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About kwisor

  • Birthday 09/11/1955

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  • Name


  • Location
    lexington sc, United States


  • City
    lexington sc


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
  • Bike Year and Model
    1999 RSV

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  1. thought this looked interesting bumble bee
  2. hello all it looks like zsiska from this site will be buying the bumble bee i gave him a real deal this bike all the extra parts and the trailer for 3600.00 i will be meeting him next week on sat about half way from here to his house may be somewhere around wilson nc i will still be around and working on the model a to retore it i will miss the bike very much. you can't beat the ride and power of a venture it has been the best bike i have ever had maybe someday i will be able to get another one. but do not see that anytime soon. this is a great site and have met many new freinds i hope zsiska becomes a full time member also bumble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv 1930 model a 1923 model t
  3. hello tray a marine radio that may work better i do not know a boat bounces on the waves and gets wet bumble bee
  4. hello most cars have screws in top and bottom in insertment cluster take the scews out pull the cluster out as far as you can will not come all the way out and in the back you will find that that it may have peanut bulbs not hard to to bumble bee
  5. hello i have to work or i would be there maybe next time bumble bee
  6. thanks freebird
  7. hello i have tryed to post the bike in the classifieds but it will not post i have tryed a vew times in step 3 i hit samit it takes a few min's then no add i have waited till next day to see if it may take some time but sill not there any help on what i am doing wrong will help kevin bumble bee lexington sc
  8. the wheels may be from a 32 i am not sure the hub cap has v8 in center i have the 30 wheels and will be putting them back on the color will be the same as the bumble bee yellow body black fenders and wheel yellow bumble bee
  9. Here are the photos of the Model A and Model T Bumble Bee
  10. HELLO ALL after some long nights not sleeping i have decided to sell the bumble bee it is on e-bay may not show up till tomorrow. as many know i have had some running problems but i am happy to say that thay are all fixed and she runs like new the only reason i am selling her is becouse last year my uncale passed a way and i was givin his 1923 model t and his 1930 model a tuor door the t i resored for him about 20 years ago and put a rebuilt motor in about 7 years ago so it is fine but the model a needs the motor rebuilt and restored and since i lost my job last year and now making less the only way i see getting the money for the a is sell the bike i will miss it greatly but it was the bike or the car and the car won i will be restoring the body myself but the motor i can not do i will still be around and have met many new frends here bumble bee kevin wisor lexington sc
  11. i have a pioneer sx 1250 i got in germeny in 1977 160 watts per chanel techneck direct drive turn table bose 501 speakers and about 500 rock and role albems bumble bee 1999 rsv kevin
  12. thank you i unpluged everything did not cut any wires bumble bee 1999 rsv
  13. hello if the cassit was removed will this still work bumble bee
  14. yes jbweld will work i used it on a cavelcade i had before i got the venture but if you use it i dont know if you will beable to change the site glass just mix it up and cover the whole glass no more leak bumble bee 1999 rsv
  15. hello all as many of you know i have had some problems wilth the bike well to day i went on the interstate 120 miles about 80 to 85 mph buzzed like a bumble bee should it is nice to have it back running right again i will be in ashville thur morning early cant want to meet new frends and see 1 rooster again it has been awhile since we neet up muffen man said will sinc my new to me carbs and all should be well again bumble bee 1999 rsv
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