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Triple J

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About Triple J

  • Birthday 05/07/1961

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  • Name


  • Location
    MN, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1999 Yamaha Venture
  1. These items are already claimed. Will be shipping to new owner (BE Coyote) Monday
  2. I have the stock seats (all 3 pieces) and the stock mufflers from a 1999 Venture. I no longer have the bike and these are taking up space in my garage If anyone can use these just pay shipping and they are yours, I'm located in Minnesota Please contact me by email as I'm not on here much since getting my Harley workin4alvn@gmail.com
  3. Up here in MN they don't get them in quite so early. They had the one I photo'd on the floor and I could have taken that one but being February and no where near the end of winter up here I know it won't be riding season until at least April-ish A few years ago we had 15" of snow May 2nd
  4. Thanks for your advice and knowledge I ordered my new bike yesterday, will be here in April
  5. Thanks for all the info I haven't committed yet, but looking at a 2017 Harley Ultra classic limited I'm not going to give my 99 away and don't need to sell it to get the Harley so I've got time to sell it
  6. Thinking of selling my 1999 Venture. Has just under 28,000 miles, good shape, good tires What should I be looking to get out of it?
  7. Had same situation When I released the clutch slowly it would make noise, If I let the clutch snap out no noise
  8. Got pics of the Monster Ovals?
  9. I've got a set from my 99 as well
  10. Have owned several Grizzlies through the years, all great machines, took a beating and needed minimal maintenance. Had an older Kodiak, good machine but it was the old straight axle. Haven't ridden the new version Best advice I can give you and have lived by is. Go ride them both and see which fits you and your riding style best. Have seen many many people regret buying the cheaper one and wind up trading up, Also have seen many regret the higher priced machine because it didn't fit them right
  11. Did my first benefit ride today, It was a cancer ride for a local town. Man was I unprepared Temp was pushing 90 degrees, minimal breeze. I got fried. Should have taken a light colored long sleeve shirt. Face took a beating from the sun as well, not sure of the cure for that other than lots of sunscreen. They had it well planned out but not well executed IMO. They had tend road guards for leading and shutting down intersections, problem I saw was the leaders were really putting along, very seldom did I need 5th gear, spent 60% in 4th gear, another 20 in 3rd gear, and the remainder in 5th
  12. Hoping to make pork in the pines but not sure if I'll be able to yet
  13. I can feel it but also hear it sitting still at an idle. But if I let the clutch lever snap out there is nothing, only when I let the clutch lever out slowly
  14. OK, took the bike to work today and no issues in the morning, Got home and did my standard 6 point turn around so bike was backed in and ready to go in morning again Vibration was back,, so I pulled in clutch and released vibration gone. If I let out the clutch slow I get the vibration/noise, If I let it out quick no vibration/noise
  15. Great advice, I'm real familiar with rocks or such getting where it doesn't belong on cars, atv's and such. It hasn't acted up since that one time so chasing a ghost right now, will have to wait and see if it happens again. Not even 30,000 miles on my 99 so hopefully not to many worn out parts
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