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Everything posted by Bubbajbi

  1. I had responded to the "rib tickler" ride that I was going to be there. Sadly, due to an issue at work, I will not be able to attend. :bawling:Thats what I get for working for the Government. Anywho, I would like an update about how the ride was and when y'all decide to meet next and if it is not too forward of me (being fairly new to this website) I would like to try to plan a meet and eat for November or later if weather and scheduels don't permit. I am truly sorry that I won't be there but I am sure you will all have a rib for me. See y'all next time. Brent
  2. I am pretty sure that it was the joke that I posted and I am sorry. I knew that it was borderline and probably should not have posted it. I do not want to start controversy so just leave it off. After I went back and read it, it was not as funny as when it was told to me. My apologies, Brent
  3. Thanks, Dan!
  4. I am going to try to get out of Livermore by 10:30. I will ride hard (and safe) to the Denny's that y'all are meeting at. If I don't see any bikes there then I will high-tail it up to Woodland and just meet everyone there. I appreciate you trying to wait but I don't want to hold up the group. Don't wait too long, just ride I will catch you guys somewhere.
  5. Does this make a big difference of keeping the bars from flexing when your feet are on the hwy pegs? I feel like I am going to bend mine when my feet are on the pegs and I hope your mod will stop that.
  6. Alright! The little lady said I can go...I think? The deal is that the following Monday night I have to take her out to dinner and a movie. It is a win-win situation! I have a friend that I might bring but he rides a Kawasaki Nomad. Is it ok if he comes? I don't want to upset my fellow Yamaha brothers. P.S. If it rains I might come in a cage. Call me a sissy if you like but I almost went down on a wet road so I do not attempt riding in those conditions.
  7. I am thinking about buying an RSTD removeable backrest for that exact reason. I need to make it out to a dealership to get a price on one.
  8. Your right! The CB is the only thing under the trunk. It unplugs from the bike under the rear seat. I never use mine so I unplugged it and stuffed all the wires in the box under the trunk, that way I could easily hook it back up if I wanted to use it.
  9. RSTD has no front fairing or radio or CB. By making the trunk removeable I am trying to get the best of both worlds.
  10. I sent you a PM with instructions on how to take the trunk off. Let me tell you that your bike would look AWESOME without a trunk! Especially with that low windsheild. By the way how do you like the windshield? Do you get too much wind in your face? I would like to buy one but I don't want to be dissappointed. Here are some pics of my bike without the trunk so you can get an idea of what yours might look like.
  11. If you are leaving that early, I might have to just meet y'all there and just make the ride home together. I probably could not take off untill around 10:30 and it would be from Livermore. I would just shoot straight up 680.
  12. I used to own a Yamaha wave raider and had troubles with the service department when I took it in for warranty repairs. I doubt if it was the same place since this one was in Southern California but it really makes me leary to take my bike in to a Yamaha dealership for ANY repairs.
  13. I am going to ask the boss (my wife) if I can go. Maybe I will hook up with rich99 and ride up.
  14. I would love to see what you come up with. I am looking at putting a Tour Deluxe removable backrest on my RSV and would also like to have a system for removing the trunk quickly.
  15. How long have you had your motorcycle license? That makes a big difference. Also, I have noticed that it is harder to get replacement parts for an RSV so that may contribute to the higher insurance price.
  16. The windshield was easy! First, decide EXACTLY how much you want to cut off in inches. I am 6'3" and removing 4" was perfect. Use the wide masking tape and tape off the ENTIRE windshield. I didn't and now I have small scratches all over. It is easiest to cut off the bottom of the windshield that way you do not have to worry about getting a perfect cut. I used a piece of cardboard and traced the outline of the bottom of the windshield on the cardboard. Then I cut out the cardboard and laid it on the windshield 4" from the bottom and traced my line. I used a jig-saw and a very fine tooth blade and cut along the line. then I took the piece of windshield that I cut off the bottom and placed it on the new shorter windshield and cleaned up the cut and marked the bolt holes. Sounds hard but it only took about 30 min and believe me it was worth it! I just got back from a 1200 mile trip down the coast and when the salt spray started fogging up the windshield, it really payed off to be able to see over it.
  17. This is the best I can do right now, Eck. I will take some more tomorrow when I get the bike out in the daylight. I do have to say that it really gives the bike a clean look. I would do it if that is what you are looking for.
  18. So here is an update to my last post about the mods I was doing to my bike. The only thing that I didn't do was remove the tank emblems. That will be save for a later date. However, I did get a little carried away. After I rerouted the MP3 cable, removed the CD changer, shortened the windsheild 4" (I recommend this to everybody), and removed the front fairing "eyelashes", I started to wonder how hard it would be to remove the trunk. Turns out it is pretty easy and gives the bike a whole new look. In fact, just this morning I was riding and was passed by a older goldwing who cut me off. At the next stoplight I pulled up next to him and he appollogized. He said he thought I was "one of those a** hole HD riders." He compimented me on my bike and rode off. Not that I am trying to look like an HD but it is nice to get a compliment about your scoot. Anyway, here is a pic. Let me know what y'all think.
  19. Now THAT is funny!!!
  20. Now THAT'S original! Bike looks great. I wish more people would come up with ideas like that.
  21. I was wondering if anybody had one of the shorty windshields and wanted to sell it? I don't mind getting a used one or even one that isn't tinted. I want to try it out without paying the arm-and-a-leg new price. Check the link below to see what I am talking about. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=35590&viewitem=&item=320160146387&_trksid=p3907.m29
  22. I don't mean to offend anyone who has a flame paint job on their bike but isn't anyone doing anything original? It seems like every othe bike out there has flames on it in one way, shape or form. I was just browsing through websites looking for custom paint ideas and almost all the paint jobs I saw, or at least 95% of them had flames. Why are flames so trendy? They look alright but if you are going to pay big $$$ for a custom bike, don't you want to make sure that it really stands out from the rest? I ride with a guy who paid $40k for a Screamin Eagle "custom" HD. I have seen 5 other guys riding the EXACT SAME BIKE in this area alone. Why pay the money for a "cookie cut" bike? And yes his bike too has flamed pinstriping. I guess I just don't get it.
  23. My only concern about having a motorcycle up there would be earthquakes. Other than that, it looks like a great idea. Wish I would have thought of it first.
  24. The spark plugs were easier than I thought as was the oil. Although I had to go buy a new drip pan because the one I had was too tall to get under the bike and my wife wouldn't let me use her cassarole dish.
  25. Thanks for all the input. I finally got all the residue off. I just kept rubbing and rubbing untill my fingers were bleeding and it is finally all gone. I think I am not going to attempt the tank badging...at least not right now. I will post some pics of the bike when I get everything back together. The fairing really looks great with those chrome pieces gone. It really gives the bike a clean look. By the way, Rich, I am doing all these things to the bike so that when we go riding, I don't accidentally throw my leg over your bike and take off.
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