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Everything posted by kwisor

  1. yes the sync screws are the ones i turned in.in rt rear and no change in the eng i can close it all the way and no change but other three eng changes i read the thread on the spark plug caps and i have swoped the coil from rt rear to to left rear and rt rear still not firing. i have spark at the plug .i have pulled it watched it fire bumble bee
  2. the sync screw is that the pilot screw if so i can close and open it and no change in cycl bumble bee
  3. hello i did not notice if it did or not i was cking for spark that i have, compression and i have cleaned all the jets i am at a loss as to what to ck next so 130 in rt rear the rest 140 is ok? bumblde bee
  4. well it has been a while since i could look at bike i ck the compression today 140 in all but rt rear it has 130 i am getting fire to plug i have cleaned the carb jest 4 or five itmes so i have a valve problem? bumble bee 1999 rsv
  5. hello any good body shop. make sure thay use good paint basecoat & clear coat. as far as price call around the biggiest thing is the removeovel of the stripes. when i painted the bumble bee it took alot of time and priming to fix the stripes ware you could not tell thay where there and black will shop all imperfections. if i had a place to do it i would. but not any place at this time. look at my profile for pictures of the bee i painted bumble bee 1999 rsv
  6. kwisor

    i give up

    hello v7goose i have done trhat with air box off and sprayed into top of carb all but rt rear changes could i have a bad coil or what else should i look at? bumble bee kevin 1999 rsv
  7. kwisor

    i give up

    i dont think thay are the problem when i adj the pilot screw allthe way in it dose not change the idel and when running it backfires in rtb rear car and will not run at a stedy speed so when i save up some mony i will let a mach look at to tell what the problem is bumble bee
  8. kwisor

    i give up

    hello well i have cleaned the jets three times adj pilot screw and the rt rear car still dose not work proberly i may nee to replace the carb that will have to wait i have no extra mony i want to thank v7goose for all his help i hate to juist let it sit but no choice bumble bee
  9. yes welcome back. he has been helping me with the bumble bee and his advice is priceless bumble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv lexington sc
  10. yes i have good spark on all 4 cyl. i just got back from test drive doing 100 mph on interstate i cleaned all 4 carb jets and still running like out of gas but when i acellerate it runs great but when i try to stay at one speed it will not run good it also back fires from the rt rear cyl bumble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv
  11. hello randy no i do have carb tune bumble bee
  12. kwisor

    bumble bee

    From the album: photos

  13. kwisor


  14. hello all i have been have trouble with the carbs on my bike what i found today i pulled the air intakes off again and tryed to spray in some carb cleaner on the rt rear carb when i spray it in with bike running the eng dose not change anyway when ideling when i sprayed the other three the motor would slow down i am getting ready to pull the carbs again dose it sound like a cloged jet if so can i remove them and clean them if so do thay just screw out or is the any adj like so many turn in or out or do thay just screw in or is it another problem i need to look at thank you bumble bee k wisor 1999 rsv
  15. kwisor

    need help

    looked for drains on carbs not sure what thay look like can you show a picture thanks bumble bee
  16. kwisor

    need help

    hello if i have a flooding problem what steps do i need to do to correct it? bumble bee
  17. kwisor

    need help

    i cked the fuel line no kinks did not ck for clog and have not cked vent line i will do that tomorrow
  18. kwisor

    need help

    it was running fine before i replaced the filter it was just time to replace it. and it has ran fine for the last week since i replaced it bumble bee
  19. kwisor

    need help

    yes i have i ran a can last week also
  20. kwisor

    need help

    hello all my 99 rsv started to run bad today it acts like it is running out of fuel i have the a/m fuel pump i replaced the fuel filter last week. what it is doing when i cruse at 55 or 60 it acts like i am running out of fuel i hit the throdel and it takes off and runs fine them at cruse speed starts missing again like needs fuel any idea what to look at thanks bumble bee
  21. bump roadminge asked to see photos of the bumble bee hope you like bumble bee
  22. kwisor


    here is what i did bumble bee
  23. hello ck the connection at the voltage reg it will corroad i had to have mine hard wired to fix the charging problem i had no problems since bumble bee
  24. my 99 rsv did the samething after my fuel pump went out. i put a aftermarkit mr gaskit fuel pump on and i kept getting the fuel over flow filling up the cycl and leaking out the over flow i added a mr gaskit in line fuel regulator and set it on 2.5 psi and the problem went away do you have a a/m fuel pump? also after you get it stoped change your oil may leak down into oil if in cycl. if you go to start the bike and it will not turn over there is to much gas in the cycl pull plug and turn over eng to expell gas in cycl keep spark away from gas need no fire bumble bee
  25. walmart has one 20.00 i have 4 of them works on my 1930 model a 1923 model t and the bike and the lawn mower lets you knoe if not hooked up right and will do 6 and 12 volt bumble bee
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