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Everything posted by kwisor
i tryed to find the pick up coil plug how do i find it
i will try that but was fine before i changed stator gaskit bumble bee
tryed that no help bumble bee
hello everyone my trobles still contuines i replaced the stater cover gaskit leaking real bad went to start bike will not start i did not disconect the wires to anything any ideals what to ck i pulled a plug no spark bumble bee 1999 rsv
found oil leak it is the stator gaskit it is leaking around the rubber gromit that the wires go through what is the best way to seal this from leaking what is the best gaskit sealer to use when i get the new gaskit bumble bee 1999 rsv
i get the bike running great again now after the test ride i am leaking oil real bad under nith running down the kickstand and spraying oil all over lt side of bike onto the wheel all i did was chang the carbs the oil leavel is only half way in the sight glass so not over full any ideas as to what might me leaking frustated bumbkle bee 1999 rsv
hello all i got the carbs in today and cked and cleaned them put them on the bike and it is running back to normel again the carbs did the trick i hope to get them sync at the ashville railly next month i do not know what is wrong with my carbs but nice to be running again i want to thank everyone for there help on trying to fix the problem bumble bee 1999 rsv
the k&n have been on the bike for the last 6 years and never a problem but i will clean them again and if it was to much oil i would thing that it would efficet more then just one cycl and with the air box off the bike still runs bad bumble bee 1999 rsv
i have k&n filters i just cleaned and reoiled them right before i started having problems when i put the carbs on will ck all the air box pluming bumble bee
hello i will getting my carbs from pinwall tomorrow what all do i need to do before i put them on the bike i will of corse be putting sea foam in the tank first time and i hope that this will fix my proble with the rt rear cycl bumble bee 1999 rsv
just had valves adj i cked the compression it had 140 in all but rt rear it was 130 i do not know now that valves have been adj jeff if all works out i will be at the ashville meet in aug i am off the 8 th and 9th i will let rick know and cliff sold his goldwing no longer riding could the intake manifolds need replaced? bumble bee 1999 rsv
yes i have done everthing i can think of bumble bee
cked email nothing there bumble bee
hello all as many may know i have had a bad running porblem with rt rear cycl i have ceaned jets changed coil took to two different shop last one dealer thay adj valves and tryed to sync carbs it is running better but still at 50 mph breaks down and will not run smooth dealer wanted to start changing parts hoping that it would fix it instead of trying to dignos it so i orded a set of carbs from pinwall today and hope that it will take care of problem the dealer said that with the bike being 12 rears old with 67000 mile it will never run right again i told him it did not mater how many mile or how old. it ran great before the problem started and should run right again if fixed correctly i guess ther are no mach only part changers bumble bee 1999 rsv
i have a edset and use bose ear phones best this i ever did and still can use the intercom and cb bumble bee
i have 66880 miles last done about 20000 when i droped it off the service writer was a differant person then i spoke to on the ph and i told him the price i was told and who i spoke to and he said that was a good price and the person i spoke to was new and didnt know but he gave me that price in writing since that is what i was told bumble bee
hello i have not been able to post lately but last week the shop said that that thay wanted 650.00 plus to adj the valves and synk the carbs. i told him that was to much. i called the dealer and thay are going to do it for 230.00. it is now at the dealer but thay said that it will be july 10th before thay can work on it. i made appt so he said that it will be worked on on that day but if thay can maybe sonner. when i got it back from the first shop i road it and still running bad and breaking down when trying to cruse ar 50 or 55 i hope that this is all i need bumble bee
heard from shop yesterday said i had a short. thay put the bike on the lift the night be fore and the battery went dead over night. he said that the radio was on when he left i adv him the he left ing switch on and draned the battery he didn't like that answer so today after charging battery there is not a ele problem. but back to the rear cycl not firing he said that he can not find a problem that it is firing and when test riden it did not break down and run bad. so he is going to give me a est to adj valves, sync cabs. but as bad as it ran i dont under stand how it now is running unless after all the carb cleaning i did what ever was blocked finaly came lose BUMBLE BEE 1999 rsv
hello all i put my bike in the shop last week thay told me thay would look at it thur or fri i called fri it was next in line so i called today and it maybe wed or thur now i would like to find a shop that would do what thay say and not the run around if thay couldn't not look at till later this week then that is what thay should have told me now another week to wait bumble bee
i took the bike to the shop today i could not find the problem replaced coil plugs cleaned jets ck compression. so now i hope thay find it i will up date when thay call said will look at tomorrow of fri bumble bee 1999 rsv
i ordered coils from pinwill put them on the rear cycl still no change i am at a loss i guss a mach is next bumble bee
i swaped the coil from rt rear to left rear no change if a bad coil i would think that the lt rear now would not fire but it is still the rt rear bumble bee
i have not turned the sync screws only the pilot screws i looked in the manual could not find the sync screws but i have not turned the 3 large screwss bumble bee
i do not know what the screws for sync the carbs look like i am adj the air mix screw the one with the cross on the head at a angle from oppisit side of bike it is the spake plug cap not coil bumble bee