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WRIDR last won the day on February 8 2022

WRIDR had the most liked content!


212 Excellent


  • Birthday 11/09/1942

Personal Information

  • Name
    John. E. James, age 75


  • Location
    Prince Edward County, ON, Canada


  • City
    Prince Edward County


  • State/Province


  • Home Country


  • Interests
    Fishing, Woodworking, Photography, DRONING!! did we mention Fishing?~
  • Bike Year and Model
    2012 Yamaha Majesty MAXI-Scooter!!~

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  1. Donnie; you gotta be the Bravest Dude we've ever known! How you cope with that Stuff, AND continue running 'Best Site Ever', is beyond belief! Um... were they afraid to go anywhere near 'The Stache'? Lard* wonders what lurks there?~ Truly humbled regards, WRIDR.~ *Continuing crusade to reduce our profanity.
  2. Geeze Donnie, we had NO idea you were chasing us Age-wise! At 79 in November, we gain a bit of margin, but we KNOW you're gonna keep coming! Amazing you do this Stuff so well! Keep the Hammer DOWN, 'Kid'. We truly admire, and APPRECIATE all your efforts! Humble Rgds, WRIDR
  3. THAT is Grade A nasty! Whoof. Rgds, WRDIR
  4. Bummer! Betcha come back to check on us, Rbig1! You WILL be missed. Warmest rgds, WRIDR
  5. Oh MAN!!! The Pucster isn't gonna disappear on us, after all. THAT is the best news we've seen in Weeks!!!! Bless you BOTH, Bud. So happy to read you'll still be hanging around! Warmly, WRIDR
  6. Simply cannot believe The Pucster is GONE!!! This is TRULY a HEART-BREAKER for us; NOBODY can fill THOSE Shoes!! Sadly, WRIDR
  7. Pucster checks in, but is 'checking out'!! Wow, sure didn't want to end The Day with News like THIS!!! Let's hope he drops by occasionally to say "Hi". Rgds, Wordpecker
  8. hey Pucster, whar the hyall are YOU??? Hugs, WRIDR
  9. Also... I'm a 'Newbie"??? Rgds, WRIDR
  10. Freebird: PLEASE leave it set to "On" Hugs, WRIDR
  11. We've gone thru Zion from BOTH directions. Amazing; you'd swear it was two different locations!! Rgds, WRIDR
  12. One thing's for sure; it's WAY too early for ZION!!! As in MONTHS! And Zion simply cannot be missed - nor any of the other nearby areas!!! Stunningly gorgeous scenery in that area!!~ Rgds, WRIDR
  13. We can solve The Butt Problem! But... don't even want to think about trying to licence one of those little Sweethearts in Ontarioriariario!! At 78, there aren't enough years left in our LIFE!!! Rgds, WRIDR
  14. We're gonna guess it's a Bolt-puller. You prep whatever with grab slots, then hook this up, and YANK like HECTOR? Rgds, WRIDR
  15. Hiya Ken T, and welcome to the Forum! Not much else we can add at this stage, except you DID come to the right Place! Hope you enjoy the new Ride; a DOOZIE in our opinion. You'll find LOTS of info in these parts. Warm Rgds, WRIDR
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