the hole... but hey anything is possible... specially talking about such a small hole..
  4. The first time I had the idea to buy a Yamaha Vmax 1st gen I backed out because I didn't want to deal with the carbs .... and here I am..... I was right some how.... Venturous: believe it or not I can't perfom properly the grill lighter test because I dont a garage... and is always windy... I tried but was not conclusive. TZ89: I am to test everything you mentioned... plus the starter spray test. Can you perform this test with the tank on? Neil86: UNI filters are foam indeed. Oiled as directed. V7GOOSE: First THANKS for your time and dedication... I will try do touch all the subjects that you mentioned. Idle: Indeed, I am coming from a V twin... the RS warrior... so you advice comes very handy because I am pretty sure my idle is slower than it should... 1000 rpm probably sounds a bit high to me... will try to find a tach CARBS: I can't assure that I did everything right... more likely I did screw somewhere. When I put them together I tried very hard to make sure a free motion of the choke components... including the plungers. IDLE mixture screws: Yes... I can see a change in the idle speed when I move them. I will try adjust as you are recommending here... set 3 turns out and go from there. Floats: NO... I did not set them... didn't know how to do that. Carbs cleaned: I did all that was in my power to get them as clean as possible. even used a guitar string (the firt metal one ) to clean the jets wholes that were clogged, and another part that looked like a small flute with very tiny wholes on each side of the brass. Floats NoT SET ... tried to not even move them much. And I know... I am probably one of those making uninformed changes and messing thing up:confused24: "Y" Connection: Good to know that is a common problem on this bikes. Loud pipes: I do not believe in having the right to annoy people with loud pipes and I agree 110% with you on that. I believe in a deep throaty roar... that has a low tone which will alert distracted drives.... It has worked for me in the past saving me from getting run over. Motion pro: Man... dont tell me that.. Oh wow... I am glad I bought this through amazon because I am going to return it. I did help a bit though... but I know it is not even close to a quality tool. I going to do this. I am going to place stock air filters, move the idle screws as you recommend and perform leak test and see what happens. Don't get me wrong... the bike is not running like a POS... is not that bad.... right know has a little bit of uneven (rough) idle... like a HD sort off idle... But after that little hesitation on the very first twist then she revs fine... even a very high rpms... but I am OCD.... I want my machine to work as she is supposed too. that's why I am going like this... my weather clock is running close to zero... because the colder it gets here in Norfolk VA, the less I can work on the bike.
  5. The day I cleaned the carbs was the same day I put new oil, new spark plugs and the filters...I have no reference in regard to the stock filter.... agrrr I really wont like to just throw this ones away.... uhmmmm but I guess that will be worth trying. It will be cheaper than re-jetting the carbs. How do you use the stater spray to find leaks?
  6. I pulled the carbs like 3 month ago... and the idle never wander like that before. Lean... Yes.. almost sure of that. There is an air leak.... the funny part is that I cant freaking know where is coming from. Is NOT from the union with the new pipes... I could say I am 95% sure. I put my hand around the union and I can't feel any air.... however I do feel air where the arrow that points "here". See the other pic with the blue arrows representing the air. ... I don't know what I can do in that regard... when I slide on the pipes the fit was really tight... the clamp is tighten to its max... and gain I don't feel air comming out of the muffller union. See the picture and imagine you are on the left side (picture is taking from the right side) you will put your finger in between the chrome heat shield and the main pipe.... obviously I did this when the pipes temp is not hot to the touch. The air that I feel is comming down... not from the side of the muffler. [ATTACH]87604[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]87605[/ATTACH]
  7. I tried that... but is not helping..
  8. here is some updates... hopefully somebody will read them... I got the motion pro to sync the carbs. Based on the description and the instructions the master carburetor is Carb #2, since all the cables (throttle) are connected here. I followed the instructions carefully reading twice. When was time to calibrate the tool (this is why you need to know which one is the master carburetor) I started the bike and all the liquids columns started to rise......... almost all the way up... I knew instantly that something was not right. After a lot of thinking and guessing; two things kept coming to my head: #1: I didn't know how many rpms my idle was because I don't have a tach.. #2: The bike must be tuned before sync the carbs. I turned the idle screw up and the columns started to go down to a more normal level. However the bike keep increasing and lowering the rpms by itself.... up and down... in a low pace... don't know why. I also returned the pilot jet screws back to zero, then give them 1 full turn out. Before they were like 3.5 turns out to try to enrich the mixture and get rid of the poppings. After this was done I managed to "Sync" the carbs... the hesitation when rolling the throttle from idle improved a lot. The Popping was also improved.... not for too long... Today I started the bike and even when she was ready up to working temp.. the hesitation and the popping came back. I was pissed. To make a brief pause here.... When I got this bike it was not running... the carbs were an absolute mess. I pull them and clean them to the best of my abilities given that I have never done this before. I put all together and the bike has been running without problems, and I still feel proud about it. However I knew I need it to tune and sync them... but I don't have $500 plus to pay for that. This is why I have tried to do it myself. The fact that I changed the mufflers for the HD CVO made things a bit worse. I wonder... what the heck am I doing wrong... something must be. The bike idles Ok... revs with a lot of popping ... and I can' t test drive it at the moment due to my hand injurie... For now I am done... I decided to purchase a book about fuel systems to learn more... and stop guessing. It shouldn't be this hard... but for some reason it is. Thanks for all your advice and time... if you want to keep throwing ideas please do so.... its refreshing ....
  9. Hey thanks for your ideas... it was raining today in the afternoon so I couldn't check anything. I will give you some updates soon. I received today my Motion Pro.... can't wait to use it.... but still not sure which one is the master carburetor. I was reading a lot about plugging the AIS... some are Pro plugging some against it. I think i will give it a try. COWPUC said that he doesn't hear that much pooping... the issue is that is a cell phone video. I have a warrior with Vance Hince pipes and it does pop now and then.. but this way to much for just revving the bike... I know something isn't right. A question for VENTUREOUS: what gaskets are you talking about? the ones that are between the exhaust and the engine? I kinda rock back and forth (to the sides) the pipes when installing the mufflers, because my left hand is not fully functional right now, so I had to wiggle the old mufflers out and the new ones IN.... maybe that caused the pipes to get loose in the front... would check using the grill lighter as suggested. I forgot mention that when I bought the bike 3 month ago i was not running. I pulled the carbs they were super dirty... with green sludge and stuff....and clean them following all the instructional videos and manuals I could find. I did not touched the floats calibration. I clean them and put everything back. The bike runs perfect with no hesitations at any speed ... I did run two tanks with sea foam. The bike was popping a little but not like now. ok.. got to go for now... will caught up with you guys later... keep and eye on my coming posts.
  10. Hello everybody... lets beat a dead horse... Before I post something I try to read as much as possible to avoid the repetition. However after reading and reading I need some human interaction and ideas. If this is the wrong place to post this please instruct me where is the right place. On a previous thread SARNA66 posted this: "It seems like when I twist my throttle there is an initial slight stumble..." Well my case is exactly same or worse... when I roll that throttle the bike does not respond properly.. it just don't. After that initial hesitation the bike revs fine. One of the ideas given to SARNA66 was to Sync the carbs. OK... good idea. I decided to purchase the new Motion Pro based on the reviews and good comments. In their instructional video they explain that you must calibrate the gauges before using it and for that you must connect all 4 hoses and I quote to " The Master carburetor". Here is link to the video http://www.motionpro.com/motorcycle/articles/view/2099/how-to_video__08-0411_sync_pro_carb_tuner/ (min 6:14 of the video) In their video the master carb is #2. Does any one knows which one is our master carburator????? has anyone used the non-mercury version of the Motion Pro? OK... that's one issue.... the other issue is the backfires and poppings...I mean, is waaaaay to much... just from revving the engine. I know the theory behind the backfire thanks to the knowledge gained reading this forum. I have replaced the original mufflers with HD CVO Screaming Eagles. I remove everything, took out the thick fiber glass sheet wrapped around the baffles and put everything back together less that fiberglass because it provided the best sound posssible (I tried all possible combinations) Here the link to my youtube video if you want to see what I did. I made the video explaining everything so people that want to install them can replicate my mod if they like it. Also you guys can clearly hear the popping from min 10:00 [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqS323IDYp8]Yamaha Royal Star Venture exhaust mod screaming eagle mufflers - YouTube[/ame] Also new spark plugs, new air filter (UNI filters) and I haven't block/plugg the AIS yet. A friend of mine who used to be a motorcycle mechanic when he was a civilian (we are both Navy now) tells me that I must tune the carbs, then sync them. Reading about backfires and running lean etc I decided to give it a try and adjust the Pilot jet screws to make the mix richer. The bike had the copper protective caps, so I assumed that the haven't been touched ever. 12000 is the millage of the bike. I started with a 1/4 of a turn as recommend in this forum. Nothing.... I gave it another 1/4 turn, no changes. I end up having each screw with a total of 4 full turns,... same result... don't know what to do. In conclusion and summary: #1) Hesitation when revving the bike from Idle #2) Screaming eagle mufflers intalled (watch the video so you know who I modified the muffler), UNI Air filters same as K&N but cheaper and new iridium spark plugs. #3) A lot of popping and back fires... Ok guys... don't let me die here... THANK YOU IN ADVANCE
  11. Roger that!! Thanks for the tip:lightbulb:
  12. Could I ask again WHY? a lot of guys here seems to love this tire.. I am torn between Commanders, or the Avons.
  13. Oh... that's a much better way.... Never seen this store before... Cool... thanks
  14. thanks Skid... hey another thing out of the topic. I am looking for new tires. I put in the search "tires" and a ton of non related topics came up. then I went to "post" as new thread about tires and the web suggested to check some other threads. How do you locate specific topics? in the rswarrior forum they have a Tech library with all that good stuff into one place. Do we have that info gathered in one place?
  15. Two days ago I saw someone on a RSV near my house in Norfolk very close to the airport. I would like to locate the Ventureriders that lives within this area... to share a ride and a meal or beer or just to talk about the bikes... is there any tool in the forum to locate people by distance from a zip code? Thanks
  16. I cannot agree more.... now is time to begin searching for a good set of tires... im a little OCD and like to make the best decision to get the bang for my buck... I will start searching the forum.
  17. OK. guys... thanks for all the inputs. I am going to try to answer and comment about everything said so far. One thing to consider is that I live in a apartment complex with no garage and very limited tools. Thankfully my apt is in the ground level and I park right in front of my "balcony" so getting the tools in and out is not that hard. I mention this just for you to take in consideration when you guys suggest "do this, check that", is harder for me than for the average joe with a garage and a bike lift. Here I go: Saddlebum, Etcswjoe and orlinEngh: In regard to the Steering head bearings. The bike has just 12,000 miles. This makes me guess that they are not bad or in bad shape. My current problem is that I suffered a hand injury last friday and I can't do anything to check them. Again based on the millage they should be fine... when my hand heals I will check them. HOWEVER.. If anything looks out of the ordinary I have no idea how to adjust, loose or tighten them up. Motorcycle MIke: Tire pressure is right now what the user's manual specify. I actually pumped one pound more in the front to try to help with the heavy stirring. EUSA: The age of the tires..?? ready?? SEVEN YEARS!!!! Here is where I think most of the problem is. This tires has plenty of thread, but I guess the rubber is has become very stiff. They are as you guys guessed the Dunlop 404F. I am pretty sure that when I get to change the tires I would have a completely new experience riding it. Condor: the forks pressure is ZERO... there is no air at all. Georges: Thanks for the tip on not use any kind of air compressor... I will buy the pump you recommended. Cowpuc: I appreciate your comments. The wobble is not terrible... but is there. Is not like the Wobble of Death that the Vmax produces. But certainly I can feel some kind of instability when riding a big curve with a long arc in the highway over 75 mph. As far as the wheel bearings, as soon as my hand get better I will be able to check them. As far as leaning capabilities of this bike I am still impressed. I have scrapped the pegs of my warrior many many times... I haven't being even close to that with this bike. It seams that the bike will first slide than touch the floorboards. I know this has a lot to do with #1 the tires #2 the confidence and riding skills. I am still getting used to this bike and it massive weight. Now talking about that I sat the other day on a HD Road Glide Ultra (888 lbs by the book w/fluids) and I can tell you that I the effort i had to put to get it of the side stand was 1/3 of the effort I use for my RSMV. Besides being almost the same weight the RSV feel 3 times heavier. I agree with you... courses are just the beginning and only practice and time will improve those skills... is a life long learning process. Steamer: No lowering kit as far as I know. In fact I am lookinf forward to do the buttler seat mod to get closer to the ground. Being 5'7" is not the ideal height for this bike... Dacheedah; yes you are right the 404f is the ones on this bike... 7 years old!!! as I mentioned. And I know for fact this bike was sitting for at least one year. Friesman: I was reading about the issues of putting a 130 in the front... some people didn't seem to like it much... is a matter of taste or does the bike handles worse at highway speeds not keeping the line? GeorgeS; Thanks again... Bridgestone... Not Good ..Check!!! I like the Avons just because I have them in my RS warrior and I love them. Thanks you all for all your ideas. I guess I will have to wait until my left hand heals and I get a set of new rubbers .. but then Winter will be here. Oh Well.. I will update this thread when that time comes. In the mean time Ride safe and keep posting coz is great to learn from you all
  18. Hello Venture friends First and foremost if this topic I am about to discuss does not belong here please excuse me, I am still new to the forum and I was not sure... Webmaster please forgive my lack of experience... The topic is about feeling unsafe/unstable in my 05' RSMV when riding curves. First I would like present some facts about myself and the bikes I own, not to try to impress anyone (which I doubt) but to give you my background. I have been riding for more than 10 years (which is not impressive I know) however I have take every single Motorcycle Safety Foundation course available to us in the Navy, including the Sport Bike class. I also have a motorcycle license for UK which is pretty hard to get in comparison with the US. I own a Yamaha FZ6, a Yamaha RS Warrior, Honda shadow 750 ACE and the RSMV. After taking my Military Sport Bike Course combined with the reading of the book Total Control by Lee Parks, I started having a lot of fun in the corners with my FZ6 and the warrior... however the day I purchase my wife's bike, the Shadow 750, I noticed a lot of wobble on the handle bars and I was not feeling safe... so I started looking for possible causes and found that the front wheel was out of balance. After solving the balance issue the situation improved but not a lot. Now when I purchase my RSMV I took things very very easy because I was getting used of the bike... after a couple thousands miles on the bike I still feel that the bike is going to slide on curves if I don't reduce the speed drastically. I understand this is not a racing, muscle bike like my other two... BUT... I also noticed a similar wobble when going on the highway at 75 -80 miles (which in reality is 70-75) and taking a big arc curve. I don't feel the bike solid on the ground. I have been thinking on messing around with the air pressure on the forks, but I haven't done my research therefore I haven't touched that. As I Previously mentioned the wobble on my wife's bike, that same wobble is the one I am feeling on the RSV but less drastic. I would like to attribute this to the tires... first both bikes have dunlop tires (the classical cruiser tire)... and both bikes have got these tires for a long time... not even sure for how long Maybe the rubber has harden up a little bit. I was thinking on putting new tires, avon tires maybe with a more low profile like with ones Avon AM42 Venom 150/90B15 or something similar. I have Avon in my warrior and they stick like glue.... I feel super safe. You guys are the GURU's of this bike... I am pretty sure you will point me in the right direction. BTY I have Venturerider.org fever... I spend hours and hours reading and I want to do so many mods to this bike.. but lack of time, money, tools and not having my own garage are in my way LOL.... THANK YOU very much for your replies...
  19. XV1100SE... I don't think is slipping... it definitely is slipping... no doubt. Im the second owner and the previous owner was what it looked into my eyes like a calm man... around 65 year old or so... I dont have a tach on my bike.... and I didnt hit the rev limeter.... I am pretty sure I has to be what skydoc_17 says on his ad... it got to be the CLUTCH BASKET DIAPHRAGM SPRING... I also have a 1999 Honda ACE Shadow 750 (my wife's bike) with the same issue... Again... I have only put less than 700 miles on the bike... but is definitely slipping...
  20. I am using full Synthetic 10W-40 Valvoline... just change the oil 600 miles ago
  21. Hi everyone... since this thread is fresh I rather ask my question here than to start a new one. My 05 RSMV has only 12K miles on it. I bought it less than 60 days ago. Last weekend I went to Ocean City, MD Bike Fest and in my way home I wanted to test top speed of this bike. I know this is not a super fast cruiser... so please bear with my idiotic need to test top speed. I still have my RS Warrior and the change has been dramatic for me, even though I love this bike. The point is that when I was doing around 120 (max of the speedo, which in reality is around 115mph) at that point the clutch started slipping. I said Oh men what I have done?... well now after that day every time I try to roll hard on 4th gear or 5th to pass a car or something, the clutch start slipping. Did I damage the discs for putting the bike is such stress:fingers-crossed-emo? Is there anything I can do besides replace the clutch. I am mechanically inclined... but also in on the learning process... so any help will be highly appreciated..http://www.venturerider.org/forum/images/smilies/confused07.gif
  22. Why not?? Any suggestions/experience?
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