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  • Name


  • Location
    Grand Rapids, United States


  • City
    Grand Rapids


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2002 Midnight Venture
  1. UPDATE........I have put about 200 miles on since my last post. Short rides so as to reduce the cost of a tow truck bill, just in case. Multiple stopping and starting the longest ride being 100 miles in a day. No starting issues. The only thing i have done is clean the contacts with 400 grit sandpaper. Somewhere in those miles I installed a ignition bypass relay to avoid the "dreaded" ignition failure. I will increase the distance and am cautiously optimistic.
  2. good question.......since it has been a week alot of the fine details have been lost in my brain,lol. I will pay better attention if it happens this weekend and report back
  3. You probably would not have believed it if you were not there. I am curious how it will do on this years trip.
  4. I got 50 to 52 mpg on a UP trip with Darrin. 2 riders and full gear. I was running about the same as Todd's Royal star, right down to the tenth of a gallon. Apparently that is not supposed to happen?
  5. Not so shiny. They were after I cleaned them!. I'll be riding this weekend so I will update this post. Thanks any input is always appreciated
  6. When i disassembled the switch there was no visible sign of damage or shorting out of wires.The wiper contacts all looked good and no melted wires. Could this still be an issue?
  7. I read the article on dissassembly and cleaning of the switch. switch contacts looked really good. Cleaned lightly with some 400 grit sandpaper. Is there anything else that would not allow the motor to start but is controlled by turning the key of and on. A weak relay of some sort?
  8. I cleaned the contact points on the switch with some sand paper and I am reinstalling today. Is their a relay they controls all of the ignition coils and if so where is it? Does the starter relay control spark ? How about a wiring diagram? I did a visible check of the wires and didn't find anything melted or loose. Will check kickstand switch and kill switch as well today.
  9. Hi, I have a 02 Midnight Venture. It has about 36k on it. It has always started and run just fine. Bike will randomly not restart during a trip, could be long or short trip, but started out doing maybe once during the day and now getting worse. I simply turn the key off and back on again it restarts! It fires up almost instantly,not backfiring or sluggishness. It has stalled twice during the beginning of a ride and acts as if the key was turned off, not like was starving for fuel, turn key off sometimes multiple times and restarts. Starter turns strong. I could hear fuel pump engage. Pulled ignition switch, disassembled, and checked all contact points and wiring for heat damage, everything looked fine Please advise
  10. Here is a pic from the side, easy bolt on install.
  11. I know, I know ....hope someone has one to trade or sell
  12. I have a trailer hitch and cd player that came off a 2002 Midnight venture. I am looking to trade them for a quality adjustable drivers backrest. Not the $70 dollar ebay model. Cd player works and the hitch is in great condition.
  13. Now all u need is a rear facing camera so you can see if it is still attached and don't have to watch for .the dreaded passing car with waving and pointing arms.
  14. Tx2sturgis is correct and thanks for clearing that up. the shorty antennas will not work for the cb and I will probably pull the fuse for it if there is one. Local stations come in on the radio and that is all i need. I like the look of the flexible antenna. I bought them at the local auto parts store for $6 each they are a " universal mount ". For the adapters i took a piece of 3/4 " aluminium round stock drilled it and tapped one end with a 8 mm tap and the other with a 6 mm. Then i screwed in 2 bolts with loctite on them and cut them to length. Some black spray paint and just screw in the flexible antenna to the 6mm side and the other into the bike antenna mounts. Looks awesome, in my humble opinion
  15. I am replacing the stock antenna whips with short flexible ones. I checked on Harley flexible ones, but they use a 6mm mounting bolt and my my venture uses a 8mm. Also overpriced at $25. Some of us don't use the cb and never will and very limited radio. I made this inexpensive adaptor,( aluminium round stock and a 8mm and 6mm bolt) and you can use it to mount a universal flexible antenna wich only cost $6 ( my choice) or the HD ones. I like the way the bike looks with shorter antennna. Radio is still works.
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