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Everything posted by kwisor

  1. it was nice meeting bobby and george and keith wish i could have went the hole ride but there is always next time bumble bee kevin wisor lexington sc 1999 rsv
  2. Looks like everyone had a good time hope to make the next one bumble bee lexington sc 1999 rsv
  3. love your car here are the ones i have bumble bee 1999 rsv lexington sc
  4. looks like fun let me know if im fee ill go bumble bee lexington sc
  5. here is my two hot rods 1923 modelt and a1930 model a bunble bee
  6. the eyebrows are the two chrome strips on the faring one on each side bumble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv columbia sc
  7. her is a photo of my 99 with out the eyebrows bumble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv columbia sc
  8. hello all i just started my new job in sc so far i like it a lot i wish i had the bike here to do some riding but no where to park it i am staying with relatives till we get all moved and settled and no room to park it any where. i am looking forward to the new riding adventues when i do get it here bumble bee 1999 rsv columbia sc kevin wisor
  9. hello it looks like we need to have a meet & eat sometime in oct any ideas bumble bee
  10. that sounds good i will give you a call when i can hope not too long bumble bee
  11. here is my cell ph # 904-813-4401 i,m not sure if i can bring the bumble bee right away but i will try it will be nice to meet new freinds and go on new rides bumble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
  12. hello all on oct the 4 i start a new job in columba sc anyone near there let me know we will get togeather and ride bumble bee kevin wisor jax fl 1999 rsv
  13. hello i got your message when i was in marion but you did not leave me your ph# to call you back my cell was off charging and did noy save your # i tryed to log on the site but had a problem that don fixed for me when i got back sorry i missed you we will try to meet up next time i put over 1600 miles on the bumble bee ran like a champ bumble bee
  14. hello if you see a bumble bee on the road zipping by waive i will be on my way to nc to ride for the weekend 1 rooster call me 904-813-4401 we will try to hook up and ride i have to stop in columba sc on fri afternoon but will be in nc fri late aftenoon everone ride safe this long weekend and have fun bumble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
  15. that looks great would look nice next to the bumble bee have fun bumble bee
  16. hello i use a ipod touch and love the best thig i have ever used i took the cassit out and made it a storage box i keep a kick stan boot with a string in it so when i hevr to park where i need one i have bumble bee
  17. kwisor

    Cooler Rack

    hello did he come up with any pricing yet? thanks bumble bee
  18. hi jeff i told him to do that but you know how the wife can be bumble bee
  19. hello the good news my son @ daughter in law are going to have my 5th grand child the bad news is he has a 07 midnight venture and he may have to sell it if he cant keep up the payments. but can't wait to meet the new grand child bumble bee kevin wisor jax fl 1999 rsv:mustache:
  20. wish him luck anf fast recovery bumble bee
  21. hello randy i just got back from helen ga i loved it i did not have internet so no way to ck site i saw about 3 0r 4 rsv but did not get to talk to them i did get to ride everyday can't wait to do it again bumble bee
  22. hi jeff i ride that every time i go up ther i like it better then the tail of the dragon i hope to be up over labor day i will let you know cliff ny brother that rode the gold wing sold his bike he said that due to his bad back his legs where ging numb so he had to sell it bumble bee
  23. hello lets us know if the handling is any better i took my side car off becouse i did not like fighting the steering bumble bee
  24. i will be leaving jax on sat moring so you may see the bumble bee on a trailer heading north i have to do the famlie thing so that is why the bike will be on a trailer bumble bee
  25. i went last year with my two brothers we were born there lived on nash st had a blast wish i could make it this year but not able to bumble bee 99 rsv jax fl
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