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About helmet012001

  • Birthday 01/22/1977

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    chippewa falls, WI, United States


  • City
    chippewa falls


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    06 royal star touring deluxe
  1. My father in laws 92 venture we think the ignition module went out? Checked pick up coil resistance, out put coils, plug and wires, (all the easier stuff we checked), no spark at all! He needs help. New ignition modules are $1100.00 new and $450 used. Anyone offer any tips or advise on this matter is greatly appreciated. Can they be rebuilt?
  2. I put on the Barrons lowering kit on my 06 RSTD. I'm 5'8" and this made the biggest difference for me.. I love it... Only does the rear end though... Riding at slow speeds was a night and day difference...
  3. Thanks Dan....Appriciate it...
  4. So will the 1157 led bulb fit right in? And it's just not a lot brighter is the problem?
  5. The wires are just under the seat too? Seems easy enough. ?
  6. Oh yeah sorry. 06 Royal star tour deluxe. Im going to message you after dinner! Thanks alot!
  7. Anyone install one of these gs100a flashung brake light modules? Under the license plate there is a bunch of wires that all look the same. Lol. Any tips for getting the correct wires are more than appreciated.
  8. Thanks Ya'll.. I've used Shell Rotella T6 for a long time now and running K&N oil filter...
  9. Thank you so much for your imput.. My inital reaction when the oil light comes on is to freak a bit ya know.. Wes.
  10. So half way up the glass is full? And can I keep her wide open with that oil light on? Freaks me out! lol
  11. So i always back off the throttle when this happens. Is it bad for it?
  12. How come when i really hammer on my 06 rstd the oil light will come on until i ease up? Then it goes off? My oil level is half way up the looking glass on a flat surface. I wven changed oils. No difference. This can't be normal?
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