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Everything posted by kwisor

  1. Good luck jeff hope all gose well you are in are prayers bumble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
  2. I drive the bumble bee 1923 model t p/u 2000 nissan p/u 2001 nissan altima bumble bee kevin wisor 199 rsv jax fl
  3. hello i have had mine for over two years i have had no problems with them what i did to lower my mufflers. i have the sampsons slash cut. on the rear bolt i went to home depo and bought a steel hollow round bar to fit over the long bolt becouse i did not like the washers that came with it everytime i had to remove the bolt the washes went everywhere i cut the round bar the same leangth and use that works great also i didnt like that evertime i removed the saddle bags thay fell off i went to j&p cycle and got a clamp that went around the bike frame drilled a hole in the light frame and bolted it down so now when i remove the bags that stay in place and i do not have to touch them kevin wisor bumble bee jax fl 1999 rsv
  4. hi all what the del guys do is dangeraus here in jax a pizza del woman was shot and killed del a pizza so i give them a tip you where right bumble bee 1999 rsv jax fl
  5. HI JEFF have you called cyco cycle thay use to have a rsv but not sure if thay still have it bumble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
  6. hi bob that looks great my 99 is yellow and black i dont know how to attach a thread but look at post by bumble bee and you can find photos of it the color i used is y65p a honda color for a car and it is matlic also your color looks close to the yellow i used bumble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
  7. HELLO ALL on the bumble bee a 99 rsv the frt intercom dose not work at first i thought it was my head set went bad but i hooked it up to the back for the passanger and it works fine what do i need to look doe is it a bad wire from the unit thanks for and advice bumble bee 1999 rsv jax fl
  8. thanks ponch i would be interested in primeer and the adaptor bumble bee
  9. hello brake pad if you can get me a name or # of the set from the box i will see what i can find i collect lionel o and standerd gage trains bumble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
  10. Hello i panted the bumble bee my self i went two tone black and yellow the yellow took a lot of paint to cover the black i used 1qt the yellow two qts and clear coat 2 qts but had plant of clear left i used dupont cromma premear and 72500 clear and you will need a sealer and actovator for the both the clear and base coat bumble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
  11. hello carl take it to the dealer looks like you are still under warrenty bumble bee
  12. bumble bee my bike is yellow and black kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
  13. hello the one i have on my bike dose let you use the touch screen and you can put a small pad lock on it as well the only time it will not work is if i have gloves i love it and use it every time i ride the bumble bee bumble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
  14. Hello may be under the gas tank remove it and look bumble bee
  15. hello i was there thur and fri i saw severl ventures but did not meet anyone that were not around there bikes i hope to do it again sometime i had a great time got to go to gettysburg also bimble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
  16. hello all i will be leaving fl fri afternoon going to manns choice pa to say at the lincoln motor ct for a week to go to thunder in the vally in johnstown my cell is 904 813 4401 anyone up ther want to get togeather call me i will answer if i have cell service bumble bee kevin wisor jax fl 1999 rsv
  17. hello i got a wheel chuck from harber fright and put on my trailer yesterday i had to let air out of the tire to get it out of the chuck has anyone have one and had any problems alse in the frot if a real tight fit and squeezs the fot tire hany help from anyone that hase one i will be going to pa to rolling in the thunder next week bumble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
  18. Hello i have a corbin seat back rest and passanger back rest i love the seat some say it is to hard i have taken a week long trip and no problems my wife said it is too hard for her but not a problem bumble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
  19. hello in the ram mount the wires feed through the back on the the touch it connect from the bottom but the wire can go from the top or the bottom you do have to drill a hole in the back to get the wires in but not a big deal i have the charger and the audo wire on mine never have to worry about the battery going dead bunble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
  20. hello the site for the ram mount is cyclegadgets.com the aqua box 2 i do not know how to link it. if you do a search on bumble bee go to photos of bumble bees side car and you can see the ram mount in the photos to see what it looks like bumble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
  21. Hello i have the i pod touch no hard drive to lock up and i have 2495 songs over a week of songs put on shuffle no repeat i have the ram mount for it that is water proof and i can still use the touch features unless i have a glove on bumble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
  22. hello from june 22 to the 27th bumble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
  23. hello all my brothers and i are from johnstown pa we are gonig to thunder in the vally in june so if anyone see the bee flying around stop and say hello or we can meet some where bunble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
  24. Hello i had a similer problem with my 99 rsv the dealer fouNd i needed a new rectofier and thay hard wired it i have not had a battery drain since you may un plug the retofier to see IF the connection is corroded if so that may be to problem i think ruffy had the same proble also it was a corroded conection at the rectofier bumble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
  25. hi jeff my wife has plans for me already so i will not be able to make it this time bumble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
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