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Everything posted by coast_of_maine

  1. Good grief! I just went out with a flashlight to see this! Yay! Now I can charge my phone.
  2. This just saved me from buying a handlebar clock this very minute.
  3. Filehippo.com is another good source of clean programs
  4. That Utopia looks great. Can anyone describe how it's adjustable? I'm worried about being moved too far forward. Thanks!
  5. I'm looking for one and wonder if an adjustable one is worth it for example. Do some seem to push you to far forward? Thanks
  6. 12 is a good number of players PM me if you want in!
  7. OK, that was all I needed. I just measured my windshield and it's 12", so I'm guessing that is a 14.5" replacement? Are these hard to replace?
  8. That is interesting. A while ago I was pressure washing the windshield and it seemed like something was coming off and I just kept going with it. After I was done it was crystal clear. I'll be I took the coating off and left the softer uncoated plastic to be scratched. I'll try the suggestions above and report back on this. Thanks all!
  9. I'm so mad at myself! I didn't think the windshield would be that soft or the squeegee so rough. The rest of the night ride I would see star bursts all over the windshield. I should have just suffered the bugs. Any suggestions or am I looking at a new windshield?
  10. I like using my Note 3 because I talk to my bluetooth headset. Turn by Turn and all that right in my ears
  11. Can it be confirmed without pulling it apart? Is there a big "i" stamped someplace?
  12. What is the sound system like on the 2013? Did they replace the cass with CD? Did they put in BlueTooth ?
  13. Thanks again. I went with this one. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B000GU7I4A]Nelson-Rigg MC-903-05-XX Burgundy XX-Large Deluxe All-Season MC-903 Cover:Amazon:Automotive@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51Jypdnx1pL.@@AMEPARAM@@51Jypdnx1pL[/ame]
  14. Thanks, just ordered a Yamaha. Lots more money, but I'm trusting you guys.
  15. OK, I can't find any. Anyone have a source? I checked out that ebay store and that fellow doesn't have one.
  16. A couple of things. Good call. A man's got to do what a man's got to do. 2nd, I thought that the Venture stopped production in 2009? Did you post pixs?
  17. The foot rest has that rubber pad on it....well each foot rest on both sides have them....well three out of four of mine do...the right side rear foot rest doesn't anymore. I have a 1999 royal star venture.
  18. Mine seems to have a high whine from the clutch. I wear ear plugs and it's fine, but I too would prefer to rid myself of this noise.
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